This Still Belongs to You and Always Will

Chapter 34

Anyone who thought that I meant some nice hot sexy boylove when I said 'it' no I'm afraid not! And you all know that I'm not allowed to write it anymore ='[ But 'it' won't happen for a little while! Like I said, don't worry about that yet.

Hint: I'd worry about Micheala's appearance!

Gerard’s P.O.V:

I smiled as Frankie opened the front door and let himself in. He ran a hand through his windswept hair and ruffled it even more. I could hear Elena and Katie scrabbling around in the kitchen as I greeted him loudly. His eyebrows raised a little as if he wasn’t too certain about my state of mind but I knew he was playing around ‘cause of the smile plastered across his face.

“Happy birthday, babe.” I beamed, pecking his chilled cheek.

“You said that this morning,” He laughed “But thank you.” He added, kissing my lips quickly and pulling his coat and scarf off.

His scarf is pink and fluffy. He insisted that I let him buy it when we went for a walk and passed a little market stall. I bought him the matching gloves too but he said they were ‘too……too gay’ so he passed them onto a grateful Katie.

“Hey,” He suddenly exclaimed, making me flinch at the volume “You did your hair.”

He was pointing at my newly dyed hair. I’d also sprayed in a few red streaks ‘cause it was Halloween. Trust me when I say ‘we’re all big on Halloween’. I guess it’s ‘cause we’re celebrating it for two reasons.

“Um…yeah,” I replied, running a hand through it anxiously “D’you like it?”

“You look gorgeousismo!” He insisted “As usual.”

I smiled shyly. He slipped an arm around my waist and kissed my cheek. His hand settled on my hip and my own hand crept around his waist. He simply beamed and rested his head on my shoulder so that his hair was tickling my cheek.

“C’mon.” I encouraged, trying to manoeuvre him into the kitchen.

“Gerard?” He said suspiciously.



“Just c’mon.” I urged, feeling a twinge of annoyance at his suspicion.

It’s not like Bert’s hiding under the stairs while I try and get him away so that I can try and deal with it without him knowing. I tugged his arm insistently until he followed me. His eyebrows were knitted together with confusion. My eyes rolled fondly. I finally shoved him into the dark kitchen.

“What’s going on, Gee?” He questioned.

I flicked the light on and he was met with the cries of ‘Happy Birthday’. He instantly leapt backwards in shock and I laughed. Elena, Katie, Ray and Bob had all been hiding in the kitchen. Mercifully, it was dark outside ‘cause Frankie had to work late so the kitchen was pretty dark.

“Oh my God you guys!” He exclaimed, looking around at the banners and Halloweeny décor “For me?”

It was the same every year. He always acts like he thinks we’ve forgotten and then goes all ‘awwwww you shouldn’t have’ on us. I laughed as he jumped on me with a huge hug. Then he jumped at Ray and hugged him. And then jumped on Bob. Literally. We all laughed as he staggered backwards, trying to keep upright with the extra weight.

“Ok, ok, ok!” He exclaimed “It’s great to see you too dude!”

Frankie refused to let go and clung tighter to Bob and growled when Ray tried to unpeel him.

“Gee,” Bob whined “Can you exercise some restraint over your little gremlin of a husband?”

“I can try.” I laughed.

And I did try. Physical means of removal proved ineffective, as did sheer brute force. I’d have to be clever. It required brains and cruel methods.

“Frankie…” I cooed softly, stepping closer “Frankie…”

He growled at me as my hands found his hips. It didn’t put me off though. I continued to croon his name softly. And he finally responded with ‘What?’. I smirked to myself.

“Tell me, what day is it today Frankie?”

“Halloween.” He answered deliberately.

“What else?”

“My birthday.”

“I know,” I cooed softly, leaning in so that only he could hear me “And what do we get up to on your birthday?”

I could picture his knowing little smirk as I continued to whisper in his ears. He shivered at my dirty little words. I knew I was making an impact.

“But, if you want all of that,” I concluded “You’ll have to let go of Bob.”

Unsurprisingly, he jumped off Bob and dived onto me instead. I laughed and patted his head…

… “Dance with me Gee!” Frankie whined, grabbing my hands and pulling me up.

