Status: Complete.



“Hello?” I heard Jaiden answer the phone from the other line.

“Hey Jaiden, I was wondering if you could take Logan out today? You could even take him to the park; just keep him out of the house until seven okay?” I told him.

“Yeah, uh, sure but what are you doing?” He prodded, his voice laced with curiosity.

“I'm planning a surprise for Logan,” I replied, giggling slightly.

“Okay, I’ll pick him up at two,” He said, hanging up shortly after my short ‘goodbye’.


After gathering all the supplies I needed I went straight to Logan's house, its 3:30 so I'm hoping the boys were long gone, and it gave me about 3 hours to set up.

I bet you’re all thoroughly confused right?

Well I figured if I gave Logan something that reminded him of me, he would never forget about me. A couple months ago I would never be able to picture myself doing this, not even for a girl.

Hopping out of my car, I know going to the door would be a bad idea; his mum isn’t too fond of me right now. So I carried the two full bags towards the tree we used to use for sneaking out, placing them at the base I ran back to the car and grabbed the rope from under the driver’s seat.

It took a couple tries but I finally got the rope to loop over the branch closest to Logan's bedroom window, I then tired the other end to a bag and hoisted it up to the right height, tying it to the base of the tree I clambered up the tree and into Logan's bedroom, pulling the bag still suspended in mid-air into the small room.

It took some time but eventually I had both bags in the room and locked the door. Time for the fun.

I open both bags and tipped them out; millions of fairy lights fell out, in a big tangled mess. They weren’t on and still they looked beautiful. I loved fairy lights, I had a deep obsession with them, and Logan new this, and since we were little I’d always loved them, I was hoping they kept me on his mind.

Now for the tough part; hanging them up.

I started by untangling them, there was about 6 sets in two big bags, it was difficult, especially since I was trying to make as little noise as possible, but after about an hour, all the lights were in their own piles.

I checked my phone; 4:46pm. Two hours.

I quickly got started, wrapping lights around anything I could get my hands on, the curtains were covered first, followed by the bedside table and next was the closet, I dug through the bag to locate the hooks I brought so I could hang more lights on the walls.

Everything was in place, all the lights were hung, and the bags were back in the car, the last thing I need to do is plug all the lights into the power board and light the room up.
It was beautiful, magnificent, gorgeous, and Logan wasn’t even here yet.

I checked my phone one last time; 6:27pm.

I decided to text Jaiden; let him know I was done. He replied soon after with; ‘k, thnks, b bak in 10’

Let the wait begin. I didn’t know if I should go back out the window and meet him outside or stay in his room, I decided on the latter, that way I could see his face properly when he saw the lights.

I quickly turned the lights off, deciding that I’d let him walk in, and then turn the lights on.
I didn’t even take ten minutes before I heard the boys walking up the stairs, I could hear Jaiden laughing and Logan muttering before joining in as well.

I tensed slightly as the door opened slowly, Logan stepped through first but I could see Jaiden’s curious face popping up from behind him.

It didn’t take too long for Logan to notice me, and when he did he opened his mouth to speak.

“Damien wh”-

And that’s when I turned the lights on.