I'm Going to Kill You, Darling

I'm going to kill you, darling. (three.)

“You know my parents?”
“I lived with you for a while. We were about...ooh...seven? Eight?” She shrugged, returning on his thoughts and the book.
Flashes of a young blonde haired girl ran through Draco’s head, and Emmeline watched as her younger self duelled with false wands on a garden, swam in a pool, took a broomstick for a joy ride...
“Emmy?” He whispered, leaning forwards.
Is it her? She’s changed so much, she doesn’t look the same...different colour eyes, but the same lips. Same gorgeous red lips...
“Yes. It’s me. I’m a Metamorphagus,” she told him, and turned the page again.
Draco frowned at her accuracy, but spoke all the same.
“I thought you looked different. Different eyes,” he nodded, as if he had figured some great mystery out.
She glanced at him, her eyes flickering between the pale blue she had changed them to and their natural near black.
Draco took a sharp breath, and said, softly, “it is you, Emmy...”
Emmeline merely nodded, bored with the conversation, flipping the page she had read in a second over.
Draco leaned back in his seat, gazing at her, shaking his head slightly, as if he couldn’t believe what he was seeing.
“So, after you left us, where did you go? Where were you before? Why? Where are all your family? Where have you been?” The burning questions had finally been asked, and Draco squeezed his hands together, unsure whether he wanted the answers. Emmeline sighed, shut the book she wasn’t reading and looked at him.
“Please,” he interjected before she could speak, “can I see your eyes?”
She thought about it.
They’re so beautiful.
She obliged. He gasped, and she quickly reverted to pale blue before answering him.
“After I left you, I went to live at the de Armis castle,” she paused, watching Draco, but she knew by his thoughts he knew it. “And that’s where I’ve been for the past nine years. Before that, I was living with my parents. Before they died. The rest of my family are in hiding – I don’t know where they are, haven’t spoken to them in years. Probably dead.”
She looked out of the window, and Draco was disappointed, he loved just...looking at her.
You were raised by Death Eaters.
“Yes. I suppose I was...” Emmeline said, thoughtful.
“How did you...”
“Have you not worked out I can enter your mind?” Emmeline retorted, suddenly irritated by his idiocy.
I best keep my dirty thoughts for when you’re not around!
He thought deliberately, a sneer in his voice, and Emmeline smirked.
“At any time. Anywhere you are.” She lied, but she was so experience now it sounded more honest than the truth.
Draco recoiled slightly.
They sat in what was a comfortable silence for Emmeline and an uncomfortable one for Draco until a rap on the door made Draco jump.
Emmeline tutted at Draco and slid the door open.