Status: Complete.



After the Katie incident, I went straight to my room, blasting my music so loud I think China was complaining.

I needed to clear my head, since when did Katie come groveling; maybe her pack of fools found out she’s a man eating whore.

And Logan, he was my best friend, like Jaiden pointed out, we grew up together, at one point when we were kids I'm pretty sure we showered together. Thinking about that made me shiver, what if he was gay then? Eww. I still remember all the time he barged into my room at 4 in the morning claiming a nightmare had made him incapable to sleep on his own, What if he was gay then? I hugged him when he was down, I let him ruin my favorite shirt; staining it with tears when he was upset.

I was upset that I couldn’t call him a friend anymore; but furious at the same time, he’s gay.

I mean, Logan, Logan can’t be gay, what about all those girls lining up to date him? I always wondered why he turned all of them down.
Sighing for what felt like the millionth time tonight I turned off my lamp, deciding homework was a lost cause; my brains to scattered to focus on something so trivial.


The morning came quickly, I'm surprised at how quickly really, one minute it was 11pm and I was thinking about Logan, next thing I heard was my alarm clock blasting an old CD.

It took me literally 10 minutes to get ready for school this morning; I took a quick 2 minute shower before pulling on some skinny jeans with a band tee over the top.

I was down in the kitchen before even my mother. And as it was I had already made breakfast and was halfway through eating it when I heard my mother’s footsteps on the stairs.

“Damien, what are you doing up so early? Normally I have to beat the door down to get you out
of bed,” she sighed, ruffling my hair as I shrugged.

“Guess I got some sleep last night,” Lie.

“Okay,” she smiled, making me smile, “Are you picking Logan up this morning because I have a few shirts of his that came out of the wash yesterday that I need you to give him,” she asked, looking at me for an answer, as It was I was sitting stalk straight at the mention of myex-best friend.

What would she think if I told her the truth? What would she say if she knew I practically dis-owned my best friend merely because he was gay? What am I talking about, that HUGE, I mean, he’s gay.

“Ahh, no, no I'm not,” I decided to leave it at that, trying to steer clear of the subject.

“Why not? You’ve picked Logan up every day for almost a year, since you got your license, did you two have a fight?” She asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Kinda,” I admitted.

“What was it about? Was it something serious? Or was it stupid?” she kept a constant stream of question until I cut her off mid sentence.

“He’s gay,” I said suddenly, I couldn’t handle her talking about him like we were best-fucking-friends, ‘cause we aren’t, not anymore.

“Gay? Really? Wow, that’s something I didn’t see coming,” she admitted confused slightly, probably about why I wasn’t picking him up still, I mean she probably still thinks were friends. At that moment my mum sounded like any other teenager, she sounded curious.

“Yeah,” I said, thinking about something else to talk about, I had about ten seconds until she asked me why I wasn’t picking him up still, and I couldn’t handle telling her.


Damn it! There goes my 10 seconds.

“So I don’t understand, why aren’t you picking him up?” I sensed my mother knew what I was about to say, the disapproving look on her face proved my assumption as well as anything.

“’Cause he’s a faggot,” Now that surprised her, it took her all of two seconds to recover before I felt the sharp rap of her nails against my cheek.

“And how long has he been gay? I'm sure he didn’t decide over night, has he changed at all since he was ‘straight’?” She asked angrily, I knew she regretted slapping me because she was rubbing my cheek now.

I thought about the question for a second, it was like Jaiden’s lecture all over again.

“Well, I guess not but mum, he has a crush on me, he likes me, how am I supposed to deal with that, having a fag like me, it’s disgusting,” I didn’t realize until then that my words were true, if Logan was gay, plain and simple I could get over it, it was the crush that made me hate him, what else was a supposed to do?

I saw my mother’s hand go up at the mention of Logan being a fag.

I'm pretty sure she doesn’t like the word. Understatement.

“Aww, well that’s got to be expected, Dai, you two were always so close, since you were tiny, but what happened when you need him back? When you need someone to lean on? Who your best friend now?” Yep definitely another Jaiden worthy lecture.

“Mum, I already got all this from Jaiden, I’m…between best friends right now,” I muttered, realizing at that moment how alone I felt, normally if I was up this early I would be at Logan’s place; playing video games before school starts, Call of Duty 3; our game. The one I bought Logan for his birthday last year.

“Well, you better get to school, it’s time to leave, if you don’t your gonna be late,” she said, she sounded sad, well what do you expect her son just admitted to not having his best friend anymore, I mean if even if it wasn’t my fault.Lie.

“Oh and mum, while you’re already mad at me,” Why not lay it all down? “Logan kinda got pissed yesterday when he saw me glaring at him, he swung first, I swear!”

“You got into a fist-fight with Logan?!” She sounded disbelieving and angry at the same time.

“He started it!” I yelled trying to justify myself, “Anyhoo! Bye!” I quickly kissed her cheek and ran out the door before she could reply, I’d get grounded tonight.


My first couple of classes passed by without incident, nothing to major, a fight broke out in the Gym during 2nd but that was the most interesting piece of news I had, and I didn’t even know the guys, or why they were fighting. It was worse than the fight between me and Logan a few broken ribs for the guy on the receiving end.

So when I was walking to the cafeteria with Alex after class that was the only thing to talk about, the school day was boring without my loud friend. Gotta get over him, he’s just a faggot.

“Apparently, Greg, the one with the broken ribs, didn’t pay Brandon, the one giving the dishing, his full payment…” I caught the end of Alex explaining what the fight was about.

“Sorry I missed the beginning, what did Greg buy off Brandon,” I had no idea why I was so interested.

“Weed,” he stated simply, “Greg brought weed off Brandon but didn’t give him the right amount, so when Brandon asked for the rest Greg said he gave him all he deserved, and that’s why there in the principal’s office, you’re lucky Jaiden pulled Logan off you yesterday, if not you’d probably have detention for like ever.

“Okay,” I didn’t really care anymore, it just some stupid drugs deal, and who does that shit?
After getting a soda at the canteen I went to the library, after neglecting homework last night I was now behind in Science, and being that I have Science last I kinda need it done.


“So class,” Mr. McLaren our science teacher started, I was sitting next to Jaiden again, at the back, Rylee and Logan sitting close together, writing note on scrap paper, “Were starting a new project today, it’s a pairs project.”

This made everyone in the class start talking until…

“I’ll be choosing the pairs,” the teacher stated, causing a chorus of groans to erupt throughout the class, “Don’t worry, I’ll be choosing someone in your comfort zone, I want this to go well,” he stated dryly.

“Sweet,” Jessie, a blonde haired girl from my social studies said quietly, twisting her hair around her finger.

“Okay well I'm going to start reading out partners, could you move to sit next to your partners straight away,” sir continued.

“Keegan and Lenny,” First,

“Jacinta and Georgia,” Second,

“Kyle and Frankie,” Third,

“Hailey and Deanna,” Fourth,

He kept calling out names, it took about two minutes to get to anyone I recognized.

“Rylee and Jaiden,” Huh?

It seems all four of us, Jaiden Rylee Logan and I, had the same reaction, It seems Logan wanted Rylee.

But reluctantly Rylee stood up and made his way to the back of the class, were he stood awkwardly, tossing up between asking me for the seat or waiting for me to move.

“Damien, just get up, your names gonna be called in a second,” Jaiden said.

“Fine…” I said, standing up slowly, making sure I bumped into his shoulder, which got me a very colorful insult from Jaiden. I smirked.

Standing in the back, leaning against the wall I waited for the teacher to cal my name out. I didn’t expect what I heard.

“Damien and… Logan,” Oh Hell No!!!
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