Status: On--going (weekly(>


Electric-DArk chapter 1: DArk

Anwar rose high enough to see an airplane pass him ---the people’s expressions he would have laughed at if he was not still holding his throbbing heart, holding it so it would not leave him. God, don’t let me die he thought. It was a hard process, thinking, being that he was now one hundred and fifty feet in the air, still breathing, still alive, and his heart about to burst for he was rising no more. He could feel the sense of gravity taking him, stopping in the air and in one quick un-delightful maneuver he was now falling.

Perhaps Anwar’s, probably every ones’, most terrible feeling is the feeling of falling.

His insides pushed against his wall interior, his eyes fighting to find reality in the situation but later on about fifty feet down closed, making all the other limbs’ feeling grow more apparent as they wiggled flexibly; slapping at the air trying to find some way to grab on to it, grab on to something.
He fell so fast. There was no enjoyment in the life to death situation, just his terrified look. Even his cleanly shaved hair was somehow, just a little, was blowing under gravity, under air, and over the world.

How ever much his headache would pulse trying to think of a way to get out of this; how to survive, how ever much it hurt to move, he did.

Release it! Release that pain you have in you; again that voice, the voice he thought was a landing spot, a bed, a way to survive! He did.
Anwar almost immediately spread his arms wide following with his legs spread as far as they could stretch. Then he yelled.

He could feel the energy release from him, he could feel himself healing from the burn, the heartache, the eyes return ever stronger, and the fright that set it self inside him. It was odd to him; the sudden cures, and the light, the electricity, emanating from his body. How it reached down upon the valley below and put his fall to a slow descend.
Why did he feel one with the light, like it was his to control. How did he control this power? A power, he thought, that would get him revenge from the bruises last year and the new ones today at Coral. But he no longer cared; he was going to live!

Around twenty feet to the ground the energy he controlled shut off; the sudden rush of power was no more. And that was not the only thing so did the energy in the city.
It was pitch black, darker than black! He never thought he would experience this darkness, outside; with out the street lights, he never thought he would have his eyes open yet have them closed.
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Next chapter is the last of Chapter one, then on to chapter 2