This Still Belongs to You and Always Will

Chapter 26

Gerard’s P.O.V:

I stirred slowly, blinking my eyes continuously. The room was mercifully dark due to the curtains blocking out the harsh sunlight. I gave a slight grunt of annoyance at being awake. It was 10:30 in the morning. Too early. I snuggled back down, discovering that I was cuddled up to a warm body. For a moment I had a mini-panic as I had no idea what she was doing there but then I remembered and relaxed. My arm was draped idly across her flat stomach. She shifted but didn’t wake. Her hair tickled my nose as I moved my head. Her little body was pressed firmly into mine. She felt wonderfully warm.

“Morning.” I croaked out as she opened her eyes and looked over her shoulder at me.

“Hmm.” She replied lazily.

“Have a good night?” I teased.

She sighed contentedly, making a ‘Hmm’ sound again.

“Very, very good night,” She smirked, looking at me “You’re quite the animal in the bedroom department, aren’t you? I think you’re definitely the best person I’ve been with for a long time.”

I smirked and nibbled on her neck.

“You probably say that to every guy you get up here with you.” I mocked, moving down her shoulder.

“No. Honestly,” She insisted “You’re the best.”

I chuckled to myself, biting onto her skin. She rolled over to face me and kissed me hungrily. I wasn’t usually the type to cuddle up with the people I laid in the morning. I just had my fun and then took off. She slid her arms around me and dragged me into her. I smirked against her and kissed furiously…

…”Where were you?” Mom questioned.

“At Ray’s,” I lied smoothly “We were all tired and it was just easier to go to his place.”

She sighed heavily and said something about my grades being affected if I’m not careful. I rolled my eyes. Lying to my parents had become a regular thing for me. Bob, Ray and Matt always covered for me if my Mom rang and asked them to check. I don’t think she trusted me. Once, I heard her telling Mikey not to look to me as a role model.

“Hey, Gee.” Mikey grinned, coming out into the hall.

“Hey, Mikes.” I smiled in reply.

I’d always had a close relationship with my brother and that would never change. Once, at school, I heard a little kid had fallen into the fountain and I ran outta’ class ‘cause I was scared it was Mikey. Luckily, I found him standing awe-struck on the sideline. I pulled him into a huge hug, relieved that it wasn’t him. I was probably in the fourth grade at the time.

“Have fun?” Mikey asked.

“Yeah, same as always.” I replied, heading along the landing to my room…

Frankie’s arm encircled itself tighter around my middle as I started awake and attempted to wriggle away from him. Dreaming about waking up next to someone and then actually waking up next to someone is kinda’ creepy. Not that I mean any offence to Frankie when I say that. He was still sleeping soundly on his side with one arm wrapped around my waist and his head on my chest when I woke up, his chest rising and falling softly as he breathed in and out peacefully. When I tried to wriggle away in attempt to gain a little more personal space he mumbled in his sleep and snuggled up to me. His breath tickled my skin as he exhaled contently. I smiled to myself, tracing my fingers over his delicate features. As I reached his pouty little lips they puckered and kissed my fingertip. I smiled to myself as they parted slightly to kiss it properly.

“How long have you been awake?” I questioned under my breath.

“About thirty seconds,” He mumbled, keeping his eyes shut “And it’s all your fault.”

“Sorry,” I whispered “Any way I can make it up to you?”

He smirked to himself, giggling lightly. He kept his eyes closed, obviously on the verge of passing out. I smiled and wriggled closer to him again.

“That’s what I thought.”

That sexy smirk stayed plastered across his face. Such a goddamn sexy smirk. The smirk that always drove me nuts.

“C’mon,” I encouraged in a singsong voice “What d’you want?”

His arms wound tightly around my waist and he hooked his legs in with mine. Almost instantly, he flipped us over so that he was on top of me, pinning my arms down. I chuckled as he kissed me fiercely, pushing his tongue straight past my lips and into my mouth.

“Do I have to spell it out for you?” He questioned, panting for air as he pulled back from me.

I smirked and shoved at him until I’d forced him onto his back.

“Not really,” I replied, smirking again “But are you serious? Baby, it’s three in the morning!”

He giggled and lifted his head to kiss the tip of my nose. I rolled my eyes, smiled and kissed down his chest, kissing over the scratches littering his chest.

And,” I added “You were in a fight just this afternoon.”


“I don’t want you ending up with broken ribs or something.”

“Are you sure you’re not just stalling?” He giggled.

“No,” I insisted “As much as I love and want you, I have your best interests at heart.”

“Aw, I feel special.”

“You are. And you’re always gonna’ be.”

“So are you.”

Call us the fluffy, candy heart, disgustingly cute couple if you will but that’s us. Disgustingly cute; but in love. He told me he loved me the very first time he kissed me as a seventeen year old boy. And I confessed that I’d been in love with him for a long time.

“Y’know,” He said teasingly “I guess you’re right. You are getting kinda’ old now. Sex at 3:00 am would wear you out beyond repair, wouldn’t it?”

“Are you trying to manipulate me?” I questioned, raising my eyebrows.

“Is it working?”

“Maybe.” I teased, pecking his lips briefly.

“Oh my God…” He said as if he were in shock “Is that…is that grey hair I see?”

I ran a hand through my hair and then pretended to struggle to retract it from my hair.

“Nooo…must resist…”

He forced back a fit of the giggles as I played along, acting like some overrated superhero in his final battle against the deadly enemy. Only, with my dilemma the villain isn’t trying to destroy/take over the world! He’s trying to seduce the hero. And oh how wonderful it would be to give in. Just give up, wrap yourself around his legs and cry ‘Take me; I’m yours!’ and let him deal with you as he likes.

“And…is that a wrinkle?!”

“What?! Where?” I cried theatrically, running my hands over my face.

“Oh Jesus!” He continued cruelly, running his hands over my ass “What once was an amazingly tight butt is now saggy and flabby!”

No more! Please, no more!” I pleaded, covering my ears.

“You know what you have to do to stay young and gorgeous, don’t you, Gee?”

I put a finger and thumb on my chin, pretending to think for a moment.

“I don’t wanna’ get old and ugly,” I informed desperately “Keep me young, Frankie, keep me young!” I begged, kissing him hard.

And this is where you let your smutty little minds kick in! Ok…the flashback/dream things are kind of important but kind of not (if that makes sense) ‘cause they’re giving you background info about Gerard and Michaela! The ‘candy heart, disgustingly cute’ stuff (as Gerard so rightly put it hehe) is probably getting boring but all this ‘I love you’ ‘I love you more’ stuff will become important later on in the story! Comments and constructive criticism/feedback are all appreciated!