This Still Belongs to You and Always Will

Chapter 19

Gerard’s P.O.V:

“C’mon Gerard!” Ray moaned, glancing at his watch “How long does it take to put on a bit of make-up?”

I didn’t bother replying, staying focused on the heavy black eye shadow I was brushing around my eyes. I’d already applied several coats of eyeliner beforehand so my eyes were pretty heavily done. Ray continued to whine as I checked and double-checked my appearance. With one final ruffle of my hair, I was ready.

“C’mon then! Let’s go!”

On the way downstairs, Mikey came out into the hall to see what was going on. He was followed by a friend. But not just any friend. The friend! The boy I ached to know. The beautiful one with the dark hair and the hazel eyes that shone green whenever they caught the light. He smiled shyly as we walked past. For a split second, my eyes locked with his. And everything else vanished. He seemed to smile just a little brighter when I looked at him. My cheeks burned with embarrassment as he ducked his head, blushing a little. Nice one Gerard…

…”Ok, seriously Gerard! You’ve never even talked to the kid! Who said he might not like you back?”

“He’s eleven!”

“So? He’s human! He can like people too!”

“Ray.” I said firmly as we entered the club “Can you please just drop it? I just know he doesn’t like me, ok?”

“Ok,” He sighed “I just thought you’d have talked to him by now rather than sleeping around to try and replace him.”

I didn’t say anything. He could see right through my carefully constructed lies of trying all the fruit in the basket. There was this dull ache inside of me that wouldn’t go away. Inside I was screaming for Frank and I ignored it by having continuous one night stands. It was my way of trying to forget him. Not that it worked. And Ray knew it.

“Hey Gerard! Ray! Over here!”

I grinned at Matt and Bob and slid into the booth with them. They both greeted me and Ray with high-five’s. They already had their (non-alcoholic) drinks of Cranberry Juice and Ice-cream soda. I copied Bob and had an Ice-cream soda whilst Ray had a banana cocktail as the alcoholic ones were off-limits. It sucked being a minor. I surveyed the room casually as I sipped back my drink. And that’s when she caught my eye. She had long raven hair, tumbling down her back like velvet drapes. Emerald green eyes sparkled in my direction, not blinking. Red lips smirked as she noticed she’d got my attention. She didn’t move from her place by the bar though. She was resting against it, talking to her friends. A denim mini-skirt wrapped around her waist, stopping half-way down the thighs of lightly tanned, long legs. Her tube top should’ve been illegal. It showed off everything she had going. She kept my gaze, prolonging my curiosity. Matt saw me staring.

“Looks like he’s got someone already!” He jeered.

I turned back to him with a carefully selected smirk that said ‘He sure does’. Bob turned to see who I ‘had my eye on’ and let out a low whistle. I guessed that meant I had his approval. She smirked at him too, giving a flirty little wink.

“Hot?” Matt mocked.


She then chose her moment to swan over to us. A smirk played my lips. I calmly ignored her until she was right next to us. She cleared her throat lightly, making me finally look up at her.

“Mind if I join you guys?”

“Be our guest!” I replied, scooting over to make room for her.

She sat down beside me with a swish of her skirt and a wriggle of her skinny hips. She crossed her legs and licked her lips, glancing at me. I could sense her interest.

“So,” I began “I’ve just given a lovely lady permission to join me and my friends and I don’t even know her name.”

“Michaela,” She said, staring straight into my eyes “Michaela Leeroy! And you guys are?”

“Gerard Way.”

“Ray Toro.”

“Bob Bryar.”

“Matt Pellisier.”

“Pleasure.” She smirked, holding her hand out to each of us…

…The evening progressed and I steadily got to know Michaela better. She was very flirty and fun to be with even though I wasn’t interested in her in an ‘I’d like to see you again after tonight’ way. I think she was only looking for one thing from me.

“So,” She smirked, leaning closer to me as a slower number came on “Does he dance?” She questioned, getting up and making her way onto the dance floor.

I smirked myself and pursued her. She lifted her arms above her head and swayed to the music. Luckily, I was quite tall so it didn’t look ridiculous when I slid my arms round her tiny waist. Her arms slipped around my neck and she pulled herself into me so that our faces were inches apart. I smirked again. She spun herself round and wrapped my arms down over her shoulders and crossing them across her chest. My head rested against the side of hers. She turned to face me, meeting my lips with her own…

…Michaela pushed me dominantly and feverishly met my hungry lips. I slid my arms around her, pulling her into me. The corridor that leads to the bathroom is hardly the sexiest place I’ve ever been but I had to make do with it. I whirled us round so that she was pressed against the wall, kissing me hungrily.

“Wanna’ come back to my place?” She questioned as I moved down to her neck “My parents are out for the weekend!”

I smiled against her skin, nibbling it greedily, before looking at her properly.

“Sounds like a plan.” I smirked.

Yes! I know Gerard does a lot of smirking in this chapter but think why.