Status: This is going nowhere. I've stopped writing. Sorry >.<

Working On A Title

School's Cool? I'll Get Back To You On That

Monday morning I went to school with Sienna. On the way she started to tell me about some of her friends, Logan, Andrea and Jason. She began to describe them to me.

“So there’s Logan,” Sienna had started. “He’s about six-foot-one has black curly hair and the most amazing emerald green eyes. He’s totally gorgeous, but he pretends he doesn’t know, of course.”

From the way Sienna was talking, I thought that she had a crush on Logan. Sienna caught me looking at her out of the corner of her eye, with a huge smirk on my face.

“What, you think Logan and I are a couple?? Hah! No way are we dating. We know each other since we’re barely out of diapers,” Sienna said cringing at the thought.

My smirking expression turned to confusion.

“Huh? How? I thought you lived in Boston up until a couple of months ago.”

Sienna grins. “I lived in Boston, yeah, but I went on vacation here. I know, not much of a vacation, but the reason why I moved here was to be closer to my family. They live a couple of streets away, next door to Logan.” Sienna explains. “I got to see him every summer growing up so we became pretty close. Then when I moved here I went to the same school. My parents wanted me to go where I knew someone, so I went to Eric Major.”

Sienna had just finished her explanation when we pull into the school parking lot. It looked pretty much the same as my old school on the outside but much more crowded, like there was a population explosion right in this high school. We parked her Ford Ranger in ‘the usual spot’ and were just getting our bags out of the bed of the truck when Si spotted two figures walking towards us hand in hand.

“That’ll be Andy and Jas.” Sienna stated “they’re an item, in case you didn’t guess from the hand holding and the loving looks in their eyes!” Sienna added with a grin, just as the pair approached us.

“Hey Si,” Andrea said as she reluctantly let go of Jason’s hand to pull Sienna into a hug.

Andrea was a slender, five-foot-six, Asian-American with huge brown eyes and long black hair that was currently hanging over her left shoulder as she played with the ends of it and talked to Sienna. Jason, on the other hand was built and at least six-foot-four and had fair blonde hair that matched his blue eyes that were so pale they were practically white.

Sienna introduced me to both Andrea (whom I’m to call Andy) and Jason who is apparently known to everyone as ‘Jas’. We all then mooched up to the crowded front office so I could get my official time table and some sort of form for all of my teachers to sign, probably making sure I turned up to class, that I had to return at the end of the day. Boy, was it going to be a long day.

* * *

It was lunchtime before I saw the famed Logan, and just like Sienna said, he was gorgeous! Once again Sienna introduced me but for once, I wished I could have done it myself just so that it would have been to talk to him, not Sienna. Even so, he gave me a friendly smile and said “Hey Kristen, I’m Logan. Welcome to Eric Major.”

I feel the butterflies still, thinking about that smile, his movie star smile. It was a classic cheesy moment from a movie. Love at first sight. But somehow it felt stronger than the ‘love’ of those ironic characters.

I felt my chest tighten as I stood there. I think he was expecting a reply but all I could do was stand there dumbly.

“T-thanks” I managed to stutter through my sharp, quickened breaths. God, why do I have to make a fool of myself in front of the hottest guy in my year?! I thought to myself. Obviously I had muttered something out loud because I looked up to Sienna’s sniggering. How much of a loser was I?

Of course Logan had ignored the whole whispering to myself out loud thing and had gone back to eating his lunch and throwing French fries at Jas.

“They are so lame sometimes,” Andy whispered, purposely loud enough for Jas and Logan to hear her.

“HEY!” they replied in unison. “We heard that ya know,” said Jas to Andy in what was supposed to be an angry voice but you could hear the love seeping through. Oh my gawd just when I thought I had gotten away from all the love crap from Sophia and Dad I get this! I thought to myself, but as if she could read my thoughts, Andy nudged me and stifled a laugh.

I gave her a strange look. It was like she had seen into my head. Andy gave me a sideways glance.

“What? The expression on your face wasn’t very hard to read,” she spluttered. This sounded weird coming out of her mouth. Ever since I had met her, yes I know it was only earlier that same day but she seemed so effortlessly cool that it caught me by surprise. I gave her a confused look I was just about to speak when Sienna, who had been silently watching us, cut in.

“Andrea, can I talk to you in private for a second?” Sienna told her more than asked her.

“Uh, sure–” Andy had started to reply but before she could even finish her sentence Sienna had dragged Andy out of her seat and across to a quiet part of the cafeteria that was across the room, just about as far away as physically possible while staying in the same room. Everyone else, besides me, didn’t seem to notice this. All the cliques were caught up in gossiping, discussing Friday night’s calculus homework or making a list of pro’s and con’s on the new rules for the wrestling squad.

I was watching intently as I saw the angry side of Sienna Blake for the first time. I never wanted to be at the receiving end of this temper. What was probably worse for Andrea was that Sienna hadn’t raised her voice by a single note, but rather, had lowered it, understandably she didn’t want the school knowing her business, but I could tell from her facial expressions and body language that she was serious. I began to think of how easily Andy had read the expression on my face that I was trying so hard to keep blank- I couldn’t understand it. Disrupting my thoughts was Logan’s voice.


“Huh?” I couldn’t believe that I wasn’t able to say more than this, but I was so busy watching the argument across the room that I was barely listening to Logan.

“Are you enjoying Eric Major so far? Have people been nice to you?”

“Yeah,” God, Logan was talking to me and I was just dismissing the conversation so easily? Was I stupid?

“Ugh,” I thought aloud.

Logan looked at me with an annoyed expression on his face.

“If you didn’t wanna talk to me all you had to do was say so,” his tone was dripping with hurt.

“No! I mean, yes I do wanna talk to you. I was ugh-ing at myself. You know, thinking out loud.” I said quickly trying desperately trying to redeem myself.

“Sure,” Logan said, ending the conversation. Wow, my first day was already messed up, big style.

Just then Sienna came back up to the table, minus Andy, with a face like thunder.

“Jas,” she said, “Andrea’s wants you to go out to her locker. She should be there by now.”

“Uh, o.k. See you guys later.”

Jason was off like a shot. I was just about to make an excuse about needing the toilet to escape the looks on both Sienna and Logan’s faces when the bell rang. Damn. I thought. This was gonna be a horrible afternoon.
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4th chapter!! :) :)