This Still Belongs to You and Always Will

Chapter 32

Elena’s P.O.V:

“Hey Grandma!” I beamed, opening the door and hugging my Grandmother.

“Hi Elena.” She smiled, pecking my cheek and probably leaving a lipstick mark.

“C’mon in,” I said, stepping aside “Frank and Dad are both asleep at the moment.”

She laughed and stepped in, closing the door behind her. I checked the front door was locked securely before following her into the living room. She’d happily seated herself on the sofa and was looking at Frank, still sleeping.

“Can I get you anything to drink?” I asked “Dad stocked up on the tea for you.”

“That’d be lovely.” She smiled.

So I went out into the kitchen and set the kettle to boil. Frankie was still sleeping soundly. I gently touched his shoulder.

“Frank……Frankie, Grandma’s here.”

“No, don’t wake him Elena,” Grandma protested “Let him sleep, he looks like he could use it.”

“But he told me to wake him when you get here.”

“But I’m telling you not to.” She laughed.

So I threw my hands in the air and went to see to her tea. She thanked me and sipped it, smacking her lips appreciatively. Grandma Linda says I make the best cup of tea ever. I guess that’s a compliment. She patted the space beside her, encouraging me to sit with her.

“So,” She began “How’s school been going?”

“It’s been ok.” I shrugged.

“Just ok?”

“Just ok.”

“Let me guess, the other kids are still being homophobic towards your background?”

“Yeah,” I shrugged “But they don’t matter!”

“That’s the spirit.” She beamed.

Frankie slowly stirred, rubbing at his eyes and groaning. He opened his eyes blearily and smiled at the sight of Grandma.

“Hey Mom.”

“Hi honey.” She smiled, kissing his cheek as he got up to hug her.

He sat back on the sofa again, rubbing at his eyes.

“Feel better now?” I asked.

“Yeah.” He yawned.

“Oh my God!” Grandma suddenly exclaimed, pointing at him “What happened to you, honey?”

She’d noticed the two bruises on his face and the split lip. He felt his lip and then rubbed the bridge of his nose as if he’d completely forgotten. I wondered what he’d tell her. Somehow I don’t think ‘Oh yeah, I got into a fight yesterday with Gerard’s crazy ex after he started calling us pathetic and saying Gerard’s only good for sex’ would go down too well.

“Oh…um…yeah I fell down the stairs yesterday.” He lied, giving a false little ‘ha ha’.

“You’re too careless.” She said fondly.

“We all are.” I grinned.

“It’s nothing to be-“

Grandma was cut off by a terrifying sound. A blood-curdling scream. It rang through the almost silent house and pierced me inside. Frank was up and out the door instantly. We could hear his feet pounding against the stairs while the sound filtered through out brains and registered. It was Dad…

Gerard’s P.O.V:

I couldn’t stop screaming. My throat felt like it was being sandpapered but it didn’t faze me. I needed him to hear me. He needed to know I needed him. That I was being hurt. But he didn’t come and all I could hear around me was manic laughter. My entire body ached from my efforts. I could feel the tearing pain. And he wasn’t listening to me. He was ignoring my screams for help. He wasn’t coming to the rescue this time…

…Someone had grabbed me and was gently shaking me back into consciousness. I cried out and wriggled away from their touch, shaking violently. They grabbed hold of me and gently shook me again. But I didn’t want people grabbing at me. I whimpered and tried to push them off of me but they gripped tight and stroked at my back and hair.

“P-please get off of me….please,” I whimpered “You p-promised!”

“Gerard……it’s just me, Baby. It’s Frankie.”

“F-Frankie?” I questioned.

“Yes. Just open your eyes honey, it’s just me.”

By this time, I’d covered my face with my hands and curled up protectively. He gently took hold of my hands and lowered them from my face. I sighed in relief at the sight of his concern-plastered face and threw myself into his embrace.

“Frankie….Frankie it was it was horrible you were dead and so was Elena and-and he pro-promised he wouldn’t but-but he did and it was horrible……I shouted for you and you couldn’t help me and I was begging him but he just laughed and kept on….kept on…”

“It’s ok, Gee,” He hushed, rocking me “I know what you’re getting at.”

“It-it was horrible.”

“I know,” He soothed “I know. It was just a dream…just a dream.”

I whimpered, clinging to him as tightly as I could. I needed to check he was real and wouldn’t fade away at my touch. He hugged me close and whispered words of comfort in my ear while I whimpered and whined into his t-shirt. Luna came bounding into the room as well and yelped at me. I smiled shakily.

“H-hey girl,” I said softly “Did-did you come to see if Daddy’s ok?”

She made a weird ‘Rrrrf’ sound and tried to jump up beside us both. Frankie smiled and picked her up. She wriggled in his arms until he set her down and let her hop into my lap. I smiled and absentmindedly stroked her back while she settled down and curled up. Frankie held me close and soothed me with gentle and caring words. Where I’d be without him I’ll never know. I’d probably be six feet under after the stress led to a heart attack.

“My Mom’s here,” He whispered, kissing the side of my head “D’you want me to tell her-“

“No it’s fine,” I insisted “I’ll come and say hi.”

“If you’re sure.”

“Yeah, I’m fine. It was just a dream, right?”

“Yes. Just a dream.”

I sat up properly, still stroking at Luna, and swung my legs over the edge of the bed. Luna went ‘Rrrf’ resentfully and bounded off outta’ the room. With Frankie still holding me supportively, I got up and followed her downstairs.

Guys, I love you all and you make me smile...but I've decided to end's not going anywhere so it's time to say goodbye =[ *Sniffle*

Nah, Just kidding! Bet I scared you! I just wanted to ask you if you'd read and comment on my latest fic And You Can Take All The Pain Away From Me! Pwease!