This Still Belongs to You and Always Will

Chapter 9

Gerard’s P.O.V:

“Gee I want a baby; a boy.” Frankie said over his shoulder from the computer where he was looking up various orphanages and care homes.

I heaved myself off of the couch to get to the desk and lean down and look over his shoulder. Personally, I think a surrogate Mom is the way to go! Taking Frankie to an orphanage would be deadly! He’d try and smuggle them all home in his pockets and up his sleeves. As much as I love kids, I’d probably end up committing suicide! If a heart attack didn’t kill me first.

“A boy?” I questioned, pecking his cheek.

“Yeah…I was just thinking; y’know, with Elena being our little girl then maybe we could have a little boy.”

“Hey,” I smiled, seeing his reddening cheeks “You don’t need to explain.”

He smiled and opened up more web-pages. My hands smoothed his skin under his shirt while I kissed his cheek. His head tipped back and his little lips puckered up. I smiled and brushed his fringe out of his eyes and kissed him. His hands crept up to my neck as he deepened the kiss, swiping his tongue over my lips. They parted immediately, allowing him access. His tongue entered my mouth and entwined itself with mine. It was very hard not to bang noses with him because of the awkward position. We were kinda’ upside down…y’know that Spiderman movie that Frankie despises so much? When whatshername kisses Spiderman? That’s what it was like. Trust Frankie to make things awkward.

“Ok; Kid in the room! I don’t wanna’ see my parents making out thanks!” Elena exclaimed, heading towards the ps2 set on top of the TV>

Frankie pulled a few inches away from me, a sexy smirk plastered on his angelic face. A small smile played my own lips as I lifted my head slightly so I wasn’t yelling in Frank’s face.

“No one said you had to look!”

She didn’t have an answer to that. She never does. Instead she just switched the ps2 on. Why she has to play it down here I’ll never know! She has her own ps2 in her room. But her room doesn’t have a stereo with surround sound! Frankie pecked my lips once more and returned to his computer screen, typing like crazy. I smiled, ruffled his hair and then dropped onto my ass and slid across the floor towards Elena.

“What you playing?”

“Nothing you could figure out.”

Frank gave one brief outburst of ‘HA’ and coughed as if to say ‘Yes…carry on’. I rolled my eyes; he’ll regret it when he doesn’t get certain ‘favours’ tonight.

“Resident Evil?” I said hopefully, seeing the screen shot of Leon and Ashley.

“Still stuck?” She questioned knowingly.

“How’d you feel about helping me get un-stuck?” I questioned.

“For five bucks.”

“No way!” I exclaimed “Rip-off!”

“Five bucks or I don’t help you!”

“You’re charging your own father?!”

“Yeah I guess I am.”

“Damnit!” I cursed “Where d’you learn all this from?”

She looked up through her heavily outlined eyes at Frankie. He peeked over his shoulder guiltily and gave a sheepish grin. A false scowl passed over my features, making him hastily turn back to the computer.

“Five bucks then?” Elena prompted.

“No!” I replied “Two.”




We shook hands on it and she passed me the controller to load the game…

… “Dad! Nooo! You’ve got to shoot it in the mouth! Shoot the mouth! Now! Dad!”

Once again, I shrieked and threw the controller away from me as the huge scary giant thing charged at me. About a half hour later and I’ve made a little progress! I got past that fish thingy and to the water mill and got the round thing I need. But now, on the way back, there’s this giant thing that I’ve been shut up with and, to be honest, I suck. I shot at the open mouth, wailing like some kind of male banshee as I did so.

“Dad that’s it!” Elena cried “Quick! Press R2 and L2!”

As commanded, I pressed the two buttons and watched in awe as my character dashed forwards and up onto the giant things back. The screen flashed, commanding me to hit square. So I did and watched as Leon hacked savagely at the icky tentacles spurting outta’ its back.

“Do that again!” Elena ordered.

It went on like this until the giant gave a roar and dropped down dead. I cheered triumphantly and jumped up, dancing. Frankie laughed and jumped up with me, shaking his hips and tossing his hair. I grabbed his hands and pun him round, settling my hands on his hips, rocking them with my own. He glanced over his shoulder to shoot that sexy smirk again.

“Clever Gerard.” He cooed.

“Very clever Gerard!” I agreed, nuzzling into the back of his head.

“Mm.” He purred softly, tilting his head back to rest on my shoulder.

Elena made vomiting noises in the background. I laughed and sat beside her again.

“C’mon,” I said, un-pausing the game “I wanna’ get my three bucks worth.”