To Find Love Where You Least Expect


I must have been the only person I knew who didn't have a date that Saturday night. Even my fourteen-year-old brother had gone out a few hours earlier, shouting something about going to the cinema with a girl.

But not me. Oh no. I spent my Saturday evenings watching Doctor Who reruns on TV whilst working my way through the seemingly endless supply of chocolate raisins that always seemed to be lying around. That Saturday was no exception.

And to be perfectly honest, I had no problem with spending my Saturday nights watching sci-fi shows and consuming inordinate amounts of chocolate. I had more fun than I would’ve done playing gooseberry with my friends.

But sometimes, it just felt a bit, you know, sad. As in pathetic. I mean, I was fifteen for crying out loud. Fifteen-year-olds should not waste their precious Saturday’s watching stuff they’ve only seen a million times before.

But it wasn't like I had another choice. Like I said, practically all my friends were out with their boyfriends or girlfriends. I had neither.

So there I was, curled up on the sofa, a blanket around me because I was absolutely freezing, gazing adoringly at David Tennant while stuffing chocolate-covered fruit into my mouth. It was just another Saturday night.

But it was about to get a hell of a lot more interesting.

The doorbell rang, echoing throughout the whole house. I was reluctant to answer it; it wouldn’t be for me. But I was the only one in, so I had to.

Throwing off the blanket, I got to my feet and trudged to the door. I thrust it open, fully expecting one of my brother's mates, or even a door-to-door salesman trying to sell me British Gas. But it was neither of those.

"Rhys!" I exclaimed, staring at my best friend. "I thought you were busy tonight."

He grinned broadly. "Nice to see you too, Phoebes. Andy cancelled. He got a date." Rhys rolled his cheeky brown eyes, letting me know exactly what he thought of that.

I stifled a giggle behind my hands. "Oh Rhys, you poor boy. You got stood up."

"I was not stood up," he replied stubbornly.

"Whatever helps you sleep better at night, mate," I teased.

"Fine," he huffed. "I'll just go home and you won’t get to hear my lovely proposition."

I have to admit, I was curious. "What proposition?"

"Well, I figured you're all alone, I'm alone, it's a Saturday night so we might as well spend it together," he replied slyly.

I arched an eyebrow. "You're going to have to do better than that."

"I hadn't finished yet," he said indignantly. "I am giving you, Phoebe Ashley Greenwood, the exclusive opportunity of a lifetime. For one night only, you get to go on a date with me."

My eyes nearly popped out of my head. “Sorry, what?”

“Not a real date,” he said hastily at the shocked look on my face. “I just figured, you haven’t got a date, I haven’t got a date…” he trailed off, looking awkward.

Of course it’s not a real date, idiot, I scolded myself. Like he’d want to go out with you.

“Well, it’d probably be my only opportunity to see what a date’s like,” I attempted to joke. “So yeah. Why not?”

He smiled, relieved. “Great. Let’s go.”

Grabbing a jacket, I wrapped it around my shoulders and shut the front door behind me.

“So, where do you want to go on this fake date?” Rhys asked. “I was thinking dinner and a movie.”

I made a face. “God no. This fake date has to be at least a little bit original. Let’s go to… Costa Coffee.”

He laughed, nodding his agreement. “Very original.”

“Shut up,” I retorted. “Can you think of anything better?”

“Costa Coffee it is,” he replied, shoving his hands in his pockets.

“I’m not even dressed properly,” I muttered self-consciously. “I must look awful.”

“No you don’t. You look beautiful.”

Rhys blushed and turned away. I didn't know quite what to say to that, so I said nothing. There was silence for a few minutes as we walked down the road.

“You know, if this were a real date,” he said suddenly, “this would be the part where we’d make small talk to try and get to know each other.”

“But we do know each other,” I replied, confused. “So what's the point?”

He grinned cheekily. "I have an idea. Instead of asking each other questions, we have to answer questions about each other."

I was catching on. "So you mean, if I was to ask, 'What's my favourite colour?' you'd say-"

"Blue," he interrupted, smiling. "Exactly."

"Okay. You first."

He thought for a second. "Most humiliating childhood memory?"

I chuckled. "When your mum made you go to school in that awful bobble hat. You looked like Father Christmas."

