This Still Belongs to You and Always Will

Chapter 27

Elena’s P.O.V:

Bark bark

Bark bark

Whine whine

I groaned to myself and tightened my grip on my duvet. A wet little nose poked under the duvet at the end of the bed and nudged my foot. I gave a small yelp and retracted my foot. Luna struggled to climb up onto the bed with me. I sat up and reached down for her but she dashed over to my bedroom door and started scratching at it. For a moment, I wondered if she was already potty trained and needed to go. But then I remembered Dad telling me to set some newspaper by her basket before I went to sleep.

“You don’t wanna’ play now, do you?” I questioned.

She whined and scratched at the door with her little paw, looking up at me with bright little eyes. How could I resist?

“Five minutes,” I said firmly, snatching up my black bath robe from the floor and pulling it on “Maybe six if you’re lucky!” I added, opening the door.

She shot off down the hall, running back and forth whilst waiting for me to catch up. I yawned and stretched lazily, ambling along behind my puppy. She whined at me, telling me to hurry up. I haven’t even had her for twenty-four hours and she’s already got me strutting around like a robotic slave. She paused by Dad and Frank’s bedroom door, pricking her ears up. I squatted down and held my hand out to try and lure her away.

“C’mon girl,” I trilled quietly “Dad and Frankie are sleeping…c’mon.”

I leaned closer to her, stretching my fingers. She stepped closer and licked my hand with her pink little tongue. It tickled. I tried not to giggle and gently lifted her into my arms to carry away. And then I heard it. As I straightened up, with Luna in my arms, I heard one of the most mentally scarring things a kid can ever hear. A low moan seeped through the wood of the door. And another. I shuddered.

“Ok, maybe not sleeping,” I said, covering Luna’s ears “But they’re otherwise engaged.”

Uuh…Jesus, Frankie

I shuddered violently and ran for it. I’m not gonna’ be able to look him in the eye for weeks now. Not now that I know what he sounds like when he’s ‘otherwise engaged’. Oh ew

… Once downstairs, I shut the kitchen door and set Luna down on the floor. She barked at me and ran in little circles, chasing her tail. I chuckled at her cuteness and found her toy ball that Dad had produced as we all went back into the living room. I rolled it across the floor and let her chase it. She went skidding across the floor after it and then came dashing back. So I tossed it lightly for her and giggled as she chased it again. Then I sat on the floor and let her curl up in my lap. She yawned and rested her head on her little paws. I sighed. Typical. She wakes me up in the middle of the night to play and then we get downstairs and she decides she wants to sleep. I scooped her up into my arms and cautiously crept up the stairs. Luckily, it sounded like all physical activities had ceased upstairs. I gently lay Luna in her basket, where she yawned again and curled up. I smiled and discarded my robe, climbing into bed and curling up to sleep.

A nice little filler so that you can see Elena bonding with her puppy and it helps your smutty little minds with the previous chapter =PIOh yeah! Congratulate me people, on Sunday I kicked Wiltshire's ass at bowls!!! The game on my rink was won by us 38-4!!