Status: Complete.



Hell no.

It was as if the air conditioner was turned on high. It was as if we were all thrown into a giant freezer. The room just froze, all eyes turned, and they were focused on us. Damien and I, who were currently glaring death at each other.

“Um…I don’t think that’s such a good idea,” said Rylee, hesitantly.

“Well that’s how it is,” Mr. McLaren spoke before the sounding of the bell ordered us all to leave.

Damien and I growled as we stood outside the classroom. Neither of us was really sure what to say or do for that matter. This was just a project. All we had to do was hurry up and finish it then we won’t have to see each other. Damien can continue hating me and life can go on.

“It’s just a project,” I said, sighing, trying to calm myself down.

“I know that,” Damien spat, obviously just as angry and confused about what to do as I was.

“We can just hurry up, finish this, and you can go back to hating my guts.”

Damien tensed for a moment, but I didn’t listen to what he had to say next, because I was already turning and walking away with the guys. I didn’t want to talk with him. We weren’t starting the project until tomorrow, so I will stay away from him as much as possible until then because…that’s what he wants right?

“I’m really sorry,” Rylee says while placing a hand on my shoulder. “It’s just a project though. I’m sure you two will do fine.”

“Yeah,” Jaiden nods in agreement. “Maybe this is what you two need!”

I scoff, “Yeah right. He’ll probably just call me a fag the whole time.”

The two of them shrugged, because they both knew that it was true. Hopefully he won’t kill me though. With my luck I’ll probably do something to upset him or say something then he’ll jump on me and try stabbing me with a pencil or something. Then I’ll die of lead poisoning, I don’t know, but I have a feeling he’ll do something if I aggravate him.


“Mom!” I call into my home. “I have a problem.”

“Yeah, sweetie?” My mother turned to look at me. She smiled when I walked into the kitchen and threw my backpack on the table. “What is it?”

“Um…Damien and I were paired up for a science project,” I answer with a depressed sigh. “I don’t know what to do. I mean he hates me mom.”

“Aw sweetie,” she whispers before walking over to me. She rests her hands on my shoulders before wrapping her arms around my neck and hugging me from behind. I sigh and lean back as he rocks me back and forth like she always does when I have a problem.

“I don’t know what to do around him anymore…I mean he hates my guts! Then a teacher wants us to do some damn, worthless project! This is bullshit, complete bullshit! I swear someone up there hates me!”

My mother sighs from behind me. She runs her fingers through my hair before speaking, “I know this seems like too much to handle, but maybe this is what will fix your relationship. You know you two will have to talk.”

“I doubt it,” I whine before pushing myself up and out of my chair. “I’ll be upstairs if you need me.”

“All right sweetie. If you need anything just call me.”

“I will,” I say before walking up the steps and towards my bedroom. I passed out on my bed in seconds.


I woke up the next morning, dreading the day already. To think that in science I will have to work with Damien. This may be the worst day, besides for the day I told Damien, of my entire life.

“Mom!” I yell. “Do I have to go to school?”

“Yes! Oh and your friends are here!”

I groan before rolling out of bed and crawling like a legless army guy across my floor.


“Oh hey Brent,” I laugh before pushing myself to sit up. Brent stared at me like I was stupid, which I don’t blame him. “I was going to get clothes on.”

“Right,” Brent laughs. “Sorry, I just thought you’d be up and ready by now.”

“Nah,” I sigh while slipping on some jeans and a t-shirt. “I’m a bum.”

“We can see that,” laughs Rylee who I swear magically appeared behind his boyfriend.

Once I finished eating and getting ready I hopped into Brent’s car. Ashley and Jaiden were already in the back so when I hopped in I ended up halfway on Ashley’s lap.

“Why hello,” I greet the girl with a smile.

She giggles, “Good morning, Logan.”

“You know…if you were anyone else I would have killed you by now,” Jaiden spoke from the other side of his girlfriend.

I laugh and moved so that I was no longer sitting on Ashley.

“You know, you being gay is pretty cool,” Jaiden says while leaning over towards me. “That means I can get all the girls.”

I laugh, “Yeah right, they’re all still in denial about me, and until they realize my complete and total gayness they will never give up.”

“True,” says Ashley causing Jaiden to pout.


“All right class I’d like you to pair up with your partners,” shouted Mr. McLaren.

I sighed before pushing up out of my seat and walking over next to Damien. Jaiden moved, allowing me to take the seat beside him. Then there was silence…

The tension between us probably could have been cut through with a knife. I could sense that we both felt very awkward, and we had every right to be.

“Lets just get this over with,” I blurted out before opening my science book.

“The sooner the better,” Damien grumbled from beside me.

And the rest of the class was filled with nothing but awkward, tense, and factual conversation. The two of us tried our best not to talk, but still get through the project. It was difficult, but somehow we managed without throwing a single insult or fist at each other, which I think we deserve a metal for.

Sadly, this was the only time we were allowed to work in class. After this day we’ll have to start going over each other’s houses. I could only imagine how much worse it’d be there…
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