This Still Belongs to You and Always Will

Chapter 23

Gerard’s P.O.V:

“Elena, come on!” Frankie yelled up the stairs for the ten millionth time.

“Ok!” She yelled back “I was just showing Katie all the stuff you gave me.”

“Hurry up.”

They both came bouncing down the stairs. Elena wearing her new jeans, Paramore t-shirt and vans. Katie wearing a pair of light blue jeans, a skimpy, pink little vest and a pair off pink and white sneakers. Both girls had their hair down and wore the friendship bracelets they made for each other when they were, like, nine. Elena’s is black and silver and Katie’s is pink and purple.

“You guys ready?” I questioned, pulling my black, zip-up hoodie on.


“Finally.” Frankie exclaimed, grabbing his keys and opening the door…

…The fairground was bustling with excitement when we got there. Frankie pulled up and turned the ignition off. The girls clambered out and slammed their doors shut. I smiled at him and got out myself. The music from the rides reached my ears as I shut the door.

“This better not be one of those rip-off places!” Frankie threatened, locking the car and linking his hand with mine.

“What if it is?” I questioned.


“Ok, Frankie, you do that.”

“I will.” He said triumphantly.

Elena and Katie insisted on going on the waltzers first. I rolled my eyes and followed them, keeping my hand interlocked with Frankie’s. As soon as I saw the whizzing cars, I shook my head.

“No way!”

“Aw, c’mon Gee.” Frankie whined.

“No. No force on Earth or heaven will get me on that thing.”

“Dad,” Elena groaned “It’s my birthday!”

“You wouldn’t even have a birthday if it wasn’t for me!”

“Please, Dad.”


“But it’s my birthday.”

“I changed your diapers.”

“C’mon, Gerard.” Katie piped up.

“No,” I said stubbornly “I’ll sit this one out thanks!”

They all rolled their eyes and joined the line. I sat myself on the low wall by the ride and watched them pay and climb into one of the cars. Frank sat next to Elena and Katie sat on the other side of her. As the ride started, Frankie leant over to talk to them both. I knew instantly what he was telling them. ‘As soon as it starts to spin, lean into the corner!’. He says it makes it spin faster. Sure enough, they all leant to the left and the car went whizzing round and round. I got dizzy just watching them. The stupid R&B music started and I could just about see Katie singing along to it as they zoomed past. All three of them had their arms in the air and they were all laughing as they went round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round…

“Gee? You ok?”

“I’m dizzy just from watching you guys!”

He laughed and held his hand out for me. I smiled and took it, getting up and walking alongside him. Elena and Katie trotted ahead, talking about random girl stuff that supposedly means the difference between life and death. Of course knowing who’s dating who it the most important thing in the world.

“Don’t think that you have to stick around with us, guys.” I said.

“Nah, we don’t mind.” Elena beamed.

Aw. That warm fuzzy feeling grew in my chest. Frank noticed my little smile.

“Hey, Gee?”


“It’s only ‘cause we’re the one’s with the money!”

“Ssh.” I hushed.

He giggled and muttered something about pretending to be loved and I nodded my agreement…


“Frankie.” I whined, mimicking him from earlier.

“Nope. No, no, no and no. Not happening!”

“Aw, c’mon.”

“I refuse.”

“But it’s my birthday.” Elena said.

“Nope. I refuse. Wrong number. Thou shalt not make me.”

“The hell we won’t.” I argued, grabbing his arm and trying to drag him but he attached himself to a post and started yelling.

“No force on Earth or heaven will get me on that thing.” He insisted, copying me from the waltzers thing.

“Well clearly the forces on Earth or heaven never met me!” I argued, suddenly stooping down and lifting him up and over my shoulder.

“Gee, put me down.” He yelled, hitting at my back.

