Status: Complete.



Three hours!

I have been sitting in this fucking waiting room for three fucking hours waiting to hear a smidge of information from anyone that can tell me anything, he’s in there, my best friend, the person I spent my whole life protecting is now in the emergence room because I pushed him down the stairs!

I pushed Logan down the stairs.

If I wasn’t already crying I would be now, I had been crying since I saw him fall, I rode in the ambulance, I yelled at Brandon and slapped him across the face when he said he should be there, I couldn’t believe he had the nerve. It’s his fault, I wouldn’t have been so angry with Logan if he wasn’t doing drugs with the idiot.

Logan's parents had arrived about an hour after we got here in the ambulance, they were crying just as much as me, although I could see Fredrick trying to hold them in, trying to be strong for his wife.

It was another fifteen minutes of jumping up every time a doctor came passed, I had finally gave up, not even bothering to get up when I heard someone call out, the two words I had been waiting for since I got here;

“Logan Adams?” I jumped; speed walking towards the doctor. The doctor had dark hair and was wearing those gowns there always wearing; he looked tired, like he didn’t want to be here. He waited politely for Donna and Fredrick to make their way over to us.

“Yes, is he going to be all right? He’s fine right? I mean he can go home? He is going to be alright!” The last sentence was mostly for my benefit, I could see the doctors facial emotions plummet, I knew he was the bearer of bad news, and I had a feeling I didn’t want to know.

“No…” was all I could say, I felt faint but knew I had to hold it in, I always thought that I was a good thing to have a good imagination, tonight I'm not too sure, my mind was coming up with things like, ‘smashed skull caused internal bleeding, we couldn’t stop it in time…’, ‘Damage to the back of his skull has forced bone splinters to enter the brain in irregular places, surgery is needed, he may not make it…’ everything I came up with ended with the same result, death.

“Please follow me,” I gapped; he wasn’t going to tell us.

“…ahh…” was my intelligent reply as I followed him through the maze of corridors, tears streaming down my face, Logan's parents close behind me

We stopped outside a door, which he opened with a slight push.

“My office,” he explained when he saw my dumbfounded expression, “I’m sorry to tell you this ma’am, sirs, but the blow your son sustained to the head has caused his brain to go into a series of protection sequences,” he said, he looked towards us like we knew what this meant.

“English doc, is he going to be alright?” I mumbled through my tears, standing in the back corner of the room I'm pretty sure they had forgotten I was there.

“Hopefully, his chances are very high but his body isn’t coping well with the trauma, his body is in a state of comatose, or more commonly he is in a coma,” he paused letting that sink in before continuing, “There may be some side effects but at the moment all we can say is that there is a 92% chance that he will make it through,” he stopped to smile at Donna when she forced a small smile to her face.

“So he’ll be okay?” I asked frantic.

“Yes, hopefully.”

“Damien, what happened?” Donna asked anxious.

“We were fighting, about something stupid, I can’t even remember, I was angry, he was provoking me, I was trying to help him, I pushed him, in the chest, I didn’t mean it, I didn’t realize he was so close, he fell, I started yelling I didn’t mean to push him, you have to believe me!” I said, I was kneeling in front of her now, she has to understand I didn’t mean to push him so hard.

“You hurt my son Damien and I'm not going to lie you hurt him but I your hear now and that’s all that matters, at least it’s you and not that retched boy, ahh, Fredrick what's his name?”
Donna said, looking toward her husband.

“Brendon, Brandon, Brenton? I don’t know dear,” He replied.

“Brandon,” I replied flatly, I knew that filthy rat would be here soon though, as soon as he was sober enough to get past the doctors he would be front and center, to bad this wasn’t his place.

“You know the boy then?” Donna asked.

“Well it’s a little hard when their shoving it in your face every day, I'm disgusted by the way I acted towards Logan, he was”- I paused then corrected myself-“He is my best friend and nothing can change that, not even his or our sexuality,” there I put it out on the table, I had openly –although indirectly- admitted to myself and others that I was gay, and I wasn’t at all phased by it.

“Well,” Was all Donna could say, even Fredrick looked shocked at my acceptance.


And that was it I was out with it. About 20 minutes later we were escorted towards Logan's room, and at about 7 am the next day to no one’s surprise Brandon showed up, I told him he didn’t belong here, he didn’t listen. He listened when I gave him one massive punch to the eye, I’ve heard from Jaiden that his eye swelled up, he can’t see out of it, although I wouldn’t know, I haven’t left Logan's side since he got here, only going home to shower.

But it’s been two weeks now and no change, my best friend is still hooked up two a bunch of life-preserving machines. My best friend is still lying there, unconscious. Two weeks of waiting by his bed hoping he would open his eyes.

Sometimes I stayed up past midnight talking to him, holding his hand, waiting for some sigh that he was hearing what I was saying.

I didn’t think anything would change for a while and I was starting to get worried, the doctor said he shouldn’t be in the coma for more than a month. What happens if he doesn’t wake up?

Logan's parents came every day, sitting with him for about an hour before going home; usually this is when I go home and shower, giving them some time alone with their son.
But it wasn’t until 3 weeks after the accident something changed. I was just starting to wake up when I felt the grip on my hand tighten slightly, I didn’t know if it was Logan of just something my sub-couscous mind had though up so I looked up, something I did regularly and looked towards the boy, his face was peaceful, he looked gorgeous when he was sleeping. It didn’t looked like he had moved, I sighed thinking it was my mind playing tricks on me.

That was until he opened his eyes
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