Kids in Love

Get Up.

“This place is not quite what it seems, or anything that I was told it’d be. New York you know you make my heart skip. In my dreams I make it into Vegas. Seattle hits me every time. I can’t get Chicago off my mind. New Jersey taught me how to let go, and I’ve learned it’s all that I need to know.”


Six Months Later


“Come on babe or we’re going to be late!” Derek called.

“I’m coming, calm down!” I replied as I came down the hall way. He had been calling me out for the past ten minutes. We were headed Jake’s house, bags in hand. From Jake’s we were getting on the tour bus and going on a month long tour with the last stop in Los Angeles, California. When we got to Los Angeles we were heading to the studio so the boys could start recording their brand new album. Ayden was packed and ready to go; he waited patiently by the door with Derek. We were the last one’s to arrive at Jake’s house. We loaded up the bus and we were off.

“New York City here we come!” Jake hollered like the little kid he is as we pulled onto the highway.

“Here we come,” I agreed with a smile.


“Oh my freaking God! Are we there yet?!” Jake complained yet again.

“Jacob, shut up. I told you two hours ago that we had over six hours left. Go to sleep or something, it’ll go faster,” I told him. He had been asking every hour or so until I practically screamed at him two hours ago. I love him to death but he’s getting on my nerves. Ayden had finally fallen asleep which made my life a lot easier. His fourth birthday is in two weeks and he’s so excited it’s insane. Derek is excited too, this will be the first birthday he’s been around for. Derek and I are doing wonderfully. We haven’t fought since I came home; Ayden has been ridiculously well behaved. He misses Garrett and sometimes I do too. Sometimes I think that maybe I made the wrong decision but then Derek smiles at me or tells me he loves me and I know I did the right thing. One of the stops on the tour is in Phoenix but I haven’t told any of the Maine that yet. I still talk to John on a daily basis; he’s helped me get through a lot. He calls me pretty much everyday, speak of the devil and he shall appear, my phone started to ring in my pocket and it was none other than John O’Callaghan. “Hey Johnny,” I answered with a smile.

“Hello my bestest friend ever, how’re you today?”

“I’m good, Jake is irritating the hell out of me but I’ll live,” I joked sticking my tongue out at Jake when he pulled a face at me.

“Oh yeah that’s right you guys left for tour earlier today right?”

“Yeah, we’ve got like nine more hours until we hit New York City,” I told him.

“Cool, is it just an east coast tour or are you coming to see me soon?” he teased, only joking.

“Actually there’s a stop in Phoenix and we’re staying there for two days, we have the second day off, it’s the second to last stop. We’re going to be in L.A. for like two months,” I explained.

“Awesome, I’ll have to come see you guys. How’s Ayden been? I haven’t talked to him in a few days,” he said.

“He’s fine, he’s asleep right now or I’d let you say hi,” I told him.

“Oh dang, well call me later on when he wakes up. Actually just call me when you get to New York, I don’t care what time it is. I gotta go though, the guys just showed up for practice,” he told me.

“Alright, love ya John oh,” I told him.

“Love you too Hun,” he replied before hanging up the phone. I slid mine closed and set it on the counter.


I don’t remember when I fell asleep but when Derek woke me up we only had three hours until we hit New York City and we were stopping to get something to eat. We didn’t spend long at the restaurant, there were too many of us even with it just being Mayday and their roadies. We were meeting the other three bands in New York and our first show will be tomorrow. It’s about seven o’clock at night. We’ll spend the day tomorrow hanging out with the other three bands. I hadn’t been told what bands were going to be on the tour yet and I didn’t really care. After we ate we all loaded back up in the bus and headed towards NYC.


I started to get excited when we began to see signs and city lights pointing towards New York City a few hours later. Ayden was wide awake after sleeping all day and I was too. Pretty much all of us slept the whole day on and off. It seemed like forever until we finally pulled into the venue parking lot. We were sleeping in the bus tonight in the parking lot instead of going to a hotel. We all got off the bus and headed inside where the rest of our tour was waiting.

“God damn it took you guys long enough to get here!” a tall dark haired man yelled as we walked through the door.

“Be nice Gabriel,” a woman with short black hair scolded him. “Hi, you guys must be Mayday Parade. I’m Victoria, or Vicky-T. This obnoxious moron is Gabe Saporta. This is Ryland, Alex, and Nate,” she explained pointing to each of the men she was standing with.

“It’s nice to meet you. I’m Jamie, that’s Derek, Jake, Brooks, and Alex, and this is Ayden,” I introduced everyone since no one else seemed to want to. We stood and talked for a little while until another group of around ten people entered the building.

“Hey you guys are here, we’ve been waiting forever!” one of the boys said as he approached and noticed the additions. He looked to be around eighteen or nineteen. “I’m Andrew, this is Robby, Mike, and Chris, we’re the Friday Night Boys,” he smiled. Derek introduced us this time. One of the guys who hadn’t really looked up since he walked in the door lifted his head when Derek said my name and I almost passed out.

“Jamie?” he questioned with a look of pure shock on his face.

“Shaant!” I exclaimed and practically tackled him in a hug. He held me tight for a moment.

“God it’s been like three years, how’ve you been?” he questioned.

“I’ve been good, I moved back to Florida with Derek,” I told him.

“Good, I’m glad you’re happy,” he told me sincerely. I had met Shaant when I went to Buffalo for a few weeks before I got transferred to Tempe and we had become best friends in that short time. We still spoke from time to time but I hadn’t seen or talked to him in months.

“Did I miss something?” Derek asked with a smile in his voice. I explained the situation to everyone and they all smiled and the night followed on without consequence.
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Chapter Title: Get Up - Mayday Parade

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