I'm Going to Kill You, Darling

I'm going to kill you, darling. (two.)

Her things were collected and paid for by other Death Eaters, delivered to her room the week before she was due to leave her place of residence (for she refused to call the castle a home) for sixteen years and study magic at Hogwarts.
What exactly was the point? It frustrated her to no end. Not simply because she was going to leave, no, that was no problem. Perhaps a change of scenery would be pleasant; it was the lack of knowledge that disturbed her.
The night before she was to leave, it seemed that a Charm had been placed on everyone living in or visiting the castle, even the prisoners, for desperate, pleading prayers and frantic, pathetic plans to escape no longer filled her mind and disrupted her dreams. There had often been a night where she had gotten out of bed, extracted the necessary information and then killed the prisoner within the time frame of half an hour, just to get some sleep.
There were no frenzied praying tonight, no plans. Just cold, unnatural, still silence. She couldn’t see any dreams, hear no thoughts. It aggravated her, she was not used to such peace. She did not sleep soundly that night, for she found sleep would not come with stillness. She thrived on the life, noise, panic of a place, and found none there.
She was out of bed before the dawn on the morning of her final day, packed with room to spare. A quick last glance around the room assured her that she had forgotten anything, and levitated her trunk down the winding cold marble steps.
Three Death Eaters she knew by name to be Howles, a short, fat balding man with putrid breath, Dunnel, a tall, skinny woman, and a young Death Eater Rawling.
She led the way and then let Dunnel Apparate her to Kings Cross Station. As soon as they got there, the Charm which she realised was placed upon her, not everyone else, was lifted, and a burst of thoughts and sounds entered her mind, and she felt relieved. Yanking her arm away sharply, she snarled at Dunnel, who recoiled. With a wave of her wand, her trunk flew behind her as she led the way through the brick wall, standing in front of a few first years who were idiotic enough to protest. She spun around and flashed her eyes a bright red. The young wizards screamed and ran backwards, making her smirk. She stepped through the barrier and allowed her trunk to fall on the floor.
The bang alarmed a young girl next to her, who moved quickly. She abandoned her trunk, confident the Jinxes she placed upon it would protect it against thieves, and began to stroll down the platform.
Who’s she?
Oh, God, he’s here again...
I wonder if she’d go out with me?
I didn’t read that Divination book!
Where’s Harry and Hermione?
Oh, how she had missed the chaos in her mind. A small smile crept on her face, and she swept the soft, wavy plum-coloured hair away from her pale blue eyes. She was taller today, too, and tanned. She loved changed her body, it amused her.
Who’s trunk is that - is it open?
Wonder who’s that is. No padlock...
She glanced back to see a couple of flaming red haired male twins standing near her trunk, casting glances at it. Smiling, she watched as one of them pretended to drop a quill. His hand went further than the quill he had tossed to the floor and grabbed her trunk. She burst out laughing and the boy shrieked in shock and pain, holding his burnt hand. They looked at her and she gave them a stern look. The other twin grabbed the quill and they walked away, holding a wand and muttering over the injured hand.
The scarlet train pulled into the station and she bewitched her trunk to fly on, and as she graced past the bustling crowd, she settled into an empty compartment. Taking out her copy of Magick Moste Evile, she relaxed onto the seat and listened.
She wasn’t reading the book, but she knew it would look strange if she sat there, focusing on what appeared to be nothing to anyone who couldn’t enter minds. So she looked like she was deeply absorbed in the book.
“Anyone sitting here?” A boy with white blonde hair and piercing grey eyes asked, bored. Two larger boys, giving the impression of bodyguards, stood behind him, making her laugh. She had the thought that she had seen him before (so had he) but she ignored it.
“No,” she replied simply, analyzing him, and as he stepped forward to take a seat, she held up a hand.
“It wasn’t an invitation,” she told him, and he smirked. He sat opposite her and eyed her, almost silently daring her to say something.
She smiled sweetly and listened solely to his thoughts.
Nice body. Even in his mind he was crude and demeaning.
“Thank you,” she smiled, glancing up from her book.
He frowned, and she went back to her book, flicking the page so he wouldn’t get suspicious.
How did she know?
She glanced up at him, winked, and then turned a page.
The two larger boys (who had been thinking about food) had long gone away, and it was just her and the blonde haired boy now.
What’s her name? I’m so sure I’ve seen her before...her name...why can’t I remember? I know her, I’m sure...
“Mallory.” She said, not looking up from the book.
“Mallory.” She repeated. “Emmeline Mallory.”
“Uh, right...I’m....”
Your name, idiot! Don’t freeze up! Get it together!
“Draco Malfoy,” he grinned.
“Lucius and Narcissa?” Emmeline asked, raising an eyebrow, looking up at him.
“Yeah, and?”
“Nothing. That’s how you know me.”
She’s good.
“You know my parents?”