I laughed and shook my head, making him scowl and tug insistently. It was all in full swing by this point. Mikey and Alicia, Matt and Rachel, Christa (Ray’s girlfriend), Linda and my parents had all arrived. We were all kit out in Halloween costumes.

I’d simply painted my face white and gone around my eyes with orange/red eye shadow. Elena had fashioned herself as some kind of gothic vampire from, like, the 1800’s while Katie sported a pair of devil horns and a pitchfork that went with her black mini-skirt and tube top. Mikey had just stuck a white sticky label that said God on it on his chest and Alicia had one that said God’s gurlie. Frankie had painted black X’s over his eyes like he does every year. Christina had a black mini-dress that showed off her figure and a witches hat. Linda wore a wig and claimed it to be her costume. Still, Mom and Dad didn’t even bother dressing up. Ray had a pair of false fangs that you stick to your teeth with special putty stuff and a cape. Bob had some knuckledusters, made of card and foil, and claimed to be a gangster. Matt’s face was white too and his eyes were painted purple, Rachel was the same and they both had fake blood splattered across white t-shirts and I assumed they were zombies or something.

“Nooooo,” I moaned “I can’t dance.”

“C’mon! Don’t be such a killjoy!”

“I’m not.” I insisted.

“So dance with him, Dad!” Elena ordered.

I rolled my eyes as everyone stared at me. So I jumped up and started moon walking much to their amusement. But moon walking to ‘This is Halloween’ is hardly the best thing in the world. Frankie grabbed my hands and started doing some kind of demented waltz with me. We both laughed ‘cause we knew we looked so stupid.

“Can we play the flour game now?” Elena questioned.

I looked at Frankie and we both shrugged then said yeah. So we all trailed out into the kitchen, where Elena and Katie had made the dome shaped flour-cake. There was a piece of chocolate in the middle of it and a blunt dinner knife beside it.

“Birthday boy’s honour!” Mikey said, handing Frankie the knife.

He laughed and carefully cut away a ‘slice’ of the flour. Then he handed it to me and I did the same thing. The knife went round us all and back to Frankie again, who cut a very thin slice and passed to me. I simply ran the knife gently along the edge of the flour and passed it to Katie. She went to cut the flour and it all crumbled down. Everyone went ‘ooooooh’ and waited for her to retrieve the chocolate. She took a deep breath and stuck her face in the flour, searching for the chocolate. We all laughed as she pulled up with a floury piece of chocolate clenched between her teeth. Elena handed her a flannel to wipe her face off and tipped the flour into a bowl to re-shape it. She then put another piece of chocolate on it and Katie cut the first piece away. And the cycle began again.

The evening went on and everyone, except me, had had their turn. They all seemed intent on catching me out and cut mammoth slices away until there was hardly any flour left for me to cut. I carefully edged the knife blade along the flour…and it all collapsed. Mikey went ‘HA’ and pointed at me. I sighed. Then someone tapped my shoulder.

“Gee?” Frankie said gently.

I turned to face him and his wet hand instantly connected with my face, wiping water all over it.

“Thanks, Frankie.”

“Anytime babe.”

And, as if that wasn’t enough, Elena and Katie had buried the chocolate under a huge mound of flour. I sighed heavily, took a deep breath and went to put my face in. Someone put their hand on the back of my head and shoved my face in. But they let go instantly so that I get come back up for air. Flour was now up my nose and in my mouth. I kept my eyes shut and went back down to find the chocolate. And I had to open my mouth to try and find it, biting at nothing and getting flour all in my mouth. It was turning into dough in my mouth as soon as it hit my saliva. Finally, my teeth closed around a little square thing and I pulled my face outta’ the flour pile. Everyone burst out laughing as I wiped my eyes before opening them. I chewed the chocolate and swallowed it, then turned to Frankie.

“No!” He said quickly.

But I grabbed him and pulled him into a big sloppy kiss, invading his mouth with my tongue to ensure that he got his share of the dough that had now formed. I also made sure our faces were pressed right close together.

“Ew!” He exclaimed as I pulled away from him.

He now had, what looked like, a weird beard and moustache of flour. I laughed evilly, rubbing my hands together like an evil genius. Oh and the look he gave me. If looks could kill……you get the idea.