Status: ACTIVE!!!

The Ride of a Lifetime

Ellen's Crash

Kayla's POV

Ellen Degeneres.My favorite Tv Show Host.I was going to be on
her show today and I couldn't be more excited I was doing
some demos outside the lot today before I actually sat down
with my interview since I haven't had time whatsoever to
do any interviews there making this one extra long like
we're talking the whole hour.YAY!!...(note sarcasm),I
was in my dressing room getting ready to do my demo
getting my gear on when my belt on pad broke.

"Dammit." I said.I took it off and threw it on the floor.

"Hey hun,what happened." The voice I instantly knew as my dad.

"My stupid buckle broke on my pad again it's like the
5th time it's done that." Isaid he picked it up and
grabbed it he put it over my head and meddled with
it for a little while.

"Well maybe if you would stop trying to throw
doubles then it wouldn't break." He said.

"Ok like that's going to happen." I huffed.

"Kayla,don't let the media trick you into doing a double
back flip,it will come to you don't rush it."

"You did." He looked at me sternly.


"It's okay...there it's fixed." He said.I heard a knock
on the door I turned and looked and saw Ellen herself
standing there.

"Hey." She said as she walked in.

"So the producers said since this is a hour long,
I have to ask more personal questions to get answers
out...I hope that's okay." She said looking at me uneasy.

"Okay..well while your out doing your demo we'll have
live entertainment be playing as well." She said I nodded
my head.

"That's fine..thanks." I said she gave me a hug and walked out.

"Let's go." Dad said.

"You are so lucky you don't have to do anything it's so hot out
there and this gear is going to kill me." I said he just laughed.

20 minutes later I was sitting on my bike #159 dad wouldn't
let me have the same number as him but he said I could
have it when he officially retired.I sat on my bike
and put my helmet on as I sat outside with over 300
people watching me do my demos and whoever was there
to sing.I looked over by my dad and saw him standing
there outside the ropes with Ellen and emergency
staff for just in case.She nodded her head
and I started my bike.

I did a few warm ups before actually going into the big
things, I turned the corner to go back up the jump
I pushed the throttle and leaned back as I went for
a back-flip when I heard the speakers blare music.

"IM HOT,YOUR COLD." I heard a Jonas voice I
looked over upside down which I probably
shouldn't have done because when I was right side
up I lost control of the bike as it landed sideways and
I flew off the bike and rolled until I stopped.

I heard the music stop and Ellen scream over
to the guys to keep going so they wouldn't
get worried.I heard the emergency staff run
over by my side...

30 seconds....

"Kayla..can you hear me." One of the guys I knew was Ben,
he slipped off my helmet.

20 seconds....

"Is it your shoulder." I heard Tim ask as he opened his box.

10 seconds....

I grabbed my shoulder in pain and lifted my head a tad.

"Kayla your gonna have to tell us what's wrong."

0 seconds.

"Kayla.!" I heard the one voice I needed.

"What is it honey,is it your shoulder?" He asked as he
set me up carefully.I nodded my head.

"Okay guys make sure camera's arn't on us we're gonna
have to pop it back in again." He said.He took up my pad
and threw it off.Once it was all cleared he grabbed my shoulder.

"Ben give her the cloth." Dad said.I closed my eyes
as the cloth was stuck in my mouth.

"Ready...One...Two...Three." He pushed my shoulder as
it shut into place.He gave it a few minutes until he talked
to me again.

"­Wow ..I think that's the first time you ever let a guy
ruin your concentration." My dad laughed as I heard
the other guys muffle laughs.

"Not funny." I said as I glared at them."And he didn't ruin
my concentration he jumped me." I said.

"Sure he did." My dad said.

"Shut up." I said as I continued walking into
the studio.

"What about my bike." I asked.

"Sam's got it." Ben said.We walked
through the door where Ellen was sitting.

"Omg my gosh..Im so sorry I should have told them to
play before you start not when your upside down."

