‹ Prequel: I Live a Life Style

I've Got My Hands Full

Of Unhealthy Obssesions

“Jack, you’ve been thinking about this for a while now, just call the dang boy,” Rebecca yelled at me from the kitchen. I’ve been dreading calling Garrett since that night. That kiss, it was so sweet, so passionate, my first.

I’m 19 and I’ve only just recently had my first kiss, I know that’s pathetic. But, it was with Garrett Nickelsen. How many girls can say they shared their first kiss with Garrett Nickelsen from The Maine. Yeah, I know at least one other, but I don’t care.

“I don’t know Becca, what if he doesn’t want to hear from me, what if it was strictly impulse?” I asked, walking into the kitchen where she was rummaging through the cabinets.

“Do you ever have any food in this house, and do you really believe he didn’t want to hear from you if he gave you his dang number, think about it, Jack.”

“Okay, but…” I trailed off, giving my little sister Ailani the chance to say something.

“Jack, come on. I was there, do you really think he would just kiss a girl he had only known for a few minutes if he didn’t feel anything?” She sighed, printing out her school essay.

“Actually, I met him earlier that day,” I said quietly, when I said that, Ailani, Becca, and even Piper, who was lying on our day bed sat up to look at me. They all looked shocked and a little like they were going to kill me.

“You said what now?” Piper asked. Her eyes looked like they were going to fall out of her head.

“I met him earlier that day, and yes, I did know it was him, and no I didn’t tell you, because you would all have had a heart attack. I know, I took those questions right out of your mouths.” I sat down on the day bed, next to Piper, sipping on my water.

“Wow, we know each other too well.” Becca said, sitting on our overly large computer desk.

“Okay, so then. Either you call him, or I will for you.” Ailani said, turning around her chair.

“Fine, fine, I’ll call him.” I sighed, fishing out the number he had scrawled down and given to me. I dialed the number as my sister, Becca, and Piper all waited anxiously for an answer.

“Hello?” some body said, picking up the phone. I could tell it was him, it sounded just like him.

“Hey, is this Garrett?”

“Yeah, who’s this?”

“It’s Jack, the girl you met at your Grand Rapids show, that you kissed…” I trailed off, laughing a little to myself.

“Jack, oh, good to hear from you, how are you?”

“I’m good, um, what about you?”

“I’m doing well. Any particular reason you called?”

“Um, well…” I racked my brain for a reason I called him.

“When’s he coming back to Michigan,” Becca told me. I thought about it. Why not?

“Well, when do you guys plan on coming back to Michigan?

“Can’t get enough of me huh?” When he asked that I immediately felt my face heat up, I knew I was turning a scarlet color. How did this guy know how to make me blush, I never blush.

“I’m kidding, I don’t know. Soon, though, I’ll make sure of it.” He told me, laughing a bit.

“Good to hear, well, I have to go, I’ll talk to you later.” I told him. He replied with a quick ’Good-bye, Jack’ as I heard the dial tone and the automated voice telling me to place a call.

“That sounded reasonably painless, other than your face turning pink.” Ailani smiled. I threw a pillow at her. “I’m just making fun. When is he coming back?”

“I don’t know, soon he said. Soon.” I smiled at the word. Just the thought of Garrett coming back to Michigan was smile able. I didn’t realized how much I really like this guy till then.

“Well, soon can’t be too far off, can it?” Piper told me, smiling.

Well, soon was a lot longer than I thought, a lot longer.


“It’s been 4 months, Becca, he’s not coming.” I told her, tossing my bag into my car. I was headed home after college with Becca. It took a lot of persuasion to get her to go to community college, but Piper and I teamed up, telling her it would help.

“How do you know, he is a band, he could just be really busy with stuff.” Becca tried to lighten the situation, as she threw he stuff in the back of the vehicle too.

“4 months worth of stuff Becca. I understand he’s in a band, but really?” I slid into my car, revving the engine. Becca joined me in the car, sighing. She knew I was telling the truth, she just didn’t want to think so. Much as I didn’t either, I had to face reality, he wasn’t coming. I wasn’t that special.

