This Still Belongs to You and Always Will

Chapter 8

Louzher left a comment saying that the last chapter reminded her of Spongebob and Patrick raising a baby clam...Would this be a bad time to say I don't like Spongebob? The only thing I like from that show is Gary!

Elena’s P.O.V:

Saturday’s finally here. No getting up at ridiculously early times to spend six hours trapped in an ugly squat red brick building that smells of B.O and gum. Just a nice long lie-in, enjoying my beautiful relationship with my duvet.



“What?” I groaned, pulling my pillow from over my head.

Frank’s head poked round the door after a quick knock. I groaned and pulled the pillow back over my face. The bed shifted as he sat down at the end. Reluctantly, I removed the pillow again to look at him, sitting cross-legged at the end of my bed in his old Misfits hoodie and a pair of jeans. They say we’re approaching summer but its still absolutely freezing.

“What d’you want?” I mocked, sitting up and rubbing my eyes.

“It’s Saturday.” He said.


Sat-ur-day.” He repeated slowly.

“So what?”

“So you don’t wanna’ go into town and have a little mooch around in search of your birthday presents?”

Presents?!” I parroted, my ears pricking instantly “Oh crap…that was today wasn’t it?”

No,” He replied sarcastically “I just felt like getting up unnaturally early on my day off work to wake you up for the hell of it!”

“Really?” I questioned “Don’t make a habit of it unless you’re feeling suicidal.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.” He promised…

…Ok, yes I do still shop with my Dads and yes I do enjoy it thank you very much. Dad and Frank make very good shopping partners. They don’t take everything seriously like Katie does, who talks designer labels as if they were close friends of hers. We’ll run round all the different stores and try the strangest outfits on or recommend different CD’s to each other in the music stores and stuff. Last time, Dad wrapped a pink, feather boa round his neck, pulled on a pair of designer sunglasses with a label I’ve never heard of and a fancy hat. He then strutted round the store and started talking fashion to complete strangers. We almost got kicked out ‘cause of it but it was worth it.

“What about that ps2 game you wanted?” Frank suggested “Wasn’t it one of those Resident Evil ones?”

“Outbreak file 2,” I agreed “Are you sure you’re not just suggesting that ‘cause you wanna’ play it?”

Yes I’m very big on video games and Resident Evil. I have both the movies and I have a few of the video games! I’ve got; Resident Evil, Resident Evil 3: Nemesis, Resident Evil Survivor, Resident Evil outbreak and Resident Evil 4. Dad and Frankie like playing them too. But Dad’s hopeless! He’s currently developed an obsession with Resident Evil 4 and plays it non-stop on the ps2 in the living room. He’s making very S-L-O-W progress! At the moment I believe he’s on the Del Lagon which is a giant fish thing in a lake you have to cross in order to get to the water mill to get the ‘round insignia’ you need to get into the church. I had to help him get that far too! He got stuck on the very first chapter which made us all laugh.

”Ahhhhhh! Elena!”

“What?!” I cried, dashing into the room in a sudden panic.

“Get him away from me! Get him away from meee!” Dad wailed, gesturing to the paused video game.

“What’s wrong?” I questioned.

“I was wandering along, minding my own business and then this crazy guy with a rake appeared outta’ nowhere and tried to kill me!”

“Yeah they will try and do that.” I replied, rolling my eyes and settling down on the floor to shoot the ‘crazy guy with the rake’.

I’d killed him in under 0.5 seconds. Dad sat behind me and wailed every time someone attacked me. Eventually, I got him to the village and returned the controller.

“Don’t worry! There’s no one there.” I lied, leaving the room hastily before he realised I’d left him with, like, five hundred people to kill.

“Ahhhh! Get back you son of a – YIKES – Ahhhh crazy guy throwing axes – ELENA!”

I smirked from my room and shut the door.

“I might wanna’ play it every now and then,” Frankie hinted “Zombie elephants sound cool.”

I laughed as we entered the video game store.

Just a little filler I’m afraid