This Still Belongs to You and Always Will


The lazy sunrise shone over the sleepy state of New Jersey, spreading its pink and orange glow over the tiny state. Bert McCracken looked up at the first sign of light. His sunken in eyes could see the sunrise through the barred window of his prison cell. It’d been seven years since he walked through those heavy prison doors, sentenced for attempted murder and kidnapping. He pleaded guilty and made no protests when they took him away and locked the door. They could throw away the key for all he cared; he didn’t regret what he’d done. He would’ve killed Frank Iero quite happily and killed him again if he had the chance. The blood on his hands would have felt very good.

His long toenails clicked against the cold floor as he got up and walked across the room to look outta’ his window. The light shone over him, making him shield his eyes. He’d always hated sunlight, too bright for his liking. His skin looked even sallower than usual in the brightening light. He ran a hand through his long hair, ruffling it lazily. Since he’d been here, he’d only had his hair cut twice. His greasy black hair fell halfway down his back. He knew it needed a cut again but he just couldn’t be bothered to get it cut. It’s not like he had anyone to look good for. The other guys in the prison often made remarks about his dead-like appearance when he first arrived but they often wound up regretting it. Bert was a very hot-tempered person with a love for violence. He got a kick from hearing the sickening smack of his wrist connecting with someone’s face. Needless to say that this meant he was left alone. People were often frightened to talk to him due to his unpredictable tendency to lash out.

A smirk played his lips as he stretched his arms above his head. He could afford to smirk. He knew he’d be outta’ here soon. They were releasing him early for ‘Good behaviour’.

“Not long New Jersey,” He rasped to himself “When I get out, you’d better watch your back.”

And then he turned on his heel and swept away from the bright light.

Meanwhile, some miles away, the same light shone through the window of a fourteen year old girl. Elena Way didn’t stir at the light. The light spread through the room, its glow illuminating the room evenly. A mere five minutes later, the red numbers on her alarm clock changed from 6:59 to 7:00. As soon as the numbers changed, the CD started up and the very familiar sound of ‘The Misifts’ filled her room. Her hazel eyes snapped open at the sudden change of volume in the room. She sleepily hit out blindly for the ‘Stop’ button on her CD player. There was silence as she found her target. For a few moments she stayed where she was, allowing herself to wake up properly before getting up and nabbing a shower before her two fathers woke up…

Frank Iero was sitting at the kitchen table drinking coffee. The glorious substance hit his insides instantly, waking him up immediately. He smacked his lips to himself as he took another long, satisfying gulp. The creak of the stairs informed him that someone else in the house was awake. He guessed that it was his daughter, by adoption but no one cared. Elena drifted into the room moments later, wearing her usual black skinny jeans and tight-fitting t-shirt that showed off her slender figure. The words ‘Green Day’ could be seen on her t-shirt as she turned to Frank.

“Not like you to be up this early.” She teased.

“Less of the mouth,” He replied, smiling “I’ve got work if you must know.”

“I knew it!” She laughed “I thought it was too good to be true.”

“If you’re gonna’ be mouthy I won’t give you a ride to school.” He threatened, mockingly waving his car keys.

She didn’t bother to reply. She just pulled a bowl outta’ the kitchen cupboard and poured herself some cereal. There was a comfortable silence, in which they ate and drank companionably, until the creak of the floorboards above announced the awakening of the third member of the house.

Gerard Way stirred slowly, rubbing his eyes and looking blearily at the neon numbers on his clock. 7:15. He grunted and pulled a pillow over his head, trying to force himself back into sleep. But there was a strange absence in the bed upon which he lay. His husband wasn’t there to groan and complain at it being too early with him. With great effort, he hauled himself outta’ bed and stumbled groggily along the hallway and downstairs. Frank and Elena smiled at his appearance. He smiled back and made himself a coffee, ruffling his newly cut and dyed hair. Over the weekend he’d gone to get his hair cut from its long style and dyed it chemical blond.

“Morning Sprout.” He nodded to Elena.

“Father.” She mocked, nodding her head.

“So what’s on the schedule today?” He questioned “Cut math and make out with our boyfriend in the old abandoned bathroom?”

“Dad,” She groaned “You know I don’t cut class and I don’t have a boyfriend.”

Both men feigned shock and surprise at the news. Elena rolled her heavily outlined eyes, which looked startlingly like her father’s minus the old, smudged eye make-up.

“So what are we doing today?” Frank questioned “What horrible tortures are you facing today?”

“I have to read out my essay to the class today.” She replied.

“What’s that for? English?”

Elena nodded.

“We had to write about family members!” She explained “It’s a piece of descriptive writing.”

“Cool.” Gerard replied, tilting his head as if the situation were debateable.

There was a small silence until Frank got up and said they’d better get going. Elena went to get her bag and shoes. Gerard watched her leave the room, a smile playing his face as he remembered how she was tugging on his hand five minutes ago and begging to go to the park. And then he’d blinked.

“I’ll see you later.” He smiled, pecking Frank’s lips.

“Mm,” Frank purred “Certainly will.”

“Bye baby.”

“See ya gorgeous.”

A faint voice called out ‘Bye Dad’ as the scrape of the front door rang through the house.

“Bye,” He called back “Have a good day.”

Gerard smiled to himself as he sipped his coffee. He was content. A few moments later he asked himself why the hell he was still up and trailed back upstairs for a few more hours of sleep.