Status: Complete.



After picking Logan up we continued on to school, talking to the guys before walking to homeroom.

The morning went by fast, having my first few classes with Logan meant lots of excitement, gossip and girl, and they practically orbit around him. I was popular to, but not nearly as popular as him.

“Hey, Damien, I gotta go to history with Henderson, I’ll see you at lunch,” Logan said, appearing again after stopping to talk to one of the guys of the Basketball team.

“Okay,” I said, continuing on towards my social studies room.

I was almost at classes when I saw two guys walking towards me, I knew one of them, Brent Eastford, he was in my Spanish last year, but the other I didn’t know. I took me a second but I found myself zeroing in on their hands; they were intertwined.

They hadn’t noticed me yet they were staring at each other, they looked like they were about to start making out so before they could start I walked up to them, closer than I should have and harshly shoved my shoulder against the one I didn’t know.

“Hey, what was that”- he was cut off by the sharp glare I was sending him.

“Shut it, faggot, no one gives a shit,” I hissed angrily before stomping off to class, muttering about faggots and their lack of intelligence.

“Stupid faggots,” I hissed as I entered the classes, obviously stopping to pick a fight with those dweebs had made me late for class, the teacher glared before sending me to my seat up the back.

I sat there for the good part of the hour wondering who in their right mind goes gay. Who in their right mind thinks of another guy that way? I have to admit I almost kissed a guy while heavily intoxicated, before Logan, being the good friend he is, stopped me.

Logan’s my best friend, always has been, always will be. We’ve been friends since we were like four, we went to playgroup together as kids, and we shared a tree house.

I was shaken out of my thoughts by the siren sounding, it rung in my head for a second before shutting of abruptly, social studies was over but now I had History with Henderson.
History as in any other school is boring, all you do is look like your paying attention and you get through without a hitch, but the catch is acting like you actually are paying attention, it doesn’t really work when your heads on the desk and your facing the window.


I shot out of my seat, landing nicely on the floor. I looked wide-eyed towards the source.

“What was that for?” I hiss towards the teacher smirking at me, Henderson always had it in for me.

“For sleeping in my class,” he said in a voice that clearly added the duh on the end.

“I wasn’t sleeping I just found something more interesting to look at,” I answered back, knowing he wouldn’t do anything about it, we bitched all the time.

“Mr. Walker, I’d much appreciate it if you could refrain from sleeping in my class,” Henderson turned and walked towards the front of the room, carrying a book that I’m sure was what caused the bang.

Henderson was a creepy old man, well technically he wasn’t that old, late forties at the most, he had thinning grey hair, almost whit, he wore a different stripped button down every day, with his usual black dress pant.

I scoffed and sat back down, I wasn’t in the mood to argue with him today, I wanted to sleep but I knew that trying to do that now was a waste of time.

I taped my pencil for the rest of the period, the constant noise kept me awake, it also seemed to piss some people off, and I don’t really care.

Finally the bell rang, sounding louder than before in my still drowsy mind.

Gathering my stuff I shoved all of it into my bag before walking towards my locker, throwing open the door and stuffing the messenger bag inside, not bothering to empty the near-empty object.

I was just about to close the locker when it was closed for me, by someone’s hand.

Not exactly someone, it was the loud boy I call my best friend, Logan.

“So…whatcha doing for lunch, were you sitting? Ya’ hanging out with Jaiden and the Be-Ball team with me?” He asked, looking way to causal as he chewed his nails, looking at me from the corner of his eye.

“Yeah, I guess,” I mumbled as we entered the cafeteria, grabbing a spot in line.

I could swear Logan started talking again but I was seeing red, those stupid fuckin’ faggots were making out in the corner of the room, and no one was doing anything. They deserved to get beaten to a pulp for their idiotic displays of affection.

“Dai, Dai are you listening to me?” Logan asked, waving his hand over my face.

“No,” I said bluntly, looking back in his direction before continuing, “just saw something I didn’t wanna.”

“What?” Logan said looking around, instantly stopping when he spotted Katie Ryan, my ex-girlfriend, walk past, “Yeesh, I agree I wouldn’t want to look at that either, I still don’t understand what you ever saw in her, he hair is obviously dyed blonde, she wears the most sluttish clothes known to mankind and she is the biggest bitch ever.”

Obviously he didn’t see the stupid fags in the corner; I was just about to enlighten him when he started talking about how much he hated Social Studies, I got involved with that conversation, I mean who likes Social Studies?
♠ ♠ ♠
Written by ME!!!
