Status: Complete.



“What did Jaiden want to talk to you about?” I ask Damien curiously as I lie on my stomach on my bed. I kicked my legs in the air as I read one of the textbooks I had. I didn’t even know I knew this story! But now that I read it, it slowly started coming back.

“You,” Damien answers, glancing at me hesitantly before looking back at my TV where he was currently playing video games. “He wanted to know what happened and what was up.”

“Oh,” I answer before shutting the book and tossing it. I rolled off my bed and landed on my hands and knees before crawling over to Damien. He laughed at me as I took a seat next to him. “You look like you finally hit puberty.”

Damien’s eyebrow twitched as he asks, “What?”

I laughed, “The last time I remember you had short brown hair and chubby cheeks! Now you look all…old.”

“Hey!” Damien shouted before crossing his arms over his chest to form a pout. He’s so cute… “You’re the same age as me so you’re old too.”

I rolled my eyes before saying, “I didn’t say you were old. I said you looked old.”

Damien whacked me over the head causing me to go into a fit of laughter. It was kind of strange. Damien was smiling a lot around me, and he kept looking at me strangely. Maybe it was because I was asleep for three weeks and he missed me? Yeah, that has to be it.

I watched as Damien continued playing his game. My eyes scanned over every part of his body, from the muscular arms and legs to the perfect cheekbones, the little fuzz on his chin, the dark hair and the beautiful eyes. I wanted to sigh like an obsessed high school girl, but I resisted.

I don’t want to tell Damien that I love him. He’d probably freak out or something…for some strange reason I really did feel like he’d freak out. It was a really bad feeling that gnawed at my chest, but I ignored it and thought about tomorrow instead and all the plans the guys had for me!


“Damn it Logan! This is not funny!”

I fell on the ground laughing my ass off. I pointed a finger at Damien as my laughter got louder. That look on his face…oh my god it’s so classic!

The guys laughed with me, clutching their stomachs while tears formed in their eyes. I could hardly breathe from how hard I was laughing.

I looked up at Damien who was now trying to cover up his private area. I had decided that sitting around and drinking slushies was boring. So instead of drinking mine I dumped it down Damien’s pants. It took him a good five minutes to get all the ice out since he wears such tight jeans.

Now when you look at him it looks like he pissed himself.

“The look suits you,” laughs Jaiden as he wipes the tears from his eyes. “Nice job Logan.”

After my laughs subside I stand up next to my best friend and give him a huge smile. Damien pouts before grumbling, “I hate you.”

I wrapped my arms around him before shouting, “Like hell you do! I am awesome and you love it. Come on we’ll go get you some new jeans.”

“I can’t move!” Damien shouts as he glances to his jeans, which were soaked.

Rylee giggles, “Just wrap your jacket around it.”

“I’ll look stupid.”

“It’s that or walk without it,” Brent says with a slight shrug of his shoulders.

Damien sends a glare my way before saying; “I’ll get you later.”

I whimpered at the evil glare sent my way from one very embarrassed, flustered, and angry Damien.

Once Damien wrapped his jacket around him we headed to Hot Topic. Damien walked extremely close behind me; probably hoping no one would notice his strange outfit or the stain in the front of his pants. I couldn’t help but laugh and poke fun at him all the way to the store.

Once we got there Damien grabbed a pair of jeans. I paid for half of it since I was the one who ruined his jeans. Then he stomped like a pissed off girl towards the dressing room. Rylee and I giggled at how angry he was over a little spilt slushy.

Brent was walking around the store looking at the shirts while Jaiden messed with the CD’s. Rylee decided to go over to his boyfriend, leaving me alone to wait for Damien.

I whistled as I rocked back and forth on my heels. What was taking him so long? Honestly, he takes longer then a girl! Then again he’s probably all sticky now. I chuckled at the thought.

“What’s so funny now?”

I jumped when I heard Damien’s voice. Spinning on my heels, I look behind me only to find myself blushing like an idiot in front of my best friend who I have a crush on.

I blinked multiple times as I took in Damien’s appearance. He always looked amazing to me, but right now he looked even better, if that was possible. He had changed from his dull jeans into a pair of dark skinny jeans that really suited him. They hugged his hips perfectly and left nothing for the imagination.

Once I realized I was staring I quickly looked away and answered, “Nothing.”

Damien rolls his eyes at me before saying, “Yeah, sure.”

I stick my tongue out at him immaturely, which he returns. Then we stand there sticking our tongues out at each other and making funny faces until Brent comes over and breaks up our little fest so we can leave and go to the movies.

In the movies Damien got me back but dumping his coke on my chest. I whined loudly before removing my shirt quickly so that the pop couldn’t get on my pants. I sighed in relief when I noticed that my pants were clean but my shirt was now sticky and wet.

“You,” I growl pointing an accusing finger at a chuckling Damien. “You ruined my shirt.”

“You ruined my pants,” he countered.

“Well…touché my good man, touché.”

Damien laughed until I grabbed his jacket.

“Hey!” He shouted, but I ignored him as I put my arms in it and zipped it up. It was a little big on me; actually it was pretty big on me. The sleeves were too long so I couldn’t see my hands and it went to about my mid thigh. If I moved the jacket would probably slip down to show a piece of my shoulder.

“What the hell? How big are you?” I ask, shocked. I can’t be that much smaller then him.

“Squirt,” Damien chuckles before ruffling my hair. “Who said you could wear my jacket?”

“I did,” I answer as I cuddle into the warmth. When I did I got a giant whiff of Damien’s scent. I almost moaned out loud, but somehow I contained myself. “Now be quiet, the movie is coming on.”

Damien nods before looking towards the screen.
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