This Still Belongs to You and Always Will

Chapter 50

Gerard’s P.O.V:

Staff party tonight. That would be fun.

I groaned happily at the thought of lying on the sofa for a little while until we had to go. Elena was upstairs in her room, I could hear the blasting music to tell me so. I have no idea why she decided to come along tonight. It's a staff party! I even offered to let Katie stay the night so she wouldn't be by herself but no, she wanted to come along tonight.

I'd barely got through the door when I heard the excited high pitched squeal. Seconds after it had registered in my brain, the body was thrown into my arms excitedly. I laughed and greeted him with a kiss on the top of his head.

"Whoa, what's up with you?" I grinned.

"It's great!" He squealed, bouncing on the spot "You know that surrogate we were looking for?"

"Oh my God, have we got an offer?"

"Yeah!" He cried, hugging me tightly.

"Oh, babe, that's great!" I grinned.

We'd only been waiting forever and a day. So it was understandable to be excited. Excited would be an understatement! Frankie was way beyond excited. Again, it's understandable.

"That's great, babe, really great!"

"I know," He squealed "But, the best part is, it's Jamia!"

"Jamia?" I repeated "As in the chick you work with?"

"Yeah," He beamed.

"Oh my God, really?"


"That was nice of her," I nodded, sitting on the couch and pulling him down with me.

Frankie giggled and found my lap, settling down and kissing my cheek. I smiled to myself and wound my arms around his waist, happy at the thought of finally being able to get the baby we'd wanted for so long. . .

. . . Of course, Frank insisted on bringing the footage of me getting my legs waxed. It made me the laughing stock at the party. Then again, I didn't know I could make those kind of faces either. I smiled and laughed too, knowing full well it was only a bit of fun.

"Ha, Gerard!" The other technician, Tom, exclaimed "You got outsmarted by a fifteen year old!"

"Hey, she's a girl and I know nothing about waxing, okay?" I protested.

"Whatever," He teased, roaring with laughter as I protested on the video once again.

Elena was milling about, having a good look at the art on display in the main hall. She was clearly struggling not to look too bored as various members of staff started talking to her, commenting on how she looked 'just like her daddy'.

Frankie was sipping a beer, talking to one of the art proffessors about something or other. He was nodding with the most sincere expression he could muster. I shook my head with a smile and excused myself, drifting over to Elena.

"You okay, honey?" I questioned, putting my arm around her shoulders.

"Yeah," She shrugged, squinting at a Van Gogh piece of art.

"Like it?"

"Mm. . ." She hummed, sucking her lip thoughtfully "I guess. . ."

I laughed and shook my head. Then she moved onto the students work. She carefully looked at each piece of work, either nodding in approval or just politely moving on from dislike.

"You did this one, didn't you?" She said knowingly, pointing to a particular painting.

"What makes you say that?"

"I can tell," She insisted "Plus, it has your signature on it!"

"Well, that's always a giveaway," I commented, scratching the back of my head.

"I like it," She smiled "It's different but not so different that you can't tell it's a Gerard Way piece of work!"

I smiled and shook my head. Gerard Way piece of work, she cracks me up when she says my name like I'm famous. Not that I don't like it, of course! It feels like she means to say she's proud or something. I gave her a quick squeeze and then a deliberate big sloppy kiss on her cheek when I knew everyone was watching, making her squirm in embarrassment.

"You want a drink?" I questioned.

"I've got one," She replied, lifting her glass of orange juice.

"I meant a real drink," I explained with a sly smile "You're old enough for a drink or two. As long as Dad doesn't find out, eh?"

"Who are you and what have you done with my Dad?"

"I take that as a no!"

"No no!" She said quickly "Okay, a drink would be nice, person who looks like my Dad but isn't!"

I laughed and purchased her a small drink. Just something little, mind you. I'm not the type to buy my kid anything strong or anything like that. Then I wandered off and had a catch up with one of my fellow employees.
♠ ♠ ♠
At this point, you have read 119 wordpad pages!!

And I'm no where near 'it' yet. I'm gonna' stop hyping up! Or you'll get really 'Ohhhhh what is it. . . oh *Is disappointed*' =P

Anywayyyyy. . .