This Still Belongs to You and Always Will

Chapter 43

Elena’s P.O.V:

All looked forgiven when I trailed downstairs into the living room. Dad was sleeping on the couch with Frank lying on him. Frank's arms encircled Dad's waist and Dad's were wrapped securely around Frank's shoulders. And, to add to the cuteness, Luna was curled up soundly on Dad's feet with her head resting in her paws. I smiled at them all, wondering where I'd fit into this picture.

At their feet with a sweet smiled on my face?

Curled up at the opposite end of the sofa with Luna on my lap?

Not in the picture at all?

I frowned as this thought crossed my mind. . .

. . . My time of the month had started when I went to the bathroom. Thankfully, Dad and Frank were still asleep so I could sort myself out and have a nice long bath to soothe my poor swollen belly. I lay back in a nice warm bubble bath, stroking my belly soothingly. . .

Bang bang

"Elena, you in there?"

"Uhh. . . yeah."

"Can you. . . y'know, speed it up a little?" Frankie called, sounding kinda' desperate "I'm kinda' doing the potty dance out here!"

And I'm kinda' suffering real bad cramps in here!

I groaned and lifted myself up irritably, quickly drying off and putting a pad into the underwear I'd brought down. He banged on the door desperately, tempting me to slow down. But I didn't. I shoved my clean PJ's on and gathered up my stuff to put in the wash basket.

Frank practically shoved me out the way when I opened the door. He shoved the door shut and I could hear the toilet seat slam as he yanked it up.

That dull ache spread through my lower half as I walked along the hall to my room. I groaned to myself and placed a hand on my belly, rubbing circles with my palm to try and soothe it.

Dad was coming up the stairs as I was walking. He paused to look at me sympathetically, cocking his head slightly as if he were curious.

"Female problems?" He questioned awkwardly.


"Do you want the day off school?" He offered.

"Um. . . ok."

"All right, you get back into bed and I'll call the school. I won't be here today, the other technician's ill so I've gotta' cover for him. I think Frankie's only working until lunch time today, so you'll be by yourself for the morning."

"That's fine." I shrugged.

"Ok, back into bed," He ordered "You want me to get patches and some hot chocolate?"

"If you don't mind." I replied, batting my eyelashes mockingly.

He laughed and shook his head at me, turning to head back downstairs. Obviously, neither of them get female problems so I can play up to it if I really want to and make out that's unbearably painful. Then they feel so bad for me that they can't understand and let me have the day off school.

I was only too happy to lie back in bed and pull the covers over me, curling into a ball to ease the pain. . .

There was a sensitive knock at the door and Dad entered with my Patches and a mug of hot chocolate for me. Patches is my hot water bottle, it has a dog cover on it called Patches. Luna seems to like Patches a lot and is always sniffing him and barking at him.

"Hope you feel better later." He smiled, handing me the hot chocolate and leaving.

"Thanks, Dad." I beamed, taking a long gulp and curling up with Patches on my belly.
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Sorry it's been so long, guys!

IMPORTANT: I've finished editing This Belongs To You! I've basically re-written it 'cause I read it and thought 'Oh my God, did I write this?!' I'd appreciate it if you'd have a look. I know you probably don't want to 'cause you know what's gonna' happen but if you're ever bored. . . please take a looksie?