This Still Belongs to You and Always Will

Chapter 46

Gerard's P.O.V:

"Frankie, are you sure?" I questioned, as we pulled up outside the small house.

"Yeah, for the millionth time."

"We can go-"

"But, Dad, that's rude!" Elena protested "They'll be expecting us."

"Be quiet, Elena," I ordered, looking at Frankie's hardened expression "Are you sure, Frankie?"

"Yes," He insisted "Let's just get this over with."

And he swept from the car an proceeded up the path determinedly. He waited for me and Elena to join him, tapping his fingers on the front of the house. Elena glanced at him and then at me.

"Is he okay, Dad?" She questioned worriedly.

"I dunno', honey, he's been a bit funny about your Mom and Bert. He'll come round if we give him time."

"You think?"

"He always does,"I replied, unbuckling my belt and getting out.

We knocked politely on the black front door with cracked paint. Michaela answered moments later with a huge smile. She was wearing a loose maternity shirt as if she were already sporting a six month belly. In actual fact, she hardly showed at all. Frankie forced a polite smile into place and greeted her as warmly as she did him. Elena gave her a hug and followed her into the house, me and Frankie bringing up the rear.

Michaela directed us into the living room, promising she was just dishing the food up.

"Can I help in anyway?" Frankie offered.

"Oh, no, thank you for the offer, Frank, it's very kind of you," She smiled brightly.

He returned her smile and perched beside me on the beat up little couch. Elena was sitting in an armchair comfortably like she'd lived here her whole life. I smiled at Frankie, admiring his bravery and laced our fingers together.

And then, guess who swept into the room.

He had a smirk on his face, as always. Elena watched him carefully as he sat in the only other free chair. His eyes were on us as he did so.

"Good that you could come," He stated "Kayla's real happy about it!"

"Mm," I replied with a forced smile and a curt nod.

There was a silence until Michaela bustled back in, grinning widely and kissing Bert deeply. She told us all that dinner was ready and showed us through to the living room. Frankie smiled determinedly and asked what was for dinner.

"Spaghetti," Michaela beamed "I hope you guys are all hungry!"

"I'm starving, babe," Bert smiled, kissing her cheek.

The dining room was very simply furbished. There was a rectangular table in the middle with the meals all out and ready. Frankie and I sat together on one side and Bert and Michaela sat opposite us. Elena sat happily at the end of the table after checking her plate, probably out of paranoia.

"Can I get anyone a drink?" Bert offered.

"No thanks, I'm fine," I said plainly.

"Yeah, I'm good too," Frankie stated.

"Could I have some water?" Elena asked politely.

So he left to get her some water.

"Dig in," Michaela encouraged.

So I picked my fork up and took a mouthful. Frankie did too after seeing me do it. It tasted great. Frankie's eyebrows crossed briefly as he chewed his food but then he shrugged and ate some more. Bert came back with Elena's water and a beer for himself.

"This is really nice," I complimented.

"Thank you," Michaela smiled.

Elena was enjoying her meal as well. Frankie seemed to be a little uncertain about his food. He continued to eat though, determined not be rude. He was always brought up to be polite and finish his food if at someone elses house.

"Frankie, are you okay?" I asked quietly.

"Mmhm," He nodded, chewing another mouthful.

Moments later, he shuddered once. He looked down at his food again, discreetly curling one arm around his stomach and letting out a small grunt.

"Uhm. . . Michaela?"

"Yeah?" She replied, looking up attentively.

"Is this. . . is this meat?" He asked, growing paler.

"Of course."

He laughed uncertainly once and stood up.

"Where's your bathroom, please?"

"Upstairs, first on your right."

He was gone in a flash, his feet pounding on the stairs as he ran. We could all hear him retching and puking violently. Bert had a satisfied smirk on his face as he continued to eat and try and hide it. Elena looked at her food worriedly and pushed the plate away politely.

"He's vegetarian," I stated, standing up "I'll just go. . . yeah."

Frankie was on his knees over the toilet, gripping the seat to keep himself up. Another wave of sickness washed over him and he retched again, throwing up everything in his stomach. I knelt down beside him and put my arms around him, hushing him as he whimpered.

"Meat. M-meat!" He gasped.

"Shh, babe, I know, I know."

He shuddered and bent over the toilet bowl again. I rubbed small circles on his shoulder blades to try and makes it less unpleasant. He looked over his shoulder at me in gratitude, retching again moments later.


We both looked up to see Michaela standing in the doorway. I blocked him from view to protect his dignity while he wiped his mouth quickly.

"I'm so sorry," She said "Bert told me Elena said only she was vegetarian! I didn't realise you were as well. If I'd known-"

"It's fine," He said quickly.

"I am really really sorry!"

"It's okay."

"We'd better get you home, honey," I cut in, brushing his hair from his eyes "We don't want you making a mess here, eh?"

"No," He agreed.

"If she wants to, Elena can stay here with you guys and I'll pick her up later!" I offered "Just call me when you want her picked up."

"Okay, I will."

I helped Frankie up and ushered him down to the car, calling my goodbyes to Elena.
♠ ♠ ♠
Cue the 'OMG Bert's such an asshole/d***head'