"It's fine." I said.I wasn't really into the conversation
because I was looking for a group of Jonas's.Wait what?
since when am I interested in any Jonas's?

"Okay well we got 10 minutes until we got to get
to the studio and start the interview." She said.Dad and I nodded
our heads and I walked into my dressing room and put some ice
on my shoulder for a few minutes.I grabbed my phone and
went onto twitter ( yes I am addicted to twitter.)

Kaylerrrr: Just did a major wipe out on Ellen..Anyone got a icepack?

I put it away once I heard I was being called out.I gave my dad
my ice pack and threw my hair in a ponytail and walked out of the room.

"Please welcome Kayla Pastrana." Ellen said.I walked out and waved to the
audience and sat down on the couch as I saw my father in the front
row watching.

"Hey so nasty fall right?" She said.

"I know It hurt like hell." I said.

"I bet it did,did you get hurt?"

"Just dislocated my shoulder they had to pop
it back in." I said and she laughed.

"Oh..I just dislocated my shoulder no biggie." She said mimicking me.

"Well it really isn't..I have dislocated it so many times." I said and I
saw her wince a little bit.

"I've gotten hurt so many times I practically
got my own parking spot at hospitals across the country." I said and
she laughed.

"Now this is real interesting..I heard when you were laying
there with the emergency crew,I was going to run over
to you but your dad said I had to wait 30 seconds..what's up with
that." she asked.

"Okay..well when I compete there's always a list it contain
any three people usually it's Dad,Jolene and whoever
and if you totally wipe out the people on that list is allowed
to come over to tend to you but they have to wait 30 seconds
before they can come over to tend to you so the emergency
crew can come over and see what's wrong and if it's something
bad like BAD,BAD they will call over the most important
person." I said.She nodded her head.

"That's do you know where the people are."

"The 3 people stand by me and my bike like usually when
they do close up shots while I'm awaiting scores or something
or the finish line if it's a race." I said.

"Huh..Yea but they usually have to stand behind a rope or
something." I said.She nodded her head.

"Now you have become a big sensation in motocross I mean
you the only female they let race in motocross WITH the guys
I mean no other female let's them race with did you
do it?" She asked. I laughed.

"I actually have no idea I was racing once and I might
have accidentally hit someone and bumped them out,but
I have no idea they just came up to me and said they wanted
me racing with guys." I said.

"Accidentally bumped them ..huh." She laughed and so didn't
the audience.

''Your also the second woman to ever do a backflip on a bike
I..mean that's incredible and your dad was the first one to
do the double.." She said."Any chance your going to pull one out.?"

"Everyone wants to know that,I don't know why I mean there are
so many other bikers out there attempting it and they don't ask them."

"Well it's in your genes your dad did it his first try." She said and I nodded
my head.

"Yea I know pretty amazing right." I said trying to avoid the question.

"Yea...." She dragged on and I just sat there smiling.

"So you don't have a mom." Wow..Ellen way to be blunt.

"Uhh..well I did but she left when I was born handing me over
to my dad,but we were talking about this the other day and I
just...I'm glad she didn't stay because she probably either wouldn't
of let me do what I do or couldn't handle it and what I do know
it's what I love and she...can't or she just..I'm just glad that she left
because I have my dad and he's amazing and he supports me." I said and
I heard everyone clapping.

"That's good..that's really good that you've moved on from that." She said.

"I's taken me a while especially when I was a teenager." I said.

"Okay we're gonna take a break but when we come back the Jonas
Brothers will be sitting with us." She said and the cameraman told us
that they were at commercial.

"Sorry to be so blunt like that with your mom,I have to dig into
these kind of things or else I loose my job." She said and I laughed.

"It's okay I've gotten worse." Isaid.She smiled and I saw her wave and look
over my shoulder.

"Guys come and sit." She said.I turned around and saw the Jonas Brothers
walking over.

This should be great
♠ ♠ ♠
I love Nick Jonas and the Administration and I loved his performance on the Grammy nomination show...LOVED IT..what did you think?
Please comment PLEASE