Status: New Story! Please give a bit of time for updates, as we must check with one another for each chapter. (P.S. We're so sorry that we haven't posted in FOREVER! There's a lot going on for both of us, I hope you guys understand. We love you all!)

Love to Hate

Mai and Tyra are your average teenage girls...minus the whole "I LOVE THE JONAS BROTHERS!!!" deal. As a matter of fact, they can't stand them and would rather be buried alive than ever be their friend. They've lived across the street from the boys for years, to make things even better, and have watched them turn from sweet little Jersey Boys to jerkish Superstars.

They've finally had enough and are ready to yell their hearts out at them. They'll play pranks, tell lies, scold, smack; you name it, they'll do it. But what happens when they somehow find it in themselves to actually like..or even, love the brothers? Is this even possible??

DISCLAIMER: We do not own the Jonas Brothers, their songs, their family, or any other famous person, song, or material in this story. We do, however, own the plotline, the fictional characters, and everything else. So please, don't be lame, steal our idea, and try to make your own version.