This Still Belongs to You and Always Will

Chapter 36

Gerard’s P.O.V:

A small smile crept over my face as Frankie came in with just a towel wrapped around his waist. I stretched back onto the pillows with my hands behind my head. He noticed my almost perverted smile and wriggled his hips suggestively.

“Y’know, it’s a good thing we’re married ‘cause otherwise I’d accuse you of being a pervert.” He smirked.

“I was just thinking the same thing,” I smiled “What are you? Some kind of mind-reader?”

He put his fingers on either side of his temple jokingly and pretended to read my mind. I rolled my eyes and let my head flop back onto the pillow. He hovered over me and planted a small kiss on my lips. As he got back up, he swayed a little on the spot and put his hand on his forehead.

“Are you ok?”

“I just…I’ve got a bit of a headache again.”

“Oooh,” I cooed sympathetically “My poor baby.” I continued, getting up and kissing his neck.

He smiled and leant against me. My hands rested on his hips while I nuzzled into his neck. I could hear him breathing slowly and steadily through his nose. He sounded calm and relaxed. It was sweet to hear. His head tipped back to rest against me properly as I kissed his neck and scraped my teeth against the soft skin.

“Did I ever wish you a happy anniversary?” I questioned.

“It might’ve slipped out one, two or three hundred times.”

“Ok,” I smiled “Just checking.”

He laughed and slipped outta’ my grip to get dressed. Personally, I prefer him undressed but I doubt others would appreciate it. So I reluctantly sat back on the bed and watched him slip into some tight-fitting boxers. I bought them for him as a stupid little joke present some time in the past that I can’t remember. He calls them his ‘Special Occasion’ boxers. In other words, he only wears them when he has ‘plans’. He was now slinking his way into his tightest black jeans to match mine and his long sleeved pink and black striped shirt. Then he slipped his old pink studded belt through the belt loops on his jeans, missing one or two of the loops so that the belt hung down on one side.

“How do I look?” He teased, twirling like a fashion model.

“Super sexy, as always.”


I smiled at his back as he turned to face the mirror and began putting his eyeliner on. He looked at me through the mirror and smirked. My eyes rolled and I stuck my tongue out in his direction. His eyebrow arched, making me laugh. A small smile played his own lips as he returned to applying his eyeliner.

“Take your time, pansy.” I mocked, getting up and slapping his ass as I left the room.

“Will do.” He called back…

… “You know the drill,” Frank said to Elena as we opened the door to Mikey and Alicia “No parties, no boys, no ‘small get togethers’, no burning the place down, no training Luna to attack us on command and absolutely no feeding black cat’s with white stripes!”

I rolled my eyes and slid an arm round his waist, pulling him along insistently.

Come on, Frankie,” Mikey laughed “Elena promises to be good. As if she’d feed a black cat with a white stripe anyway. We all know she’d feed a fox.”

“At least foxes don’t make bad smells!”


…Alicia giggled as she finished the contents of her glass. Like Frankie, just the tiniest measure of alcohol can make her hyper. Frankie was dancing by our table to the crappy club music and Mikey had gone off to get more drinks. I laughed at both Alicia and Frankie, sipping more of my zombie. Frankie was drinking tequila sunrise, Alicia satisfied herself with a tidal wave and Mikey was enjoying a coconut highball.

“Gimme a kiss, Gee.”

“Eugh! Why would I wanna’ do that?” I teased as Frankie clambered onto my lap.

“’Cause you loves me so much!”

“I do?!”

He scowled falsely and folded his arms. I laughed and lifted my head, pushing my lips against his. His bad mood dissipated and he kissed back until we both pulled apart in need of air. I rested back in my seat and scanned the room with interest. Lights were flashing and people waved neon sticks in the air. My eyes rested on this one guy who was staring at us all intently.

He was dressed in ‘cool’ clothes but he was wearing them wrong. His dark blue shirt with light blue flames was tucked into his jeans, which were practically pulled up to his armpits. He had black hair that was slicked to one side. I felt embarrassed for the poor guy. All of a sudden, he got up and hitched his jeans up even further, if possible, and began making his way across the dance floor towards us. His hand went into his pocket and he pulled out……a nasal spray. The spray nozzle found its way up his nose and he sniffed loudly and disgustingly as he squeezed the bottle, making me shudder. Alicia had noticed him too and had wrinkled her nose.

Oh God he was coming over to us. He sniffed once more on the spray before he reached the table and paused in front of Alicia. She looked up when he cleared his throat.

“Hi.” He growled with a side smirk in attempt to sound seductive.

“Hey.” She replied with an anxious expression.

He giggle-snorted, totally blowing his attempt at a ‘sexy macho man’ appearance in the process.

“You…uh…wouldn’t wanna’ dance would you?” He questioned “I couldn’t help but notice you’re sat here all alone while your…uh…friends do…uh…whatever it is they’re doing-“

“What?” Frankie said aggressively as he gave us an odd look “Never seen a gay couple before?”

I smirked slightly as the guy looked taken aback. Apparently not. Frankie scowled at him as I rubbed his shoulder soothingly in attempt to get him to take it down a notch. The guy turned back to Alicia hopefully, looking pathetic.


“Um…I…uh…you see, I don’t think…”

“Is there a problem?” Mikey asked, rejoining us with our drinks.

“I don’t think my husband would like that.” Alicia finished.

The poor guy looked as if he’d been punched in the face, robbed, stripped naked and just watched someone close to him die.
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The mocks are over!!! They're done. Finished. No more worries.......until the real thing comes =[

Just wanna' say: Sorry the updates are so slow. And also.....this nasal spray thing happened to someone I know!