This Still Belongs to You and Always Will

Chapter 52

Elena's P.O.V:

We all stumbled through the front door into the empty house, Frank giggling like a madman. I rolled my eyes at him as Luna came out into the hall, barking frantically at Frank. She was clearly uncertain as to whether or not he was the man she lived with. He just giggled at her and stooped down to pick her up.

I caught Dad's eye and he rolled his own in a joking manner. Frankie ignored us both and cooed at Luna, ruffling her fur and scratching behind her ears. She looked very irritated.

"Who's a cuuute liddle gurlie?" Frank slurred, kissing Luna's head "I'm glad we bought you! Yes, I am! You're a cute liddle puppy! You make me go 'awwww' and wanna' hug you so tight!"

Luna let out a weird whining noise.

"Uh, Frank, I think she wants you to let go of her," I said cautiously, leaning down to take her away.

"Ohhhh," He whined "But I love Luna! She don't love me no more!"

He had no effect on Luna, she just trotted off, her tail in the air. I struggled to contain a fit of laughter as he hung his head and faked whimpering. Dad cooed and hugged him from behind, promising he loved Frankie.

Frank giggled and turned around to kiss Dad. Dad, of course, kissed him back until Frank tried to back him up against the wall. Instead, he earned an odd look from Dad.

"Frank. . ." He wavered "I don't think that's such a good idea."

"Ohhh, but Gee Gee!" Frank whined "I wanna'. . . y'know! And I promised you!"

"Yeah but. . . well, you're drunk. . ." Dad wavered "I really don't think it's a good idea at the moment!"

"Oh yeah?" Frank demanded "Well, what is a good idea?"

He wasn't properly trying to start a fight with Dad, he was just drunk and had a tendency to get easily offended and touchy when drunk. Although, he looked hilarious with his arms folded and a pouty expression that would suit a three year old. Dad shook his head at Frank's drunken mood, rubbing the bridge of his nose.

"I think a good idea would be to get you upstairs and get you into bed because you're gonna' have a killer hangover tomorrow!"

"Oooh. . . into bed, eh, Gee?" He giggled, wrapping his arms round Dad's waist.

"Not like that, Frankie," Dad sighed "I think you need a big glass of water and to go upstairs and get a good sleep."

"So you don't want me anymore?" Frank questioned, a sudden look of anger on his face.

Oh dear.

This. Wouldn't. Be. Good.

Dad looked taken aback by Frank's sudden hostility and stepped forwards. He cupped Frank's face delicately, looking straight into his eyes.

"Of course I do, Frankie," He appealed "Just not tonight while you're drunk."

"Don't you find me at-att. . . attractive any more?"

"Frank, you're my sexy irresistable little God," Dad insisted "It's just that you're drunk and I don't think it's a good idea."

Frank's little unfocused eyes narrowed angrily at Dad. I looked from one man to the other wondering what the hell I should be doing to help the sitution becuase standing there and pretending to be invisible was about as useful as a chocolate kettle for making coffee.

Dad looked up at me from where he was cupping Frank's face and supporting him by his waist.

"Elena, do you think you could go get Frankie a big glass of water while I take him upstairs?"

I nodded and rushed from the room to retrieve Frank a 'big' glass of water. From the kitchen, I could hear Frank yelling ridiculous accusations about Dad not loving him anymore and Dad calmly telling him over and over that he loved Frankie very much and not to upset himself. I sympathised for Dad. There was the thump of unsteady feet on the stairs as Dadhelped dragged Frank upstairs.

Luna looked up at me from her corner where her dog bed was. I smiled and scratched behind her ears lovingly. She yawned and stretched affectionately before trotting back over to her corner. I smiled and blew her a goodnight kiss.

Dad was struggling to get Frank undressed and into a pair of dark red pj bottoms. Frank was making things difficult for Dad, stepping away and yelling 'I thought you said no, Gee!'. I rolled my eyes and placed Frank's water on the bedside cabinet.

"Come on, Frankie," Dad urged "It's time for bed!"

"I'm not two!"

"If you behave like a two year old, I'll treat you like one," Dad said firmly "Come on, now! You're gonna' have a killer hangover tomorrow! I think you'd best try and get some sleep!"

I backed out of the room, retreating to my room. I could hear Frank yelling at Dad and Dad trying to calm him down. I sighed and buried my head under my pillow when I was in my pyjamas and in bed.