This Still Belongs to You and Always Will

Chapter 41

Gerard’s P.O.V:

“Gerard,” Mikey called “Phone’s for you!”

I heaved my ass up and took the phone from his hand. It was probably Ray wanting help with his homework. Who else would call on a Sunday? It’s not natural.


“Gerard? It’s me.” A flustered voice cried.

“’Me’ being who?”

“Michaela, who else d’you think?” She snapped irritably.

“Erm. . . how did you get my number?”

“That’s not important right now!” She insisted “I need to talk to you, in person!”


Now. Can you get over to my place ASAP?”


But she’d already hung up on me. Some people. I slammed the phone down, annoyed by her rude manners. Women, who’d have them? Still, I snatched up my jacket and bade my parents a quick goodbye, telling them I was off to hang out with Ray. . .

. . . “What’s so damn important?” I demanded as soon as Michaela opened the front door.

She looked different. Lack of sleep was evident and it had made its presence known through purple ringed eyes and unkempt hair. Her skin was pale and blotchy. I wondered how many days it had been since she’d taken proper care of herself. She hadn’t even bothered to get dressed. She was in a pair of stripy pyjama bottoms and a vest top thing.

“Come in.” She said firmly, standing aside.

No sooner had I stepped in than she’s slammed the door, grabbed my hand and dragged me upstairs into her room. She pushed me until I was perching on the edge of her bed. I wondered if she’s got me round here just so that she could try and sleep with me.

“I need to show you something.” She sighed.

I took the object from her hand and looked. Was it what I thought it was? Last time I’d seen one of them, excluding TV, was when I was really little. Before Mikey was born, obviously. So I can barely remember it.

“Oh. . . a uh. . . wow a pregnancy test.”


“You trying to tell me you want a baby or something?”

She sighed heavily and told me to stop playing coy. I stared at it. Meaningless lines showed on the little screen thing. It didn’t mean a thing to me. I was confused. Although, there was a niggling concern lying dormant in my subconscious. It was scary, that couldn’t be what she was trying to tell me.

“Erm. . . Explain? Please?” I pleaded.

“It’s positive.”

I let my eyes widen slightly and glance at her flat stomach. She was hanging her head as she muttered it shamefully. She was pregnant. My worst fears were confirmed as she mumbled the words out to me. Everything inside me seemed to freeze.

“And it’s. . . it’s-it’s not m-mine, is it?”

Waiting for her response was like awaiting a death sentence. The brief tilt of her head revealed all. At first, I tried to convince myself that she was just shaking her hair out of her face or that she’d shivered. But, deep down, I knew.

It didn’t stop me shaking my head firmly, though.

“No,” I said calmly “No. It’s not mine.”

“It is, Gerard. And it’s no good denying it!”

“How do you know that?” I demanded “It’s a mistake. It has to be! I’m not old enough for a baby!”

“Like that’s an excuse.”

“It’s not my baby!” I half yelled “I don’t want it! I can’t be a Dad!”

WHY?” She demanded, suddenly turning on me.

The denial fizzled out and boiled into anger. I got up to my feet furiously, standing over her due to her smallish height and my being fairly tall. She shrank instantly and practically cowered as I began to yell.

“DO YOU HONESTLY THINK I’M READY TO BE A FATHER?!” I shouted, curling my hands into fists and shaking “IF YOU DO, YOU NEED YOUR HEAD CHECKED! I AM FIFTEEN YEARS OLD. FIFTEEN. NOT SEVENTEEN OR EIGHTEEN. FIFTEEN! I CANNOT HAVE A BABY AT FIFTEEN.” I cried furiously, hot tears threatening to stain my cheeks.

“You’d better get used to the idea, Gerard, because I am not getting rid of it,” She snarled “And what’s with the whole self-pity thing?! You’re not the one carrying the damn thing! You’ve got it easy-“


“It’s not my problem how your Mommy and Daddy take it.”

I stepped closer to her, until I was in her face and pointing a finger.

“You listen to me,” I growled in a dangerously quiet voice “And you listen good. There is no way you are having this baby! First thing tomorrow, you’re going to get rid of it, understood?”

This went against my hatred for abortion. But now that I was in the situation, I could understand why some people resorted to it. Even if it was murder. And late that night, after crying to my parents and shamefully explaining about Michaela, I went to bed full of guilt. I was basically ordering her to murder an innocent baby. . .
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I just finished this while watching Jurassic Park 8-D It's one of my favourites!

Fatman's being eaten as we speak! *Evil laugh*

Also! If anyone's looked, do you like the changes I've made on the prequel?