This Still Belongs to You and Always Will

Chapter 11

Elena’s P.O.V:

“Hey Elena.” He rasped, a sick smile plastered across his evil face.

“Stay away from me.” I spat.

“Aw; c’mon don’t be like that!”

“Stay away from me and my family you sick, twisted freak!”

He looked like he wanted to follow me; so I ran. This is the third time he’s shown up at the school gates now. And somehow I don’t think he’s there to pick someone up. If he does it one more time I think I’ll call the cops. I should probably consider telling Dad about this. But I don’t want him getting frightened. He pretends he isn’t but I know he’s actually very afraid of Bert. And he has a good reason! Bert used to knock him around for crying out loud! And then he tried to kill me and shot Frank. Dad would go off his rocker with panic if he knew Bert was back…

...Music was blaring out when I got home. Dad and Frank are having one of their infamous dance-offs. This usually occurs when they’re either very drunk or very bored. They can be really funny though! They either put on their guilty pleasures or disgusting music they hate (i.e. Girls Aloud) and they just prance around like idiots. Depending on my mood, I might join in with them. If not, I judge. I recognised the riffs of the song instantly. How bored are they?

I’m bringing sexy back

Them other boys don’t know how to act

The first thing I saw upon entering the living room was Frank in the middle of the room, shaking his ass with his arms above his head. Katie would love this. Dad and Frankie can’t dance in that traditional sense of knowing all the moves and stringing them into a routine but they can dance in the sense that they can keep a beat and throw random moves whilst managing to maintain their spontaneity and ‘sexiness’ as they like to call it.

“I’m bringing sexy back Gee!” Frankie cheered, throwing his head from side to side so that his hair was flying across his face.

They were completely oblivious to the fact that I’d just entered the room. I leant against the doorframe, debating over whether I should get the camcorder and film them for future blackmailing purposes. When Frankie finally noticed me, he sashayed over and grabbed my hands.

“C’mon Elena! It’s our song!”

I stumbled along behind him, not really in the mood for dancing about and frightening anyone who walked past the window. Dad noticed this and rescued me. He skipped over, tapped my shoulder and said ‘May I?’. I nodded and let him grab Frank’s hips. Dad spun Frank round and pulled him right into him, swinging their hips. Frank simply lifted his arms above his head, turning his head to the side and dipping his hips. He does it on purpose! He doesn’t just dance; he poses. It’s hilarious ‘cause Dad always yells ‘Poser’ at him and then throws himself at him.

“So; Good day Sprout?” Dad questioned as the song ended and Frankie went to choose another.


“Anything interesting happen today?”

“I refused to dissect a frog.”

“Animal rights!” Frank called, sticking his hand in the air.

I shrugged my way through questions about how my day had gone. I just wanted to go up into my room and be alone. Dad’s eyes narrowed slightly as he looked at me.

“Is everything ok?” He asked.


“You’re ok?”

“Mmhm,” I lied “Y’know what? I have, like, a tonne of homework to get done so I’m gonna’ go do that!”

“Ok then.” He smiled.

I got up. Luckily, Frankie chose his next song (‘Wake me up before you go go’ by Wham) and pulled Dad up to dance with him so Dad couldn’t follow me or pursue his inquisition. Last thing I saw was Frank bucking his hips in Dad’s direction as the song reached ‘Bang bang bang’. I wondered how much sugar/coffee he had consumed in the past twenty-four hours as I trailed upstairs. It felt good to be in my dark room and shut the door behind me. I threw myself onto my bed and hugged my knees to my chest…

…A sensitive knock broke the silence about ten minutes later. I gave some form of permission to enter the room and Frank opened the door and entered the room. He smiled at me and sat behind me on the bed with a leg either side of me and his arms wrapped round me.

“What’s wrong?” He questioned in a knowing, singsong voice “You might be able to pull the wool over your Dad’s eyes but it doesn’t work on me!”

“You’re too smart for your own good.” I mumbled into my crossed arms.

“Yes I am,” He agreed “So, you gonna’ tell me or am I gonna’ have to guess?”


I paused. Maybe telling Frank isn’t such a good idea. After all…Bert shot him! He hugged me insistently, rocking me back and forth.

“This is something that has to stay between us.” I began.

“Ok; why can’t I tell anyone?”

“In case Dad finds out!”

“Why don’t we want him to find out?” He asked, an air of suspicion evident in his voice.

“It’s for his own good!” I insisted “I don’t want him panicking…I know what he gets like!”

“Ok, tell you what,” He said “I won’t tell your Dad, if you tell me but if it’s that serious; I want you to tell him at some point, ok?”

I sighed heavily and nodded, knowing that what he said was right. Dad does need to know at some point.

“So what’s bothering you?” He asked “Boy trouble?”

“No…a guy by the name of Bert McCracken.”

His arms tensed around me at the very mention of the name. I think I should’ve kept my mouth shut.