He glared at me. "Thanks a lot."

"You're welcome. Best day of my life?"

"When we went to see Enter Shikari last year and you got to meet them," he replied, correctly, grinning at me. "The girl I had a huge crush on in Year 5?"

I giggled, remembering. "Sandra Tilley. You thought she was beautiful, simply because she was the only girl in our year who wore a bra."

He nudged me. "It wasn't just because of that. She had a very nice personality."

I stifled a snort. "Whatever you say."

We turned into Costa Coffee, still talking animatedly. The girl behind the till smiled widely at Rhys, but barely gave me a second glance.

"Hi, how can I help you?" she greeted him, smiling in what was obviously supposed to be a flirtatious way.

"Hi," he replied, to my annoyance. "I'll have a coffee, please, and a… hot chocolate?" He turned to me for confirmation and I nodded.

"I'll bring it over to you as soon as I can," she replied, still staring at Rhys, in much the same way I stared at David Tennant earlier that night.

"I bet you will," I muttered under my breath, irked, as we made our way over to a free table. I could feel her eyes boring envious holes in my back, and had to remind myself that it wasn't a real date and there was no reason for me to be jealous.

"That girl fancies you," I remarked as we sat down.

Rhys made a face. "Hmm."

"I would've thought you'd like the attention," I teased.

He made a dismissive noise in his throat. “Yeah. Well.”

All of a sudden, I felt awkward. I didn't know what to say next. We lapsed into a strange uncomfortable silence. I was almost grateful when the girl from the till came over with our drinks, flirted shamelessly with Rhys for a few minutes, then finally left us alone.


Rhys insisted on walking me home from Costa Coffee. The awkward silence settled once more, and I found myself at a loss for what to say or do. Eventually, we stopped outside my house, and I tried not to sigh too loudly with relief.

"Thanks for tonight," I said awkwardly, blowing on my hands to warm them up. "I had a great time."

"Me too," he grinned. "Glad you didn't think it was a complete fail."

"I can safely say it's the best date I've ever had," I said teasingly, "but that's because it was the only."

“Shut up,” he responded. “You know you love me.”

Another awkward silence followed. I was starting to hate them. Scuffing the toe of my shoes on the tarmac, I tried to think of something to say. But Rhys beat me to it.

"You know, there's a rumour going round that you're a lesbian," he said, giving me a sidelong glance. “Are you?”

I blanched. "No. I just haven't met anyone I'd like to go out with yet, or more pertinently, who'd like to go out with me."

"Oh, I can think of a few people," he said softly.

"Oh yeah? Like who."

"Like me," he replied quietly, so quietly I thought he misheard.

My eyes widened. "What?"

Rhys sighed, raking a hand through his hair. "What do I have to do to convince you, Phoebes? This?"

He stooped down to my level, his soft brown eyes locked on mine, and closed the distance between us with a kiss. When he pulled away he looked at me, his eyes serious.

“So?” he said softly.

I licked my lips nervously. “So?”

“You’re really going to make me say it, aren’t you?” He exhaled slowly and looked back at me. “Do you, Phoebe Ashley Greenwood, like me as much as I quite obviously like you?”

“That would be a resounding yes,” I replied softly. “I mean, who wouldn’t?”

A relieved grin broke out on his face. “Really?”

“Really,” I smiled. “I didn't realise until tonight, when that waitress was hitting on you. I just felt so indescribably jealous, and something clicked in me.”

He smiled back. “I’m glad.”

“Me too,” I whispered.

I leaned forward and hugged him tightly. “Rhys?”


“Can I call you babe?”

I could practically feel his grin. “Whatever you makes you happy, babycakes.”

I stifled a giggle. “How about muffin cake?”

His voice was stern. “I draw the line at muffin cake.”

I pulled away, the smile threatening to split my face. “What do you think the others will say?”

“Do you honestly care?”

I considered this for a second. “Nope.”

“Me neither.”

He leaned forward and kissed me again. It occurred to me momentarily how weird this was. I never expected that my first date would be with my best friend, or that I would enjoy just going out for coffee so much.

But that’s love for you. It always pops up where you least expect it.
♠ ♠ ♠
Meh. Not sure what I think of this, really.
It was sweet and fun to write, though. :)