This Still Belongs to You and Always Will

Chapter 54

Elena's P.O.V:

Frank's hangover was all gone by the time it was time to head off gigging. It was him, Uncle Mikey, Ray, Bob, Dad and me. Dad was going to be singing a couple of songs with them tonight. We were all stuffed in Ray's 'gigging' van with the instruments and equipment rattling around us while Ray drove us to the venue.

Frankie had laughed and told me to get used to it when I complained.

"If you end up in a band, this is what it'll be like at the start! It won't go straight to glamarous tourbuses!"

I rolled my eyes as if to say 'Duh'. I mean, what self-respecting aspirer doesn't know that? Seriously. How old did he think I was? Five?

So the van arrived and Dad and I slipped off to get some drinks in order to avoid helping unload the van. Dad was clever like that. We were sat at the bar, me with a coke and him with a white wine spritzer, both of us sipping demurely while we watched the first band onstage.

Dad had his nose wrinkled and he chewed his lip thoughtfully, uncertain as to whether he liked them or not. I liked them, personally. I was nodding in approval and bobbing my head to the music.

Not too long and we were joined by Frankie. He slipped his arm round Dad's waist and pecked his cheek, ordering himself a beer. He was drinking straight from the bottle while he watched the band onstage. He nodded his head politely, shrugging his shoulders; he thought they were okay but not amazing.

"Not bad for a group of kids," He yelled over the music to Dad.

Dad laughed and nodded in agreement. Well I liked them. . .

. . . Before long, it was time for Frankie, Uncle Mikey, Ray, Bob and Dad to get up onstage. I cheered encouragingly as Frankie stepped forwards, a spotlight shining down on him.

"Hey, what's up?" He questioned "Well, we don't really have a name so we'll just get straight to the music!"

Back he stepped to let Dad step forwards and take the mic. And so the music began.

Something I'd never heard before. It was catchy, upbeat and annoyed me that I found it so catchy.

Dad did a little jump-bounce while waiting for his cue. He'd done this before. He must've done. Dad wasn't usually this confident without getting practice in first. I smiled to myself, watching him. The music reached his cue and he was away.

"So you were born in an electrical storm,
took a bite out the sun
and saw your future in a machine built for two.
Now your rays make me kind of go crazy,
shock and awe and amaze me,
just a ticker tape parade and me,
but something was wrong
" He sang confidently "till you tap danced on the air,
in the night.
Screaming at the top of your lungs,
you said,

Ray joined in for the chorus with Dad, singing the 'Come on, come on'. Dad was loving this. I grinned as he did his little bounce step along the stage. The best part was that the audience were enjoying themselves too. They were clapping to the beat, cheering.

""Come on, come on.
Do what you want.
What could go wrong?
Oh come on come on come on,
come on, do what you want.
Oh come on come on.
What could go wrong?
Do do do do what you want."

Dad stepped back and let Frankie do his thing with the guitar. He grinned as he watched him do his little hip thrust while he played.

"Me, I was raised amid the trickle-down days.
I woke up numb in the haze
and saw my future in a machine built for two,
but the light gave me some kind of fright.

It's official. Dad was made for performing. At the word fright his eyes went wide and he gave a little jerk but nothing overdramatised.

"How did wrong get so right
and lead me stumbling through the dark of night?
Oh something was wrong,
but you tap danced on the air,
in the night.
Screaming at the top of your lungs,
you said,
Come on.

Clapping hands to the beat.

Jumping about with the instruments.

Little struts that only Dad was capable of.

It went on until the song came to an end and Dad took a bow. The audience loved him, they wooped and cheered and whistled and called for more. Dad had a grin on his face. Then came the next song. I grinned manically, recognising it from the first note. They weren't really gonna' play that, were they?

No time to wonder. Ray started the riffs and the mosh pit had started. I jumped down from my seat and ran to join in. I love mosh pits! And there I was, being thrown this way and that way. It was great! Adrenaline spinning through me like a drug. And then Dad's voice over all the excited screams.

"I don't know what they're talking about
I'm making my own decisions,
" He began.

I screamed with excitement.

"This thing that I found ain't gonna bring me down
I'm like a junkie without an addiction,

Mama don't cry I just wanna stay high
I like playing with danger and fear,
" He continued.

I was shoved about a bit more and then belched outta' the mosh pit. I caught Dad's eye and saw he was smirking in between lines. I smiled sheepishly and gave a shrug. He returned it and went back into performer mode.

Frank had gone crazy, headbanging and throwing himself and the guitar around like he was suffering some kind of musical stroke. Ray headbanged as they reached the chorus, his long hair flying. Uncle Mikey stood shyly in the background providing that good bass we were hearing.

"All my life I've been over the top
I don't know what I'm doing all I know is I don't wanna stop
All fired up, I'm gonna go till I drop
You're either in or in the way, don't make me I don't wanna stop

Why don't they ever listen to me
It's just a one way conversation
Nothing they say is gonna set me free
Don't need no mental masturbation.

I grinned, screaming with excitement as I made my way back to the bar to get another drink. It was pretty hot in there. I ordered a coke with ice and sipped happily, watching from a distance.

Through the chorus again. Approaching that gut-busting solo. . .


I blinked.

Then blinked again.


She grinned and pulled me into a big hug. Over her shoulder, through the dark hair, I could see Bert's blond head. He was watching Dad on stage with a smirk on his face.

"How are you, honey?"

They'd finished the song. Now they were moving on to the next one.

"Good, thanks. You?"

"I got my head checked
By a jumbo jet
It wasn't easy
But nothing is

"Good, ta," She smiled, reaching out and clinging to Bert's arm "We decided to come out and have a little fun together before I get too big. What a coincidence, eh?"

"Yeah," I nodded with a smile, sipping my coke.

Mom looked up at the stage and I swear she did a double take.

"My God," She exclaimed "Is that your Dad up there?"

"Um. . . yeah," I nodded.

"He's a bit old for this sorta' thing isn't he?" She questioned.

"You're never too old for it," I insisted "Think about AC/DC."

She nodded indifferently.

Suddenly, as if her scrutiny had some kind of power, Dad's amazing performing changed to Dad-at-a-wedding flailing about and his singing suddenly embarrassed me. I wanted him to stop and go home. Frankie's amazing guitar skills reverted back to beginner stage. He was a loser thinking he could play a gig after his first chord. I cringed.

"I guess they're pretty cool," Mom nodded.

Everything snapped back to normal. Dad was awesome again. Frankie was my idol again. I grinned.

"What do you think, babe?" She asked, turning to Bert.

"You know, I had no idea he could sing," Bert commented "I like it."

I rolled my eyes.

We watched Dad finish up the last song he'd be singing and then he was gone. Ray took his place to sing the next song. I smiled, waiting for him to start. I'd never heard Ray sing before. Well, I probably had but couldn't remember.

Dad was making his way over to me, a bottle of icy water in his hand and a smile on his face. A smile that faltered when he saw who I was with. I smiled and waved him over. He joined us apprehensively.

"Hello," He greeted.

"Hi," Mom trilled with a wide smile.

Dad then attempted a grim nod in Bert's direction without making eye contact.

I looked from adult to adult, hoping the mood would lighten soon.
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Do What You Want - Ok Go

I Don't Wanna' Stop - Ozzy Osbourne

Song 2 - Blur