I carried him into the line behind Elena and Katie. The both of them sniggered and made fun of him as he continued to yell and hit at me. I grinned cheesily at the guy operating the ride and said ‘Four’, handing him the cash. He gave us all a strange look and directed us to the cart. We stepped onto the Ferris wheel and let him lock the door behind us. Elena and Katie sat down on one side and I set Frankie down on his feet, sitting down myself. He gave me a death glare and crossed his arms like a stubborn child. It didn’t last long ‘cause he dived to the seat next to me as soon as the ride started. I laughed as he clutched onto my arm like a little kid.

“You’re so mean.” He insisted.

“I know, I know.”

As we got higher, he stuck his head inside my jacket and moaned. Elena and Katie awed at the view we had of the fair, standing up to see properly. I wowed what I could see, but I couldn’t get up ‘cause Frankie refused to take his head outta’ my jacket.

“You’re a big baby, y’know that?” I said fondly, rubbing his back.

“Mmmhmrrmhmrm.” Came the reply into the folds of my t-shirt.

“Just look,” I said gently “It’s not that bad!”


I took that as a ‘no’ and muttered ‘Big Baby’, stroking his hair softly while he clung to me.

“Oh wow, look Frankie,” Elena jeered “Everyone look like ants from up here.”

He swore and stuck his finger up in her direction…

…Of course, Frank insisted I go on the waltzers for making him go on the Ferris wheel. It was horrible. I spent the whole time with my head tucked under his arm and my arms encircling his waist. It was all a blur of colours and awful music. I felt like I was gonna’ puke. The girls and Frankie, deliberately leant into the corners to make it spin faster so that I shrieked and protested. I kept my eyes shut, willing it to stop. The puke churned around in my stomach, ready to come flying outta’ my mouth. My grip on Frankie tightened as I begged silently that it would be over soon…

…”Dad are you ok?” Elena questioned as I staggered to the right and then went veering off to the left.

“Uh huh,” I mumbled uncertainly “I’m still spinning.”

“You look drunk.” Katie laughed.

“I feel it.” I replied, staggering all over the place.

Frankie laughed and put an arm round my waist, helping me along. I laughed and played up to the whole ‘drunk’ think, trying to plant sloppy kisses on his cheek. He batted at me, informing me that people were staring at us. I just giggled and slurred out ‘I loves you Frankie baby’.

“Can we go in the arcade?” Elena asked, pointing.

I looked at Frankie and shrugged. He shrugged back and followed the girls into the arcade. Katie and I struggled our way through ‘House of the dead’ and then Frankie and Elena proved themselves a good team when they had a go. I glared at him and called him a show-off and he bowed his head. Frankie and I then had a go at those racing games with the motorbike you have to sit on and it tips. I couldn’t get the hang of it but Frankie was really good. However, I did beat all three of them at the car racing games. Elena laughed and called me the champion. And then I won four little teddies on a crane machine ‘cause I’m just ace at them…Ok I admit it! Ray’s really good on them and he taught me the tricks of the trade.

“Who wants which one?” I questioned as we stepped outside “Who wants which one?”

“I want the purple one!” Katie laughed “I claim the purple one as my own!”

“The purple one?” I repeated “Oh I dunno’, I think Frankie would like the purple one. I dunno’…maybe if you say please.”

“Please.” She said, smiling sweetly and fluttering her eyelashes.

I laughed and handed her the purple and pink teddy. Elena claimed a neon green one. Frankie demanded a lopsided bright yellow one and I was left with a disgusting maroon one. I held it up grimly by one paw.

“Who wants to trade?”

There were no takers. I sighed and looked at the little fella. I guess I could get used to him. He had a little smile stitched on and cute little blue eyes. I hugged it.

“Imma call him Fredrick!” I exclaimed.

All three of them laughed. And then a fourth person joined in. Their laugh was horribly familiar and sent chills down my spine. Elena noticed immediately and grabbed my arm, trying to manoeuvre me away. I stayed rooted to the spot though, my heart pounding in my chest. My palms growing sticky.

“C’mon Dad.”

I ignored her and stared hard at the sallow, sardonic, sadistic man in front of me. He’s dyed his hair a dirty blond. But nothing else has changed about him. He smirked from his place on the wall by the flowerbeds.

