This Still Belongs to You and Always Will

Chapter 45

Gerard's P.O.V:

Frankie was sitting out in the garden when I got home, shivering on the grass. He was curled up in a little ball, staring at the pretty pink and orange sunset before him. Something was wrong. He always sits out there when he's got something on his mind. I looked at Elena, who shrugged and looked back at him.

With a shake of my head, I was down the garden path and squatting down beside him. He acknowledged my presence with a faint, dreamy 'Hey, Gee'. His glazed eyes wandered slowly over the sky in front of him. Colours splattered here and there, the odd cloud or two. It was beautiful.

"You ok?" I whispered softly, reaching out and stroking his back with one finger.

"Yeah, I'm fine," He replied dreamily "You?"

"Mmhm. I'd be better if I knew what was bothering my Frankie."

"Nothing," He insisted.

"Yeah, nothing always gets me down too, babe."

"Mm," He shrugged.

I shook my head lightly and struggled up, holding a hand out to him. He looked at me quizzically before taking my hand and letting me pull him up. I laced my fingers with his and lead him back inside the house.

"Where are we going?" He questioned.

"Upstairs," I replied "So we can talk privately."

"Gee, please, there's nothing wrong."

His words were ignored as I dragged him up into our room and closed the door. He groaned to himself and let a hand rest on his back briefly, trying to pull it down before I saw him doing it. I cocked my head slightly, silently asking him. But he ignored me and sighed, lying on his back ad staring up at the ceiling.

I went and layed next to him, propping my head up with my elbow. His eyes were closed and his arms spread out in windmill fashion, making him look like a modern Jesus nailed to the bed for the sins of others or something.

"Aching again?"

"I'll live," He insisted.

My hands slid their way beneath him and pushed until he rolled over with surprise. He quirked an eyebrow at me as I perched on my knees beside him and then gave me a suspiscious look.

"I'm really not in the mo-"

"Shh," I cooed, placing a finger on his lips.

His eyebrows raised as if I were having no effect on him whatsoever. This bothered me for a moment. Was I starting to put him off? He protested as I pushed at his shirt, trying to slip it off of him. I kept at it determinedly despite his moaning about not being in the mood.

When I had his shirt off and he was staring at me in an irritated way, I let my hand rest on his back and slowly push up and massage his skin.

Instantly, he relaxed and let his head drop into his crossed arms. I smiled to myself, proud of the effect I got from him.

"Sorry, Gee, I thought you had something else in mind," He apologised.

"It's fine," I smiled, rubbing his shoulders and working down his back.

He let out a low 'hmm' sound, purring with appreciation. A smugness washed over me as he did so. I'm good! The muscles in his back made me think of a coiled up spring; coiled up as tight as possible and ready to blow.

"You've been overworking yourself," I insisted "Please take a break?"


I rolled my eyes and moved down to the small of his back. A soft groan was whispered around the room as I did so, working each little bundled up nerve. I kept thinking of that coiled up spring as I helped him unwind. Untightening the spring. He buried his head into his arms even more, groaning in appreciation.

"You gonna' tell me what was wrong?" I asked gently.

"Mmm," He groaned softly "Michaela came over. . . Gee, you're so good at this."

"Why did she come over?"

He moaned to himself, irritated from thinking about it. I shushed him and continued to work on those wound up knots of nerves. It seemed to work as he let out that 'hmm' sound again and wriggled around to get comfier.

"She and. . . you know wanted to invite us all over to theirs for dinner."

"And you said?"

"Mmm. . . Elena said we would," He replied, wriggling away from me and sitting up to rest his head on my shoulder "I said I'd talk to you."

"Well, it's Elena's Mom," I said sadly.

"I don't wanna' go," He said truthfully "But I dunno' if I wanna' let Elena go by herself and I don't wanna' let you go without me."

"Aww," I cooed "Are you that worried? I'm sure he wouldn't try anything, baby."

"I don't trust that man."

I nodded understandingly. Anyone who couldn't understand had to be the stupidest person on the planet. He can hardly trust Bert after everything that he's put us both through.

"I guess we'll have to go," Frankie sighed, sounding exasperated "Elena said we would."

"Are you sure? We don't have t-"

"We'll go, Gerard," He said firmly.
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Congratulate me! We won our bowls game!