Kiss it Better

Kiss it Better

“So you get in tomorrow at what time?”
“At about 2 tomorrow afternoon. I’m gonna spend the night in Toronto and catch the flight tomorrow.”
“Ok. Listen, Jenna, I gotta go. I need to take a nap and do some cleaning before the game tonight.”
“Alright Brent, I’ve got to finish packing anyway. Be careful tonight. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“You know I will. I love you Babe.”
“Love you too, Sweetie.” I ended the call and packed up my cell phone as zipped up my suitcase.
My name is Jenna Fitzpatrick and I’m 20 years old. My boyfriend’s Brent Seabrook and we’ve been together for a total of four and a half years now. I met Brent when I was fifteen and my dad was coaching the World Junior Team. We started dating when Brent got drafted to Chicago, and my dad secured a job as assistant coach for the Blackhawks. Although my family maintained residence in Chicago, I went to school at Carleton University in Ottawa. It’s my hometown and I figured that someone had to stay and guard the family home.
I went to the airport and boarded my flight. I had made sure that I booked a flight that was early enough that I would have time to catch a connector in case something happened to Brent, and late enough so I wouldn’t have to deal with rush hour traffic.
I got off the plane and checked my cell phone. No text messages. Hmm, that was odd. Brent always texted me during games, especially when they were finished. The game had been over for almost half an hour now and I still haven’t heard from him. I was about to dial his number when my phone started ringing.
“Jenna? It’s Patrick.”
“Oh hey, Sharpie. How was the game?”
“Not great. We ended up losing pretty bad in the third.”
“That sucks, Sharpie. But, why are you calling me and not that lovely boyfriend of mine?”
“That’s why I called. Brent got hurt tonight.”
“What? How bad?” I asked, making my way from baggage claim and sitting down on one of the couches.
“He took a skate to the head. He’s not cut or anything, but he’s pretty disorientated. He says he’s got a headache and the doctors are checking him over before they send him home. Tazer got hurt too.”
“Oh my god. But they’re both going to be ok, right.”
“Yeah. They’re going to be fine. Just some rest and Tylenol will do the trick. I just figured that I’d call and let you know before anyone else did.”
“Thanks, Patrick. I’m glad you did. Do you think I’d be able to talk to Brent?”
“Umm, he’s still in with the doctor. But, he told me to tell you that he’ll be fine and he’ll call you as soon as he gets home.”
“Haha, of course he told you to say that. Alright. I’m going to see if I can get on one of the flights for tonight. I really want to be there with him now.”
“I know you do, Jen. Call me when you figure out what’s going on. Your parents are going to take Seabs and Jonny to the hospital now. So I can pick you up if you need me to.”
“Oh, Sharpie, you’re a god send. I’ll give you a call once I get everything sorted out.” I hung up the phone and made my way to the departures gate of the airport.
“Can I help you miss?”
“Umm, actually, you can. I have a reservation for tomorrow morning, but I need to get to Chicago tonight.”
“May I ask why you need to change flights?” She politely asked, looking up my reservation on her computer.
“My boyfriend was in an accident and I don’t want him to spend the night alone in the hospital.” Ok, so maybe I lied a little, but she doesn’t need to know that.
“Oh, Sweetie, that’s just terrible. Let me see what I have for you.” She typed away on her computer for what felt like an eternity. “Well, I’ve got one seat left on the flight that leaves in two hours. Is that ok?”
“That’s perfect. Do I owe you anything?” I asked, getting my wallet and credit card out.
“Oh no dear. The seat is in first class, and although there’s a fee for switching reservations and being in first class, I’m just going to wave it because of your situation.” She smiled.
“Thank you so much. You don’t know how much this means to me.”
“I think I have an idea. I’ve been in your situation more than once. My son plays hockey and I’m always afraid something’s going to happen to him and I won’t be able to get to him.” She said, handing me my boarding pass.
“Thank you so much.”
“You’re very welcome dear. Have a great trip and I hope your boyfriend feels better.” She smiled and waved me off.
After I got through customs, I texted Sharpie to let him know what time my flight would get into Chicago, and then I called my mother. She worked as medical coordinator for the team so she would definitely know what was going on.
She picked up after the third ring. “Jenna, honey, is that you?”
“Hey, Mom. What’s up?”
“Oh nothing much, just sitting here at the hospital. I suppose you’ve already heard what happened.”
“Yeah, Sharpie called me. And don’t worry about not calling me, I know that you’re busy. How’s Brent doing?”
“Not too bad. He’s got a nasty bruise on his jaw and he’s pretty disorientated at the moment. The neurologist sent him up for a CAT scan and we’re just waiting for that to finish.”
“What about Jon?”
“Jonathan is pretty much in the same boat. He took a shoulder to his head so his headache is a little worse than Brent’s, but they’re both going to be fine. Dear, why do you sound like you’re in an airport?”
“That’s because I am. When I found out about Brent I knew that I had to get to Chicago as fast as possible, so I changed my reservation and I’m getting on the plane in 45 minutes.”
“Oh, Sweetie, he’s going to be so excited to see you. We’ll try to have him home and settled in by the time you land. Is Patrick picking you up at the airport?”
“Yeah, he figured that you and dad would both be busy at the hospital so he offered to come get me.”
“That’s sweet of him. Did you want me to tell Brent that you’re coming?”
“I’d rather you didn’t. I want it to be a surprise. Do you think they’ll have to stay overnight in the hospital?” I asked, slightly worried about the answer she’d give me.
“I don’t think so. Unless there’s bleeding on the brain or something is broken or fractured, no. I’d say that he’ll be at the apartment by the time you land.”
