This Still Belongs to You and Always Will

Chapter 37

Elena’s P.O.V:

I’d been hanging about in the upstairs hallway for the best part of ten minutes before I finally reached my decision. There was a small rap as my knuckles tapped lightly on the wood of the door. Mere moments later Dad’s voice groaned out a groggy ‘Yeah?’. I opened the door and shyly poked my head around.

Dad was propped up on a bunch of pillows, rubbing his eyes with his free hand. The other hand was wrapped around Frank’s shoulders and Frank was sleeping soundly on his chest. Both had ruffled hair and were seemingly clothe-less. Hmmm, I wonder what they were up to last night. I tried not to look at them properly as Dad spoke.

“You ok, honey?” He asked, pulling the duvet over his chest self-consciously.

“I know it’s not really a good time, but I wanted to talk about Mom-“

My words were cut short as Dad moaned from obvious annoyance and tilted his head back. I sighed.

“Not now, Elena.”


“I said ‘Not now’.”

“Dad, you don’t understand! It’s important-“

Not now.”

His tone surprised me. There was real aggression in that tone. He’d never used it on me before. Frank stirred slowly, tightening his grip around Dad’s waist and slowly opening his eyes. He blinked blearily and gave Dad a goofy half-smile. Then he glanced at me and rubbed his eyes.

“Hey, guys,” He grunted “Am I missing something here?”

“No, I was just going.” I insisted, turning around and walking out into the hall.

I closed their door behind me and moodily trudged downstairs. Luna yelped at the sight of me and happily bounded over. I grinned and tickled her stomach as she rolled onto her back faithfully. She followed me determinedly into the kitchen and waited hopefully by her food bowl until I filled it for her. I smiled at her again and got my own breakfast…

… “Elena, are you sure about this?” Katie questioned as we both hovered by the school gates.

“I’m positive.”

“But what if he knows her?”

“Well, I meet my Mom. And if he doesn’t, I prove he’s a liar. Either way, I win.”

“But what if she’s not what you expect?”

"I dunno'." I replied.


"Oh Katie just shut up about it! I'll know what to do when the time comes!"

She looked slightly resentful to my comment and mumbled something about trying to watch out for me. I felt slightly guilty as she was just trying to look out for me so that I didn't get hurt or anything. And I was very grateful to her for it. That's what a friend does.

I was about to apologise when I saw him. He sauntered round the corner as if he didn't have a care in the world, running a hand through his greasy blond hair. And he was walking, hand in hand, with a dark haired woman. She looked familiar. She had the same glittering green eyes. Her hair was the same jet black. Her skin was the same lilly white. But she looked thinner than in the pictures. I stared in shock.

"Jesus, is that her?" Katie questioned "Is that really her?"

Was it? I didn't know. It sure as hell looked like her but I couldn't quite believe it. I was waiting for someone to pinch me hard and wake me up. They stopped in front of us and she looked up at him. He nodded, smirking. And she looked back at me.

"Lauren?" She questioned.

"Excuse me?"

Confusion flickered in her eyes. She glanced up at him and back at me again. He just looked down at her too. Then she put a hand over her mouth.

"Oh, of course!" She said "It's Elena now, isn't it?"

I nodded.

"Oh God! Sorry about that! I've just always remembered you as my little Lauren. Bert told me your Dad changed your name. God you look like him... you look just like him."

"That's what everyone says."

She laughed lightly. Bert smiled at her. Not a sneer or a smirk; a real smile. He looked almost happy as he patted her stomach and kissed her cheek, saying he'd leave us to get better aqquainted. She beamed up at him in adoration as he turned and walked back down the street. Then she turned to me again and opened her arms.

"Don't you have a hug for your Mommy?"
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey Guys! I have a new fic and I'm uncertain as to continue with it or leave it as a one-shot! Your honest opinions would be appreciated! Pwease? *Puppy dog eyes*

People Can't Always Get What They Want - But it Sure As Hell Makes Things Simpler When They Do