This Still Belongs to You and Always Will

Chapter 7

Gerard’s P.O.V:

“She ok?”

“Mm,” I replied “She said she’s fine.”

“Well there you go then,” Frankie smiled, pulling me down on the couch next to him “It’s probably some stupid-ass hormones or something.”

“Mmm; probably,” I said “I keep forgetting she’s growing up; sometimes I wish we could keep her an innocent little girl forever.”

“Me too,” He sighed “It’s weird watching her grow up.”

There was a comfortable silence while we both pictured a young Elena running ahead of us, begging to go on the swings at the park. I can still see her with long, flowing brown hair, little hazel eyes shining like precious stones and flawless pale skin. I can even remember how she smelled. She used to smell of strawberry shower gel and her favourite spring flowers perfume. I always found it a comforting scent.



“Let’s have another.”


I looked down at his serious eyes to check I’d heard correctly. He looked back at me with a real sincerity reflected on his angelic features.

“I’m serious! Let’s have another child.” He said, taking my hand in his own.

I smiled down at him.

“I’d love that Frankie,” I began “But; the thing is, I dunno’ if I’d be up for all that getting up and feeding at one in the morning again. I’m getting kinda’ old now-“

“No you’re not,” He laughed “You’re only thirty.”

Old.” I insisted.

“We’re kinda’ digressing here,” He laughed snuggling into me “Do we want another kid or not?”

“I don’t see why not,” I replied, kissing the top of his head “If you’re happy, I’m happy.”

“But do you actually want another kid?”

“Of course I do,” I insisted “I love kids!”

He smiled and buried his face in the crook of my neck, kissing gently. A small smile played my lips at how happy the thought of another child makes him. I have to admit, I would like another child. Just so I can hear the patter of tiny little feet in the mornings, have another little one to take to the park, balance another baby on my hip, listen with bursting pride as they learn their first words, squeal with delight as they take their first steps… I remember all of that stuff with Elena. Her first steps were to follow me when I left her in the living room to go get a coffee. I came back in and found her with her backside in the air. She then straightened up to smile at me and take her first shaky steps towards me. I was so surprised that I dropped my coffee and ruined the carpet. Elena’s first word was ‘Dada’ which became ‘Dad-eee’ and then ‘Daddy’. Her second word was ‘Moon’ after she heard Mikey say it. He was really surprised when she said moon and got onto his knees in front of her, trying to coax her to say it again. After that he spent ages trying to get her to say ‘Mikey’ which was a lost cause.

”C’mon Elena; say ‘Mikey’! my-key. Mikey.”


I laughed at Mikey’s disappointment. He sighed heavily at yet another failed attempt to teach her to say his name. Elena giggled as he flopped back onto his back with a frustrated groan. I smiled as she clambered up onto Mikey’s stomach and leant closer to poke his cheek. He stayed totally frozen until she got right up in his face. Her squeals echoed all around us as he suddenly jumped to life and grabbed her, tickling her sides. She giggled again and patted his cheek affectionately, climbing off of him and toddling over to me, straining her arms to be picked up. With a fond roll of my eyes, I bent down and lifted her into my arms, balancing her on my hip.

“Cor, you’re getting heavy,” I exclaimed “What’ve I been feeding you?”

She chuckled and kissed my cheek sloppily.

“D-daddy.” She said proudly, patting my cheek like she had done to Mikey.

I smirked at him in a mocking manner. He stuck his tongue out and got up from the floor.

“Aha,” He said, snapping his fingers “She can say ‘Daddy’ but can she say ‘Gerard’?”

“No,” I replied “That’s too hard for a little kid.”

“Ha!” He cried triumphantly “Daddy! No Gerard!”


Both mine and Mikey’s eyes widened with shock. Had she just said that? She smiled, obviously proud of herself.

“What was that sweetie?” I questioned “What did you say?”

She just grinned at us both. Mikey smirked in a ‘ha!’ way.


And his face fell again

“Day-dreaming again?” Frankie questioned, running his fingers through my shortened hair.

“Mmhm! Thinking about when Elena first started talking.”

“Aww,” He cooed “You’re making me all warm and fuzzy inside now.”

“That’s just you,” I exclaimed “Everything makes you warm and fuzzy inside.”

“Yep.” He giggled.

I sighed and pulled him into me. He tucked his feet up under him and wound an arm round my waist. His long fingers tickled my side, making me squirm and protest. He giggled as I ended up on my back underneath him. My eyes locked with his for a moment, attempting to penetrate them and learn what was happening in his head.

“I know I said this earlier and stuff but-“

“You love me?” He concluded, taking the words right outta’ my mouth.

I smiled and nodded. His beautiful face was illuminated by a sweet smile as he leant closer to me and kissed me. I ran my hands through his hair, carefully relieving it of any tangles.

“It’s always more romantic if you let me say it.” I laughed, tapping his nose.

“Well I didn’t,” He replied, tapping my nose back “And it proves just how much I love you and how well I know you if I can finish your sentences.”

“Mm,” I agreed “True.”

“Oh and I love you too, Gee,” He smiled, lying on me and kissing my jaw “I love you so so much.”