This Still Belongs to You and Always Will

Chapter 3

Elena’s P.O.V:

“Dad I’m – Oh Jesus!”

I covered my eyes and shoved Katie back out into the hall. Although I’m used to it; it’s never a pleasant experience to walk into your living room and find your parents in a full-on make out session on the couch. They both sprang apart, blushing furiously. I couldn’t help smirking. They’re like a pair of teenagers and it’s like I’m the Mom.

“Safe to come in?”

“Hang on a minute!” Dad called out.

Gross. He’s got a ‘problem’. I rolled my eyes in embarrassment. Katie giggled silently, covering her mouth with her hand. She looked like a little kid who’d seen an adult do something bad or heard someone swear or something.

“Ok now?”


Dad and Frank sat on the couch, arms round each other. Katie stepped shyly into the room behind me. Both men smiled at her then turned on me.

Why was I not informed that you were bringing Katie back today?” Frankie demanded mockingly.

“Why was I not informed that you and Dad were gonna’ be making out on the couch?” I countered.

“Watch it.” Dad replied, getting up and running a hand through his brutally butchered hair.

I smirked when I saw that he was wearing Frank’s ‘Homophobia is gay’ t-shirt and a pair of his baggy boxers. Frank, on the other hand, wore Dad’s old ‘Madonna’ t-shirt and a pair of Dad’s baggy boxers. Could they be any more obvious in displaying what they’ve been doing? I followed Frankie out into the kitchen.

“You weren’t at it on the couch were you?” I hissed.

“What’s it to you?” He smirked, spooning coffee into three mugs “Katie want a coffee?”

“She doesn’t drink it,” I replied “You’d better not have been doing your thing on the couch! It’s creepy enough when you’re at it in the room next to me!”

“Don’t worry,” He laughed “We weren’t ‘doing our thing on the couch’ as you so bluntly put it.”

Katie drifted into the room, followed by Dad. I saw her briefly scan her eyes over Frank’s bare legs, eyeing as much as she could. She think’s he’s gorgeous. I’ve explained several times in the past that he’s gay and has no interest in girls. There’s also the fact that he’s twelve years older than her and would go to jail if he did like her. She takes it in and admires from afar. Her eyes flicked to the words ‘Live every day like it’s your last’ tattooed around his thigh.

Dad heaved himself up onto the kitchen worktop, swinging his legs contently. Frank laughed and called him a big kid. Dad smiled and crossed his legs, causing Frankie to slap his thigh. I sighed, covering my face with my hand and shaking my head. Dad caught on immediately.

“C’mon Frankie,” He said, pretending to be stern “Elena and her friend are in the room.”

“Ohhhh.” He whined in reply, making three coffees and handing them round “D’you want anything to drink Katie?”

“Yes please,” She replied “What d’you have?”

“Water, juice…milk, hot chocolate…um…some weird protein shakes that no one likes.”

“Then why d’you have ‘em?” She questioned.

“Elena made us get ‘em and then decided she didn’t like ‘em,” Dad explained, making her laugh “She has a habit of doing that. But, anyhow, I wouldn’t recommend them!”

“I’ll just have water.” Katie said politely.

Frank pulled a glass outta’ the cupboard and got some water from the fridge. The colourless liquid flowed into the glass with a whirring sound from the fridge.


“No thanks.”

“There you go.” He smiled, handing her the glass.


“So,” Dad exclaimed, clapping his hands “How was your day girlies?”

“Crap.” We both said in unison.

“Aww,” Frankie cooed “My view on the world of education has rubbed off on them! I’m so proud!”

I sighed again from embarrassment, earning a chorus of laughter from everyone.