This Still Belongs to You and Always Will

Chapter 4

Gerard’s P.O.V:

“I think we embarrassed her.” Frankie giggled, snuggling into me.

“Oh dear,” I replied “She’ll get over it! When are we not embarrassing her?”

“Good question.”

I smiled as he snuggled closer to me, hooking our legs together. God I love this man so much. If only he knew how much. I’d die for this man beside me. I kissed the top of his head, nuzzling right into his hair. I couldn’t help let my fingers trace over the messy, pale scar on the left side of his bare chest. It’s always gonna’ be there, serving as a dark reminder of what he did all those years ago. He watched me for a moment. Curiosity shining in his beautiful hazel pools. I stroked at the scar subconsciously until he took my hand in his own.

“It was a long time ago,” He whispered “I’m still alive aren’t I? We’re all still here.”

I nodded briefly, still looking at the untidy patch of skin that looked white, almost green, against his pale complexion.

I took a few deep breaths, trying to mentally prepare myself for what I was about to see. But when I turned around; it wasn’t what I’d expected.


Frank lay where Elena had stood, his face paler than usual. Elena sat beside him, staring in shock. I kneeled beside him and stroked his fringe outta’ his face. A bloodstain was spreading from just above his chest. I thought for a moment. And then I saw it all. Elena, standing like a startled little animal, and Frank, realising what was gonna’ happen, diving towards her and pushing her outta’ harms way. I lifted his head into my lap.

“Frank? Frankie?”

As if it were a great effort, his eyes fluttered open. His lips trembled as he managed a weak smile.

“H-hey Gee.”

“Don’t talk,” I whispered “Just try and stay awake,”

“Fr-Frankie?” Elena whispered, touching the side of his face “Do you have a tummy ache?”

“Y-yeah,” He replied weakly “A-a really…bad one.”

“Don’t worry,” I hushed “We’ll get you fixed up, ok? Just try and stay awake.”

“I’ll try.” He smiled through pale lips.

They looked as if every drop of blood had been drawn from them. I told Elena to go and get my cell phone from the table, while I tried to keep Frankie awake.

“I forbid you to die, ok?” I said through heavy tears “We’re-we’re engaged remember? You can’t die! We’ll get you to a hospital and you’ll be ok.”

His eyelids began to droop again. I shook him gently terrified that, if he fell asleep, he wouldn’t wake again. They opened again. It frightened me to see him like this. The sparkle in his fun-loving eyes had gone. The cheeky glint had gone. They were just glazed. And I hated it.

“C’mon Frank,” I begged “You can do this! I know it; you promised me it’d be ok, remember?”

“No…I-I promised you El-Elena would be o-ok.”

Elena tapped my shoulder, handing me my cell. I desperately stabbed at the 911 buttons and practically screamed for an ambulance. My attention turned back to my, maybe dying, lover.

“They’re coming,” I whispered “You have to stay awake! You’ll be fine. You can’t leave me now; not after everything we’ve been through! I love you, Frank.”

“I-I love you too.” He whispered in a voice barely audible.

And then his eyes fell shut.

I was drawn outta’ my dark thoughts and brought back to the present by Frankie gripping onto my hand. He kissed along my hand insistently, dragging it across his chest and away from his scar.

“I’m serious now Gee,” He said, propping himself up on his elbow “It doesn’t matter anymore; it’s been seven years now! You shouldn’t linger in the past.”

“I know,” I sighed “It’s just that, every time I see that scar; I-I remember…and I can see you dying in a hospital ward-“

“But I didn’t die,” He insisted, pecking my lips briefly and snuggling down beside me “Elena and I are both here still.”


“C’mon Gee,” He said almost pleadingly “Don’t dwell on it.”

I smiled and wrapped my arm round his little shoulders again, pulling him back into me. He smiled in reply and rested his head on my chest. My fingers entwined themselves with his lengthy hair.

“It needs a cut.” He whispered, brushing his lips against the bare skin of my chest.

“Nah, I like it long,” I replied, filtering strands between my fingers “It suits you.”

“You think?”


“Maybe I’ll keep it long for a bit then,” He smiled “If you like it.”

A smile creased my features as he settled down on me and let his eyes drift shut. I stroked his hair for a little while until he shifted in his sleep, his brow furrowed. After that I figured I should leave him to sleep in peace and settled down myself.

“Thank you Frankie.”