Kids in Love

Bruised And Scarred.

“She gave me every reason to believe I'd found the one, but my doubts somehow they sold me out. I'm bruised and scarred, save me from this broken heart. All my love will slowly fade and fall apart. Someone please sing this lovesick melody. Call my name if you're afraid, I'm just a kiss away.”



I sat in my room alone with the lights off. I was lying on my back in the center of my bed looking at the picture frame that I haven’t had the heart to put away yet. It still holds the picture of my family, what was my family. Jamie held Ayden on her hip between the two of us. We were laughing, all three of us, with the river at our backs. John had taken the picture. It was Ayden’s second birthday and they had just moved in with me a few weeks before. Some days I would see it and smile, but days like these I could feel my heart breaking, hear her voice as clear as day in my head. “I can’t go with you Garrett,” she’d said.

I hated the rainy days when I had nothing to do. If I had band practice I was fine, if it was sunny outside, the dry heat of Arizona, you couldn’t touch me. I could act like I was fine and some days I didn’t even have to act. Not these days. Not days when I had plans that were canceled, days when the rain is endless, days when the dark closes in on me and I realize that she isn’t coming back. I can barely say her name out loud anymore. The guys don’t mention her. I know she still talks to John, I’ve heard Kennedy ask about her and John give him a full update. They talk almost every day. I wanted to ask him about her but I didn’t. At first I thought hearing about her, hearing that she was happy, would make me feel better but I found out quickly that it helped in some ways and tore me apart at the same time. I overheard John talking to Kennedy and Jared. He was saying how well Ayden and Derek were getting along and how happy it made Jamie, how happy she always seemed to be. I would’ve smiled if hearing it hadn’t ripped my heart out. I was happy that she was happy but she’s supposed to be happy with me. I think part of me always knew she would leave, part of me knew but never accepted it. Look where that got me…

Single. Alone in a two bedroom apartment. In Tempe, Arizona. With the girl who meant the most to me on the other side of the country. With some other guy. In Tallahassee, Florida.

And you can’t forget…

I still love her more than anything.
♠ ♠ ♠
Just a little insight into what Garrett is feeling. I figured some people may be wondering so here it is.

So far Derek is winning the Team vote. :] FYI. Be sure to comment with who you think is right because if Garrett ends up winning then that's who she'll be with. It's up to you guys.
