This Still Belongs to You and Always Will

Chapter 51

Elena's P.O.V:

Frank was drunk.

He kept asking Dad to dance with him, acting mock sulky when Dad kept gently refusing. And he tripped once or twice as he went to get himself another drink; one time almost going headfirst into the snack table. That would've been funny! Coleslaw and hummus all over his face. I giggled as I pictured it, sipping sensibly on the cider Dad had given me. See, Frank? Some of us can take our alcohol!

"Eleeeeena," Frank wheedled, slumping in the chair beside me and throwing his arm around my shoulders "Your Dad's bein' no fuuuun! But you're fun, ain't ya? Can we dance?"

"No thanks, Frankie," I said firmly, giggling as he stuck his bottom lip out and pouted at me.

"Why?" He whined "You're my liddle disco diva, you. Why won't you dance wi'me?"

"Because, dear Frank," I began "You're so drunk that you're using the phrase 'disco diva'!"


"You're drunk. And you'll dance and make an idiot out of yourself! And then wake up tomorrow with a stinking hangover!"

He looked almost thoughtful for a moment, looking down and chewing his lip. Then he let out a quiet 'Oh' and wandered off.

I laughed and shook my head. He could be so funny when he was drunk. One minute, he'd act absolutely crazy and the next, like a confused little toddler. I shook my head again and sipped some more of my cider.

Gerard's P.O.V:

"Pleeeeeeeease, Gee?" Frankie whined, pulling on my arm "Just once?"

It's safe to say he was pretty drunk. I'd had a few drinks, myself, and felt pretty good. But not drunk enough to make an idiot out of myself.

"No, Frankie," I laughed.

"Why not?" He demanded sulkily, stomping one foot.

"Because I know you when you're drunk!" I said smartly "It'll be 'just once more' and then 'one more, Gee, pleeeeease?' and 'just once more won't kill you!'."

"Nooooo," He responded, shaking his head "Just once!"

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair, now growing with a mind of its own, and looked around. Frankie stuck his bottom lip out pleadingly as I looked back at him. And his eyes. . . big puppy dog eyes. He was trying to make 'the face'. You know, that face! The one you make when you want something and someone keeps saying no.

"Just once?"

"Just once," He nodded "I promise I'll say thank yoou!" He purred as best he could, clumsily hooking his fingers through my belt loops.

Tom had overheard and let out a hoot of laughter, nudging my arm with his elbow. This egged Frankie on and he looped his arms around my neck, leaning in and trying his best to whisper in my ear. He probably had no idea what he was saying, just hoping it was coming out as nice sexy stuff that would make me bend. And, to be fair, it was coming out as nice sexy stuff. Hot nice sexy stuff that most definitely made me feel hot and flustered just at the thought of it.

"An offer you can't pass up, eh, Gerard?" Tom laughed, nudging my arm again.

". . . beg. And then I'll-"

"Okay, okay," I rushed, praying he'd stop "One dance. Just one dance, okay?"

"Just one," Frankie nodded happily.

So I let him take my hand and lead me out into the throng of dancing people.

I groaned inwardly at the song.

I'm Miss American Dream since I was 17
Don't matter if I step on the scene
Or sneak away to the Philippines
They're still gonna put pictures of my derriere in the magazine
You want a piece of me?
You want a piece of me...

I'm Miss bad media karma
Another day another drama
Guess I can't see the harm
In working and being a mama
And with a kid on my arm
I'm still an exceptional earner
And you want a piece of me.

It would be just my luck for it to happen, wouldn't it. Frankie grinned lopsidedly, happy to have gotten his way. Elena was watching from her corner, sipping cider, camera at the ready. Great. I couldn't do this. Not if Frank planned on dancing the way I thought he planned on dancing.

"Promise to behave yourself!" I half-yelled over the music.

Frankie just grinned drunkenly and slid his arms around my neck, swaying his hips from side to side. I let my arms slip around his waist loosely while I tried my best to dance, fully aware that Elena was probably filming and Tom had gathered a group of friends to laugh at us.

Frank quirked an eyebrow at me. Let's just say he could've been dancing with an ironing board for all he knew. He leant closer, letting his lips graze over the skin on their journey. They hovered just over my ear, hot breath tickling with each exhale.

"C'mon, Gee," He whispered "You're better than this. You just gotta' feeeel. . . sexy," He finished, letting his teeth nip the skin of my ear.

He smirked, grasping my hips and guiding them alongside his. I closed my eyes.

Feel sexy.

With your kid watching.


No, just pretend she's not there.

"Because you are sexy, Gerard Arfur Way," Frankie continued, messing up the 'Arthur' "So just feel it," He ordered, kissing my neck and sliding his hands down my back.

It didn't take him long to find his target. I felt better though. It was like a wake up call. Screw Elena, the idea of the party was to have a little fun. She could film away.

And off went my hips, swinging and rotating like there was no tomorrow. Frankie grinned into my neck, moving his hips with mine. It was fine, harmless fun. There was a whoop in the background as Frank pulled back from my neck and dragged a hand through his hair, shaking that little ass of his.

I smirked for the first time, pulling him into me by his belt loops and grinding once. He made an 'mmm' sound, letting his tongue trail up the side of my face. Then, of course, he put his arms back around my neck and started to roll his hips, letting his entire body follow him. A human snake basically.

Alicia and Mikey occasionally attended a salsa class together. I could vaguely remember her showing Frankie some of the moves; including the 'body roll'.

By this time, the entire dance floor had cleared, turning this into a solo. I ignored it as best I could to prevent embarrassment creeping over me and making me flee. It reminded me of our wedding, when everyone was trying to get us to make out in front of them. I grinned to myself. Might as well give them something to remember.

I let my hands close around Frankie's ass, encouraging him to keep up what he was doing and letting the alcohol I'd consumed do the work for me.

"Don't you dare stop shaking that yummy little ass of yours," I purred.

"Wouldn't dream of it," He grinned back, smirking as I squeezed.

I bet Elena was having a whale of a time watching us. Everyone cheered us on. Whoops and cheers and catcalls and jeers. All lighthearted fun, of course.

Now are you sure you want a piece of me? (you want a piece of me)
I'm Mrs. 'Most likely to get on the TV for strippin' on the streets'
When getting the groceries, no, for real..
Are you kidding me?
No wonder there's panic in this industry
I mean please...
Do you want a piece of me?

Frankie grinned and kissed me hard with as much tongue as he could without slipping and licking my face instead. I grinned back, squeezing his ass hard. He groaned, biting my lip and tugging feverishly. He could be hot when he was drunk.

"Sexyyyyyy!" Someone jeered in the background, egging us on.

We just kept making out until the song ended. There was a burst of cheers and laughter as I grabbed Frankie by his hand and pulled him off to sit down.

"There's your dance," I nodded in a business like way.

He giggled and wrapped his arms around me, sitting on my lap. I smiled and let him pretty much fall asleep.

Elena smirked as she made her way over. Frank looked up at her as she stood over us, silently laughing, brandishing a camera in her hand.

"Did you at least get that on film?" He demanded.
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I hope you guys are still liking this one because, let's face it, this and the prequel are classics now XD

Oh yeah, if you really don't get the whole wedding make out thing, I'm happily advertising the improved This Belongs To You once more!