This Still Belongs to You and Always Will

Chapter 16

Gerard’s P.O.V:

“She was asking me about her Mom today.”


“Elena, she was asking me about her Mom.” Frank repeated.

I didn’t say anything. Michaela isn’t my favourite person to talk about. I haven’t spoken to her since Elena was born. I think that was the last time we saw each other. Five months later I was battling it out; demanding that I get custody of my baby girl if she was being taken from her Mom. I’d literally just turned sixteen when Elena was born which is why they weren’t so keen on the idea.

“D’you know why she’d do that?” I questioned after a silence.

“No, but I think you should talk to her!” He replied, crawling up behind me and kissing my neck.

“And say what?”

“You’ll think of something!” He insisted, kissing down towards my collar bone “You always do.”

“Maybe…” I paused to let a sigh out as he started nibbling on my skin “Maybe I should just let her come to me if she wants to talk about it.”

“Mm,” He mumbled into my neck “You could…”

“Maybe…yeah I think I’ll do that.”

“You sure it’s not just ‘cause you’re afraid to talk about her?”

“No,” I insisted “I don’t like talking about her but I’m not afraid to talk about her!”

“Ok. I don’t doubt you.”

He continued to nibble and suckle on my neck, shifting his body position until he was sitting on my lap. My hands slid down to his hips and round to his ass while he moved up to kiss my lips passionately. His hands slid up to settle on my head, his fingers running through my hair. I let my hands travel up to take a hold of his head too, massaging his scalp through the long dark hair. He sighed into my mouth, parting his lips as I ran my tongue along them. I pulled him closer so that we were pressed as close together as possible. My head tilted as he was slightly higher up than me…

The door opened, making us jolt apart and look round. There was a smack of wet lips as we pulled apart to see who’d invaded our privacy. Elena rolled her eyes at us and mumbled ‘Never mind’. She then pulled the door shut and went off. I need to start discussing the whole ‘Keep to your room and we’ll keep to ours thing’ with her! At the moment it’s a one-way thing; with us knocking politely before entering her room and her bursting into our room whenever she feels like it. Must be a teenager thing.

“You ok?” Frankie called after her.

She didn’t reply. I shrugged at him.

“She’ll be ok.” He whispered.

“Mm.” I replied.

“Kiss me.” He smiled, bending his head to meet my lips.

Wasn’t sure how to finish that one! Just a little filler! But oh God the writer’s block!