This Still Belongs to You and Always Will

Chapter 31

Gerard’s P.O.V:

I stared in shock at the two limp bodies before me. One was small with brown hair and the other was slender with dark hair. Both had empty hazel eyes that stared at me pleadingly. Empty and unblinking. Her tiny hand was stretched out towards me, resting in the pool of blood. Their blood was mixing. The smell was overpowering and made my stomach churn. Light came from the glow of a single candle in the room on a rickety wooden table. I realised exactly where I was and looked back to the lifeless forms in front of me in horror.

“Elena?” I whimpered, praying for some kind of miracle “F-Frankie?”

“Oh, Sugar, don’t you understand? They can’t hear you now.”

The sick voice was right up close in my ear. There was a hint of pleasure in his tone as he spoke to me. I shuddered as he played with my long black hair.

“What did you do?”

“I didn’t do anything, Sugar.” He smirked against my neck as he kissed it.

No! You did something otherwise they wouldn’t be….be….”


I whimpered and covered my face with my hands as I began to cry. Bert ran his hands over my body, smiling to himself as he did so.

“They’re dead, Gerard,” He said in a maliciously gentle voice “And it’s all because of you.”

No!” I cried “No! I-I didn’t do anything!”

“Oh…if only you’d stayed with me,” He said coyly “It would’ve saved two lives.”

“Shut up! It’s not true.”

“You said you’d protect Frank; to do that you should never have cheated on me with him!”

“I d-didn’t cheat! And this is all your fault!” I sobbed.

“Such a shame, eh?” He sneered “You know they’ll lock you up for this, right?”


“Oh but how wrong you are, Sugar.” He sighed, placing one hand on my shoulder and twirling my hair around the fingers of the other.

“Don’t touch me!” I wailed, throwing myself away from him and into the corner “Just leave me alone!” I sobbed hysterically, curling up.

“I’m trying to help you, Sugar.”

“No……..y-you’ll hurt me again.”

“I don’t hurt you,” He insisted “I’m nice to you.”

“You hurt me!” I whimpered.

“I’m good to you,” He replied “I only give you soft beatings! You deserve so much worse but I’m good to you!”

I shook my head and curled up tighter. He smirked and reached out to touch me. As his hand came closer I retreated away from him, making him sneer and laugh cruelly at me. The light flickered as a gust of wind blew over the candle.

“Come with me, Sugar,” He said, holding his hand out “I won’t let them lock you away and I’ll take care of you, even if you are a murderer!”

“I didn’t do it.”

“Of course you didn’t,” He jeered “So they just ‘dropped down dead’ did they?”

“It was you!”

“Do you really think they’ll believe the one curled up in the corner bawling like a baby over the one who’s trying to help him?”

“You’re not trying to help me,” I sobbed “You-you just want to get me back to your apartment so that you can hurt me and make me sleep with you.”

“That’s ridiculous,” He insisted “I don’t make you sleep with me.”

I clutched my head in my hands and rocked back and forth much to his amusement. My sobs were the only thing I could hear, echoing through the room.

“Look at you, Gerard. You’re sick, I’ll help you.” He appealed, holding his hand out…

…I was suddenly back at the apartment I used to share with Bert. He was standing over me with my jeans in his hand. I was crying still, covering my face with my hands. He sneered and kicked at my stomach. A cry escaped my lips as my arms encircled my stomach.

“N-no…y-you promised…….you promised you wouldn’t!” I whimpered.

“You should know me well enough by now to know when I’m lying.” He smirked.

“P-please don’t-“

“I’m gonna’ break you right down, Gerard,” He continued heartlessly “I’m gonna’ make you bleed for all you’re worth. There won’t be anything left of you by the time I’m finished with you.”

My sobs got more and more hysterical as he advanced on me. He roared ‘Shut up’ at me and kicked me hard so that all the voice was blown out of me and I was crying silently. His sick smirk frightened me so much that I couldn’t move anymore. So he clambered on top of me, effortlessly brushing off my feeble hits. His smirk was sickly and branded onto my memory. He was much too close to me. His hands were roaming my body, touching parts of me they shouldn’t.

“I hope you’re ready.” He sneered.

And I screamed as it happened. I screamed until I couldn’t anymore. I screamed for the one person who’d always been there for me. But he didn’t come. He couldn’t come because he couldn’t hear me anymore. But still I screamed, praying for a miracle...

Muhahaha! Just so you know: I scared lolly with this by giving her a sneak preview. Being the smart young person she is, she immeadiately said 'Nooo it's not Bert is it?' so I scared her by saying 'It could be Frank for all you know'! Sorry loz!