This Still Belongs to You and Always Will

Chapter 47

Elena's P.O.V:

"So, can I get you a coffee?" Mom questioned sweetly.

"Yes please," I said politely.

Bert insisted on making the coffee, one for me and one for himself, and said he'd fix Mom some orange juice. She beamed affectionately and kissed his stubbled cheek. He smiled back and kissed her cheek back.

I followed Mom into the living room and sat politely on the sofa with her. She smiled and put an arm around me. It felt different to sitting with Dad and Frankie. Her frame was more feminine and delicate, compared to Dad and Frankie's wide chests and broader shoulders. Her arms weren't as strong feeling around me. But I liked it. It meant she felt like a mother. If this is what a mother feels like.

"Here, babe, I got your green tea," Bert trilled, entering the room with three mugs "Here's your coffee, Elena," He added, handing it to me.

"Thank you."

"Thanks, baby."

Bert seated himself in the arm chair with his coffee and watched me and Mom quietly. We both sipped from our mugs quietly and Bert exclaimed that we looked the same. Mom watched me sip my coffee and agreed with him. I laughed but silently disagreed, thinking I've always looked similar to Dad when I drink coffee.

"So, what kind of music are you into, Elena?" Mom questioned with interest.

"Erm. . . tons of stuff," I shrugged "Misfits, Led Zepplin, Thirty Seconds To Mars, Avenged Sevenfold, Black Flag, Green Day, Mindless Self Indulgence, Iron Maiden-"

"Your Dad's influence?"

"I guess. I mean, we all reccommend different music to each other," I explained "I got Dad into Avenged Sevenfold and he's always played Iron Maiden and Misfits and stuff, which is how I got into them."

Mom and Bert both nodded with interest. Bert had been leaning closer with interest with each band I mentioned.

"D'you like The Dillinger Escape Plan?" He questioned.

"I've only heard Milk Lizard."


"I liked it."

He cheered and pumped a fist in the air. I blinked while he exclaimed that I was a good kid; what happened to 'spoilt' and 'picky' and 'ungrateful' and all the other short sharp words that stuck to me like slime? He called Dad worse but it still upset me.

Mom spent ages asking questions about me, claiming she wanted to know everything about her little girl. Bert grinned and got up, kissing Mom's stomach quickly. Mom smiled and batted his head, rubbing her stomach.

"Might not be your only little girl for much longer," Bert grinned.

"But I might also have a little girl and a little boy!" Mom smiled.

"Mmm," I smiled awkwardly.

Mom and Bert both grinned soppily and sipped from their mugs. I sipped some more of my coffee awkwardly, watching them both make goo-goo eyes at Mom's stomach. I wasn't so sure about this half brother or sister of mine.
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Just a crappy filler =[