Status: Complete.



“Stupid Damien!” I shouted loudly as I stalked around the guest bedroom.

Brandon sat on the bed. Our beers were left forgotten on the floor and the weed was lying on the side table. Brandon listed silently as I rambled on about my former best friend.

“What the hell is up with that asshole? Fuck, first he pushes me away and acts like I’m piece of shit he rather not have in his life and now he cares that I smoke. Well fuck the fucking fucker, I’m allowed to smoke right?” I looked towards Brandon who nodded.

“Exactly, so why the fuck is he bothering me? Can’t he just leave me alone? I’m tired of that asshole always ruining everything, confusing me, hurting me, I’m tired of it damn it!”

I went to kick the bed. I cried out though as my brain didn’t process the consequences. I ended up hitting my toe, which was now throbbing inside my shoe.

Brandon chuckled and ignored the glare I shot at him. He stood to his feet before walking over to me. I let out a soft squeak as he picked me up bridal style and lied me down on my beck in the bed. Soon the boy took his place between my thighs.

I stared up at him as he leaned down, touching his lips softly against mine.

“Relax,” he says. “Forget about him. He doesn’t matter.”

Part of me wanted to punch Brandon for saying Damien didn’t matter. The other half of me agreed with him.

I sighed though and wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling me down on top of me. I just wanted to feel his body against me. I wanted to feel the warmth, the skin, and the lust.

I laughed as Brandon’s hands attacked my sides suddenly, my ticklish spot. I tried to get out of his grasp but he’d just pull me right back in. His lips attacked my neck and hands gripped my sides. I groaned as his hands went from tickling my sides to roaming into my boxers to fist my cock.

He knew how to get me to “relax.”

“Fuck,” I cursed as his skilled hand flicked my hardened nipple the other stroking my hardening shaft.

Our shirts were removed and thrown carelessly to the ground. I watched, aroused, as Brandon placed the joint between his full lips. He breathed in the smoke before leaning down to kiss me. I moaned as both smoke and tongue pushed past my lips. We kissed like this for a while before pulling away allowing ourselves to exhale the toxic fumes.

I cursed as I came into Brandon’s hand. Brandon chuckled heartily as he placed rough kisses against my neck. As he did that I worked on removing his pants so I could get to that burning erection of his that I planned to have inside me soon.

“Someone’s in a rush,” Brandon whispered against my ear after I had gotten his pants to his ankles. “Be patient.”

I groaned, wanting nothing more to feel Brandon inside me. I liked knowing that someone wasn’t disgusted by me. I liked knowing that someone wanted to touch me. I liked knowing that Brandon didn’t think I was some worthless faggot, that he actually cared and didn’t mind being with me.

Just as Brandon was about to remove my pants there was a knock on the door. Brandon growled, “People are in here! Get lost!”


Both Brandon and I groaned when we heard Damien. What the hell did he want? Can’t I just have some fun without him ruining it? That little…

I sighed before yelling, “Fuck off!”

“I need to talk to you. Get out here.”

“Make me!”

I regret saying that, really I do. I should have just gotten up and peaked out the door, but I didn’t. I had to be stupid, although I can feel the high coming on, so I’m not surprised I was being stupid. Back to the point though, I had to be stupid, because Damien really did “make me.”

He opened the door and I wasn’t surprised to see how disgusted he looked. That didn’t stop him from stomping over to his. I yelped as he grabbed my shoulder and pulled me out from under Brandon.

“I need to talk to him,” Damien said to Brandon who was about to jump up and pound his face in.

“I’ll talk to him,” I sigh before ripping my shoulder from Damien’s grasp. I didn’t want to feel him touching me. I hated knowing that I couldn’t have him. I hated knowing that Damien was no longer my best friend, but the asshole that I wish would just leave me alone, that I would just forget.

Brandon sighed, probably annoyed that he’d have to get rid of his hard on by himself or wait until I get back. I grabbed my jeans and pulled them on before throwing on a shirt. I followed Damien, closing the door behind us, out into the hall.

“What the fuck were you doing?” Damien snapped.

“Wow, you actually sounded like you cared,” I spoke sarcastically. “What the hell do you want?”

Damien took a step towards me and I went to the side to lean on the opposite side of the hall. Damien sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose, he asks, “Why are you smoking pot? What happened to clean cut Logan?”

“What happened to best friends forever?”

I knew I hit something when Damien tensed. He let out an annoyed sigh before asking, “So are you saying it’s my fault your fucking your life up?”

“To be blunt with you, yes you are the reason I am fucking my life up.”

Damien growled, “Why the fuck did you want me to do Logan? You just wanted me to say ‘oh ok I don’t mind that you’re a fucking faggot and you love me lets still be friends’. Dude, I thi-“

I cut him off there with my own thoughts. “Fuck you! That’s not what I fucking wanted jackass. What I wanted was for you to accept me. What I wanted was you to know how I fucking felt. All I wanted was for you to accept me for what I really was, but instead you spit in my fucking face and walked out of my life like I was nothing but a damn toy to you that you could throw out whenever you got bored with it!”

Screw Brandon. I’m getting out of here. He’d understand.

I turned and started walking towards the stairs. I just wanted to get the hell out of here. I wanted to be away from Damien. I just wanted to be alone.

Damien followed after me, shouting at the top of his lungs. “How the hell am I supposed to accept you? I probably would have been fine if you told me you were gay, but you didn’t. You told me you fucking loved me! How can I accept you after that? All those wet dreams, all the times you touched me, I didn’t fucking know what you could have been thinking and damn it, it’s fucking creepy as hell!”

“Creepy! You think that’s creepy?” I screamed, turning to face him. Damien stopped in front of him. Both of us were fuming. “You think that is creepy…no Damien what’s creepy is being in seventh grade and getting feelings for you male best friend. That’s fucking creepy as hell! Creepy as hell is finding out that your dick works up towards other guys! That is fucking creepy as hell so fuck you and your stupid brain or whatever the hell you have. I hate you! Just leave me alone!”

I think it was the anger. I just think it was the heat of the moment. I really don’t think Damien meant to do it. No, he couldn’t have meant to, but he did. Damien’s hands went out and pressed against my chest, pushing me back as he went to yell at me again, but he stopped when he realized what a huge mistake he had made.

My foot slipped and I realized what was behind me. The stairs.

Both our eyes widened in horror, but I only saw his for a mere moment before I felt gravity do its job. My body fell back, my back hitting the stairs first, then my head. I cursed as the pain shot through my limbs as my body began to roll, the steps taking their toll on my body.

Things were spinning around me. The music had stopped and the kids were shouting as I rolled. My curse turned into a scream as I felt my tender scalp make contact with the floor my tumbling finally finishing.

Pain. That was all I could feel. The immense pain coming from the back of my skull, the bruising on my arms, and the broken bones I knew I had. I groaned in pain as the world began to spin again, but this time I wasn’t feeling. I heard rushed footsteps.

I could see Damien looking down at me. His emerald eyes rimmed with tears as he apologized over and over. I watched as he looked at me, fear and sorrow written all over it. That told me what I needed to know. He didn’t mean to push me down the stairs, he didn’t mean for this to happen, but it did.

And without my consent my eyes closed sending me into darkness.
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