This Still Belongs to You and Always Will

Chapter 15

Elena’s P.O.V:

“Get away from me!”

“Wait a second.” He rasped, pursuing me.

“Stop following me or I’ll call the cops!” I threatened “Stay away from me and my family you sick freak!”

“What if I told you I can take you to your mom?”

“I wouldn’t believe you!”

“Well you’d better ‘cause I’m telling the truth!”

“I don’t believe you!” I snapped “You don’t know my Mom!”

“Michaela Leeroy!” He smirked “Your Mom!”

I ran. He’s lying. He doesn’t know her. He’s just saying it…

…I slammed the door shut when I got back, pulling the chain on. Just in case.



I jumped at the sight of Frank behind me. His eyebrows knitted together at my behaviour.

“What’s up with you?” He questioned, going back into the living room.

He’d been playing Prince of Persia: Warrior Within before I interrupted. It’s another of those games we’re all pretty big on; along with the WWE games, Grand Theft Auto and Resident Evil. He sat back in front of the TV and retrieved his abandoned controller.

“Dahaka?” I questioned knowingly as the Prince began running along walls with black arms reaching out for him.

“Yep and the stupid thing keeps catching me-OH CRAP!”

He threw the controller aside as he was sucked backwards and killed. I smiled and sat beside him. A smile spread across his face as he slipped an arm round my shoulders and kissed the top of my head. I slid an arm round him in reply.

“I love you Elena.”

“Not as much as you love Dad.” I teased.

“Yes as much as I love Gerard!” He insisted “You’re our little girl! Even though you’re growing up. You’ll still be our little girl when you’re an eighty year old lady and we’re prehistoric old farts of God knows how old!”

I laughed at an image of my two Dads’ as little old men with white beards and walking sticks. Actually, Dad wouldn’t have a beard! He says that it’s a family curse ‘cause my Uncle Mikey can’t grow one either. Dad can have one of those mobility scooters instead.

“What you laughing at, eh?” Frank questioned, giving me a squeeze.


“Yeah whatever; tell it to someone who’ll believe it!” He teased “Ok, so here’s the plan; you choose a movie for us to watch and I’ll go do some microwave popcorn. Sound good?”

“Sounds good!” I agreed.

“Right, you choose the movie!” He said, jumping up and leaving the room…


“Mm?” He replied, tilting his head to one side without tearing his eyes from ‘Hide and seek’ on the TV screen.

“What-what do you know about my Mom?”

His eyebrows crossed as he looked down at me.

“Not a lot. Why?”

“Just wondering.”


“I’ve just been thinking y’know? I’m at that age.”

“Well if it means that much; all I can tell you is that your Dad met her when he was fifteen. Her name was…oh God I forget her name; Michelle? No…M-Michaela! That’s it!”

“D’you know what she was like?”

“Um…I’ve seen photos of her holding you after you were born! Your Dad keeps them somewhere. He’ll probably show you if you ask him.”

“How old was she?”

“A few years older than Gerard…probably about eight-eighteen? Maybe…I’m not too sure. Gerard doesn’t really mention her that much. I know she had a drug problem which is why you’re with us and not her! He had to really fight with the courts for you.”

“Did he?”

“Yeah. They didn’t think a sixteen year old guy should be getting custody of a newborn baby!”

“So what happened?”

“Well…he obviously said something that convinced ‘em! I don’t know that much about it I’m afraid.”

“Thanks Frank.”

He smiled and turned back to Robert DeNiro and Dakota Fanning on the TV.