“How you doing sugar?”

Frank gripped my hand instantly and tried to drag me away. Bert got up and paraded over to us all, looking me up and down with a sick smirk plastered across his face.

“You’re looking good, Gerard,” He crooned “I’m not sure about that haircut on you though. It makes your face look kinda’…fat!”

He turned to Frank’s scowling face as I gasped for breath, preparing a comeback.

“How can you let him get like that? I would never have allowed it!”

“Well we all know that,” Frank spat “You wouldn’t have allowed anything. Remind me, Bert, what was it you used to say to him whenever you thought he was eating too much? ‘You’ll get fat and then I won’t love you anymore’? Was that it? What was it you used to call him when you thought he was sleeping with me, again? Whore? A liar and a cheat?”

“Well, turns out I was right about that wasn’t I?” He smirked.

“You stay the hell away from us.” Frank said venomously.

“Or what, Iero?”

Frank went to punch him but I grabbed at his arm, rubbing his shoulder soothingly.

“C’mon Frankie,” I said desperately “He’s not even worth the effort.”

Frank lowered his arm, still glowering at Bert’s amusement. I tried to get him away but Bert was just intent on provoking him.

“That’s right, do what our worthless little husband tells us! Walk away from a fight like the pathetic piece of scum that you are.”

“Oh I’m the scum?” Frank exclaimed “He’s the worthless one? Have you heard of something called a mirror? No? Well I recommend you get one and take a good hard look. Look up ‘worthless’ and ‘scum’ in the dictionary and you’ll find your name under it! You are the very definition of scum and worthless. I have no idea what makes you think we’re worthless when you’re running around, stalking your ex-“

“Gerard is worthless,” Bert sneered “There’s only one thing he’s good for. That’s all he ever has been good for and that’s all he ever will be good for!”

Frank tried to step forward again but I grabbed him again.

“Say that again.” He dared.

“What did you just say.” Bert jeered, looking down at his 5”4 height.

Frank fought against me, wrenching his shoulder free and stepping forward. Bert smirked and stepped closer to him so that they were stood nose to chin, glaring straight into each others eyes. They stepped even closer so that there was no space between them.

“I said Say. That. Again.”

Bert smirked, stepping back slightly.

“Gerard. Is. Only. Good. For. One. Thing.” He said slowly, deliberately enunciating the words.

Frank struck, his clenched fist catching the side of Bert’s face. Bert grunted, spitting out a mouthful of blood. He turned back to Frankie and punched as fast as lightning. Frank swore out loud, feeling his split lip. I yelled, trying to convince him to walk away but he was ignoring me. A crowd started to gather, all watching intently. Someone chanted ‘Fight, fight, fight’ in the background. They both flew at each other, wrestling to the ground and punching each other madly. It was like watching two teenagers fighting at school with the crowd there. Frankie grabbed onto Bert’s throat, trying to strangle him. Not allowing it, Bert gripped onto his hair and yanked it hard, causing Frank to yell. This gave Bert the opportunity to force him off of him down to the ground and punch him repeatedly in the face. I shouted out again, not knowing what to do. Elena tried to run forwards and join in but I grabbed her, pulling her back.

“Let me go!” She cried, fighting against me.

“You’re not going over there.” I ordered, pulling her away.

“Well someone’s got to do something!”

“Elena, that’s stupid,” Katie said, grabbing her off of me “That guy would tear you apart.”

The crowd continued to watch, no one actually doing anything. Frankie kneed Bert in the crotch and kicked him off of him, his foot connecting with Bert’s stomach. Bert stumbled backwards and fell onto his back while Frank struggled to his feet and spat at him.

“Frankie, please!” I begged “This is stupid! Let’s just get outta’ here, yeah?”

He looked at me. He looked at Bert. He considered…

And he started to walk over to me, Elena and Katie. I breathed out a sigh of relief and pulled him into a hug. He didn’t hug me back. He just stood rigidly, shaking with clenched fists.

“Can we go now?” He asked “Before I go back over there.” He added.