This Still Belongs to You and Always Will

Chapter 1

Elena’s P.O.V:

“Elena, would you like to read out your essay to the class?”

Not really

Last lesson of the day. And it’s always the worst too. I’m great at English, don’t get me wrong, but the subject of our essays concerns me. It’s not exactly a great idea to read out an essay about your two fathers when the student body of your school has a very homophobic attitude. Whenever the subject of Gay Rights arises, I’m automatically the expert; the one with all the answers.

“But sir,” Jack Hardy protested “We don’t wanna’ hear about her faggy parents!”

Approximately 99% of the class mumbled their agreement.

“Yeah, like, why would we wanna’ hear about how she lives with two men who do each other up the ass?” Agreed Jade Cottam, shooting me a filthy look.

I scowled at her. Jade and I were friends a long time ago. Until her parents learned that I was being raised by two men, that is. Jade got told she couldn’t be friends with me and had to hate my Dad and Frank. With a roll of my eyes, I was up at the front of the class with my essay. Everyone mumbled and complained, objecting to my being here.

“Well; as you know,” I began, reading confidently from my paper in an I-don’t-care-what-you-think way “My parentage is slightly different to yours.”

Slightly.” Smirked Jack.

I ignored his pathetic little comment and continued reading.

“Yes I have two Dads but, apart from that, my family is pretty much the same as any other kids. In my opinion, my parents are the best in the world! My family consists of me, my Dad, Gerard, and his husband, Frank-“

“They’re married?!” Cai Samuels cut across “That’s sick! I can’t believe they’d even allow it!”

“Hey Cai!” Mr Higgins snapped “Do not make comments like that in my classroom.”

I felt my cool abandoning me and, in a moment of extreme ticked offness, I decided to tell everyone just how amazing my parents are. About the sacrifice Frank made for me. About how my Dad took all those beatings from his insane ex.

“So; remind me Cai,” I began coyly, inspecting my painted black nails “How many times has your Dad jumped in front of a bullet for you?”


Exactly,” I cut across before he could register my question “Never! Frank’s dived in front of a bullet for me-“

“Only because he realised that he’s a sick faggot and couldn’t live with it.” Jack interrupted.

“Burn in Hell Jack!” I snapped “He’s twice the man your Dad will ever be! In case you hadn’t noticed, your Dad sells second-hand laptops cheap outta’ the trunk of his car, whereas my Dads work in a music store and as a technician at an Art School and they’re both good paying jobs! I’d be pretty embarrassed if I were you!”

“That’s enough Elena.” Mr Higgins said firmly.

“Whatever.” I mumbled, slinging myself back in my seat…

…”Did Frank really jump in front of a bullet for you?” Questioned my best friend Katie.

“Yeah.” I shrugged.

Her little blue eyes shone wide, making her look like a goldfish. I laughed at her amazed expression. Katie and I are as different as chalk and cheese. I’ve got long brown hair, which I dye black, and Katie has Barbie blonde hair, perfectly curled one day and straight as an ironing board the next. I inherited my Dad’s hazel eyes and Katie sports her Mom’s sapphire blue ones. Music and fashion are the key things that split us apart though. While I’m rocking out to stuff like Green Day and Black Flag, she’s shakin’ her booty to Justin Timberlake and Fergie. I also prefer my black skinny jeans but she’d sooner wear a mini-skirt that shows off her tanned legs.

“When?” She almost demanded.

“When I was, like, six,” I replied “He almost died too! I thought he had a stomach ache at the time and I made my Dad wish with me that he’d get better.”

“Wow,” She awed “He’s a hero then.”

“Yep, he’s my hero!” I declared proudly “Hey d’you wanna’ come back to my place?”

“Yeah sure.” She grinned.


And we started off down the road towards my quiet neighbourhood that we livened up every so often.