This Still Belongs to You and Always Will

Chapter 48

Gerard's P.O.V:

"There you go," I cooed, handing Frankie a tray "Soup for my poor sick baby!"

"I'm not sick, Gee," He insisted "I threw up!"

"Shh, or I'll stop playing nurse Gee!"

He smiled weakly and mock groaned. I flopped down next to him and kissed his forehead, giggling stupidly.

"How are you feeling now, anyway?" I questioned.

"Better," He replied with a small smile, picking up the spoon and sipping at his soup "Mm, that's so good!"

"Glad you like it," I smiled, kissing his forehead again.

He sipped some more soup, slurping noisily and giggling like a little kid. I patted his head and then ruffled his hair like he was some kinda' puppy. His head lolled on my shoulder while we watched tv. He slurped more soup up noisily. I struggled not to giggle at the slurping sound.

"I love you, Frankie," I smiled "You're too cute!"

"Well, thank you!" He giggled.

I smiled and kissed his head. He snuggled into me and slurped more soup. The vegetable-y substance stirred around in its bowl as he spooned up some more soup. I smiled and closed my hand around his.

"Here, Gee-Gee," He giggled, attempting to feed me a spoonful of soup.

I rolled my eyes fondly and slurped the soup up noisily. He giggled and kissed my cheek sloppily. I smiled and watched him slurp up some more soup, whining as it was too hot. I laughed and kissed his head, muttering 'Silly, Frankie'.

Then the sound of the front door being opened crept up the stairs. Frankie's eyebrows crossed with confusion, as did mine. I struggled to get up, causing Frankie to almost spill his soup all over the bed. He swore as he tried to prevent it from spilling, managing to suceed.

"Hello?" I called down the stairs.

"Hey, Dad!" Elena called up the stairs.

"What are you doing here?" I questioned, walking downstairs "I told you to call me and I'd come and get you!"

"Sorry," She insisted "Bert thought it'd be easier if he drove me!"

"You were in a car with Bert?" I demanded, my stomach turning at the thought.

"Yeah," She confessed, shrugging like it were no deal.

My stomach churned in anxiety but I didn't let my discomfort at the thought show. Elena kicked her shoes off and slung her jacket on a coathook, making her way upstairs. I stood aside and let her drift off into mine and Frankie's bedroom.

"Hey, how you feeling?" She questioned.

I followed her in time to see Frankie smile half-heartedly.

"I'm feeling better," He smiled "Still a little uneasy, but a lot better!"

"Good," She replied "Mom said to tell you she's really sorry!"

"Mmhm," He shrugged.



That bothered me. A lot. They were getting closer. Bonding, making up for lost time, blah de blah. She'll drift! Her 'Mom' will understand her more, being female and all. She'll get fed up of us and decide she wants to live with Michaela and Bert. Frankie and I'll be left childless, not wanting to find a surrogate anymore for fear of her feeling replaced.

This 'Mom' business better not be a recurring habit.