This Still Belongs to You and Always Will

Chapter 2

Gerard’s P.O.V:

The mattress groaned as someone flopped down on the bed next to me. I glanced across to see Frankie lying on his front, moaning softly. He lazily opened one eye and raised a hand in greeting, making me smile and crawl closer to him.

“Long day?”




“Want me to make it better?”

“Mmmmm!” He replied, suddenly perking up a lot more.

I smirked, pleased with myself, and began to massage his shoulders. He sighed deeply and let his head flop back down on the pillow and be enveloped by the white marshmallow. I have a ‘hidden gift’ when it comes to massages according to Frankie.

“You’re really tense.” I breathed, leaning closer to him.

“Mmm,” He replied “It’s been a looong, stressful five and a half hour shift.”

“Poor baby,” I cooed, planting tiny kisses along his jaw line “Anything I can do to make it better?”

“I could think of a few things,” He teased, pausing to sigh in relief as I made small circles with my thumbs on his shoulder blades “But this is pure bliss at the moment!”

I smiled as I found his tension spot, varying the pressure I applied. He purred appreciatively, which turned into a low moan as I moved onto his back. The tension I found surprised me. I keep telling him to take a break from work but he doesn’t listen.

“You work too hard baby.” I whispered, pecking his cheek.

“Yeah and you’re too good at this,” He replied, moaning softly “Ever considered a career change?”


“Well you should,” He insisted “You are so damn good at this! We’d be rich men if you were a masseuse; and this is actually quite a turn on.”

“Ooh baby,” I mocked “Why didn’t you say so?”

He smirked as I slipped my hands under his shirt to massage the bare skin on his little back. His skin felt warm against my hands and I relished it. My sinful hands pushed his shirt up to expose his back to me. His purring started up again as I trailed my lips up and down his back.

“Y’know, Gee,” He began, grabbing my leg with one hand and attempting to pull it over his hips “I think you’d be more successful if you did this.”

I allowed a giggle to surpass my lips as I got into a straddling position and began my massaging with my hands again, running them up and down his back. Another deep sigh passed his lips. A smile played my lips; he sounded like he was in total heaven. I pushed his shirt until he finally lifted his arms and shook it off.

“Oops.” He teased.

“How did that happen?” I agreed.

He purred with affection as I continued to ease the tension in his back, leaning forwards to kiss along his shoulder blades. The jack ‘o’ lantern tattoo grinned up at me. I poked it gently.

“What was that for?”

“It’s looking at me again,” I teased “Its little eyes are watching me!”

Frankie wriggled his shoulders so that it looked like it was moving. I laughed as he started talking in a strange little voice.

“Hi Gerard,” It ‘said’ “Kiss me!”

I laughed and plopped a little peck on its grinning mouth.

“Now,” It continued “You have some unfinished business to attend to.”

“And that is?”

“Meeeeeeee!” Frankie called out, waving his arm above his head.

I smirked and rubbed at his back again. A low moan echoed off the walls and reverberated around the empty house. Oh I do love it when we’re alone!

“Mm; you’re not the only one.”

“Did I say that out loud?” I questioned quizzically.

“Yeah,” He laughed “Why? Were you supposed to keep that to yourself?”

“Uh huh.”

“You have a habit of doing that!” He laughed.

“Do I? What do I say?”

He let a long loud moan out.

“Ohhh Frankie! You’re so damn hot; uh…I want you so bad-“

“In your dream world maybe!” I mocked, fondly ruffling his hair.

“I know it definitely wasn’t in my dream world ‘cause, in my dream world, you wear kinky leather outfits and carry whips and handcuffs!”

“I do that anyway!” I teased.

“You do?!” He questioned, feigning shock and delight “So it wasn’t a dream!” He continued to himself.

I giggled as he shifted underneath me so that he was on his back and could kiss me properly. His hands slipped round the back of my neck, his talented fingers drawing circles on my skin. My head tilted back appreciatively, giving him the opportunity to sit up and attack my neck. A sigh strayed from my lips. He smirked as my fingers trailed down his chest and teasingly undid the button on his jeans…

So, what you thinking so far guys?