The ride home had stony silence echoing through out the vehicle. We were both too tired and upset, well, I was annoyed to carry on a conversation.

I dropped her off at her house. The went home, dropping my stuff off there, as walking o Hicks Park, where I met Garrett. My feet hit the wooden board walk, sending echoing sounds over the river to my right. I could almost still hear our conversation that took place here.

“Hey,” He called. I felt him gently touch my arm. “you dropped your phone.”

“Thanks, I don’t know where I’d be without it.” I smiled, this guy was really handsome. And so sweet to bring me back my phone.

“Does it still work, it hit the pavement pretty hard.” He asked, as I put it back in my pocket.

“It should, if it doesn’t I’d be surprised. It’s been dropped repeatedly. I’m a very clumsy person.” I laughed bit at myself. My phone took that moment to start singing
Whoever She Is by The Maine. I took a moment, ignoring the text and putting it back into my hoodie pocket. I looked up as he fixed his glasses. “Sorry, my friend, Holly, she finds the most inconvenient times to text me.” I gave myself a nervous smiled, starting to bite my lip. A nervous habit of mine.

“Garrett, come on, we have to get going.” A friend of his called to him. He had strawberry blond hair. Then I knew who was standing in front of me.

“Be there in a second,” he replied, looking back at me. I started smirking to myself. “I have to-”

“It’s fine, maybe I’ll see you again.” I replied, I was still smirking.

“Maybe, who knows,” He said, though he seemed quite doubtful.

“Yeah, who knows, bye.” I smiled turning around starting to walk away.

I could tell he turned too, walking back to the park. He was famous, he was Garrett Nickelsen, bassist for The Maine. National Idol and heartthrob, he had bigger fish to fry.

“Oh, and Garrett, “I I thought I might was well let him know I was on to him, “good luck tonight Mr. Nickelsen.” He seemed really surprised that I knew. I smirked once again running back home, leaving him there, gaping at my retreating form.

I smiled to myself a the memory. That was a great day. I met one of my idols, going to his concert. What was better, I got my first kiss.

I walked into the park, and glanced to my right, seeing a white van, covered bumper to grill in signatures. I had only seen that vehicle a few other times, and usually about 5 other guys were found in or around it.

I kept walking, then I saw him. He was leaning against the tree in the middle of the park. He looked almost exactly as he had that day, just over four months ago. Black Ray Bans, heavy jacket, skinny jeans, auburn hair. The only difference, he had his nose ring in, and his brown roots were showing.

“Looking for me?” He looked up, from the ground, at me over his sunglasses.

“For once no, I thought you weren’t coming.” I told him truthfully, sauntering over to him.

“Not coming? Why wouldn’t I come?” he asked, he seemed generally confused. I looked up at him, though I couldn’t see his eyes, hurt was heard in his voice.

“Four months Garrett?” I said quietly. He sighed, as we walked over to the stone bench. The place I was sitting right before I met him, well, kind of met him.

“I tried, I really did Jack. Things kept coming up. But I’m here now. And I don’t plan on leaving you for a while.” He replied, hugging me. I’ve never really been one to hug people, but I felt really secure I his arms.

I looked at him again. I gently reached up, taking off his glasses. I folded back the arms of his glasses, staring into his baby blues. I felt hi lean in, and I responded in the same way. His lips touched mine, and I added more pressure.

He kissed me back, sitting right there in that park. I heard “Aw,” echo right next to us as I smiled into the kiss. I didn’t need to look up to know it was the rest of The Maine.

We pulled away from each other as I placed his glasses on his face again. He smiled, pecking my lips, and we got up.

“Jack, my band.” Garrett said, laughing a little. I look over to see the rest of The Maine smiling at us. I started laughing. I could get used to this.
♠ ♠ ♠
[Becca was the Blond, Piper was the Brunette,
and Ailani was the Younger]

There's a sequel, I didn't plan on a sequel,
but, there it is,
the prequel was too good, for it to not have sequel

I don't think the sequel turned out as good as the prequel though.