This Still Belongs to You and Always Will

Chapter 22

Elena’s P.O.V:

There was a small treasure trove of gifts in the living room. They were all neatly piled up in the middle of the room, waiting to be unwrapped. The wrapping paper was all black with ‘Happy Birthday’ written in silver, swirly writing. They all had little black labels on them too with neat printed writing inside. It was always the same every year. Come into the living room and find a pile of neat, painstakingly well done gifts that make me want to cry at the effort put in. The only thing that changes is the wrapping paper and the cards. There was the year of the fluffy puppies and kittens, the Barbies, the guitars and let’s not forget last years amazing homemade Him and Green Day paper! Dad and Frank followed me in and saw me staring.

“No crying allowed.” Dad mocked, kissing my head and throwing himself down on the couch.

“Yeah, it’s not cool.” Frank agreed, seating himself beside Dad and curling up.

I smiled and sat cross-legged in front of the pile of gifts. They all looked so well-wrapped. Almost too good to ruin by unwrapping them. Almost. The first selected gift was a familiar rectangular shape. I carefully unpeeled the tape and unfolded the paper to reveal ‘Resident Evil Outbreak File 2’. Of course, I had no idea I was getting it!

“Thank you guys!” I beamed, getting up and hugging them both.

The second present was an ipod nano because I’m still living in the past with my good old mp3. There was also a book of Green Day tab, a Jack Skellington tea light candle holder, a new guitar strap (which came with strict instructions that it wasn’t to be used on ‘Pansy’), a set of pink and peach lip glosses-

“His idea!” Frank said quickly, pointing to Dad.

“No!” Dad exclaimed “For once, I’m innocent! It was Frankie-It was Frankie!” He cried as I hit at his arm.

I laughed and returned to the presents to find a copy of ‘Eat me, Drink me’, a new camera, a copy of ‘Trainspotting’ (which I suspect was for Dad’s personal use as he loves that movie more than me), a new set of watercolour paints, a new pair of black drainpipes, the vans I wanted, a copy of ‘The bedroom secrets of the master chefs’ by Irvine Welsh, a black and purple corset top, a collection of eye shadows that I’ve been looking at for ages and a new Paramore t-shirt.

“Thanks!” I grinned, hugging Dad and Frank tightly and kissing their cheeks.

They laughed and hugged me back whilst saying their ‘That’s ok’s and ‘You’re worth it’s.

“You missed one.” Dad said, pointing to a final wrapped gift.

I picked it up and felt it through the paper, trying to work out what it was…

“What is it?” I laughed, opening it.

I discovered a brush. Just a plain black brush. I eyed it curiously. Both Dad and Frank sniggered to themselves.

“You trying to tell me something?” I questioned, faking offence whilst brushing my hair with it.

“Yeah.” Frank replied heartlessly.

The cheek of it!