“Speaking of landing, they’re about to board my flight. I won’t see you tonight unless you’re at Brent’s, but I’ll definitely see you tomorrow.”
“Alright honey, I love you. I’ll tell Brent you’ll call him after.” Mom said, playing along.
“Ok. I love you too. Bye.” I hung up and boarded my flight to Chicago.
Once I landed, I turned my phone on and noticed that Brent had left me a voicemail, along with six text messages. They all read the same, but the voicemail was something I never heard out of his mouth before.
“Hey, Love. I guess you’re still in transit or you’re sleeping, but something happened tonight. I got hit in the face with a skate and I couldn’t finish the game. I’m not feeling too good, but I’ll be ok. Listen though; I don’t think I’ll be able to come get you at the airport tomorrow. Anyway, call me when you get this. I love you.”
Brent’s never been this honest about how he was feeling after an injury. He always tried to hide the pain, mask it behind something else. But, to show how truly hurt he was, scared me to know that he was actually hurt.
After grabbing my bags and jumping into Sharpie’s car, I made a quick phone call to my mom. She said that Brent was going to be fine and that he was at home resting. Sharpie dropped me off and I made my way into Brent’s building and over to the elevators.
“Excuse me, Miss. Do you live here?” I heard someone from the security desk ask me.
“No, my boyfriend does. I’m here to surprise him.”
“What apartment?” The guard asked.
“1267, Brent Seabrook.” I said.
“I’m sorry. You just can’t go up there. You know what kind of status he has, don’t you?”
“I’m obviously well aware of that. I am dating the man.”
“Why haven’t I seen you here before then?”
“I live in Ottawa. My family also lives here in Chicago.”
“I’m sorry. There’s no mention of you coming here on the security list. Now, you’ll have to leave or I’ll call the police to escort you off the property.”
“Excuse me? Who’s the senior officer on duty?”
“Officer Nichols.”
“Could you get him for me?”
She radioed for the officer to come to the front, calling me a ‘situation’.
“Jenna? What a surprise. I thought Brent said that you weren’t coming until tomorrow.”
“Technically I’m not. But, I know he’s hurt so I pulled some strings and got on one of the flights tonight. Have you seen him since he’s been back?”
He nodded. “I was out on the desk when your mom brought him home. He doesn’t look good, Jenna. But, this is Brent we’re talking about. A little sleep and some TLC and he’ll be fine.”
“Exactly. Is it ok if I go up to the apartment now? The officer on the desk seems to think it’s a problem.”
“No darling, go on up. She’s new. Don’t worry about her. But from now on, just go on up.” He smiled, ushering me to the elevator while giving the other officer an evil look.
“Thanks dear. I’ll bring down some soup for you later on tonight.” I smiled, getting in the elevator and pressing the number 12.
Getting off the elevator, I stepped in front of Brent’s door and knocked lightly. I jumped to the side so he wouldn’t know I was here right away.
The door creaked open and Brent stood in the door way. Looking to his right, he found no one. Looking to his left, he found me leaning on my suitcase.
“Hey, handsome. I heard you got in a fight with someone’s skate. And by the look of your face, I take it the skate won?” I smiled.
“Jenna? What are you doing here? You’re not supposed to be here until tomorrow!” Brent said, leaning in to hug me and resting his forehead on my shoulder.
“Well, I landed in Toronto and found it a little weird that you hadn’t called or texted me during the game. Sharpie called me a little while after I turned my phone on and told me about what happened. I managed to get on a flight tonight, and ta da, I’m here. Now, come on, let’s get you inside and in bed.”
“Babe, I’m going to be fine. The doctor just said I’m going to have a headache for a few days and the bruise on my jaw is going to get worse before it gets better. I’ll be back on the ice tomorrow.” Brent said, closing the door behind him.
“Brent Nathaniel Seabrook, you have a concussion. Don’t you dare tell me you don’t have one cause I know you do. Now, go get in the shower and I’ll make you something to eat.” I ordered, laying my coat on the couch and heading into the kitchen.
“Yes, Mam. “ He laughed and went into the bathroom.
After I heard the shower shut off, I poured up two bowls of soup and set them on a tray. Grabbing three glasses, I filled two with water and the other with orange juice. After making sure that I had put the painkillers, crackers, and spoons on the tray, I waited until I heard the tv in the bedroom turn on before I started to make my way to the room.
“Now, baby. You’ve got to eat something before you take the painkillers, so I figured soup would be easier on your stomach.” I placed the tray at the foot of the bed before I crawled in beside Brent.
We ate in relative silence, occasionally talking and watching tv.
“Ok, I’m full. And my head hurts a whole lot more than it did a few hours ago.”
“I’m sorry Baby. Here, take the pills and go to sleep.” I smiled, handing him the glass of water and the two pills.
Brent swallowed them with relative ease as I took the tray out to the kitchen. Walking back to the bedroom, Brent was already snuggled into the covers and his eyes were closed. I assumed he was sleeping so I quickly and quietly got ready and slid into bed.
“I’m not asleep you know.” Brent whispered.
“I thought you were. Did you need anything?” I asked.
“Just one thing, that’s all.”
“What’s that?”
“Kiss it better.”
I giggled. “Oh, Brent, of course I’ll kiss it better.”
I placed light butterfly kisses along the bruise on his jaw and up the side of his face to his forehead. I laid a few gentle kisses on the top of his forehead and on the top of his head before I placed a passionate kiss on his lips.
“I love you, Jenna.”
“I love you too Brent. Now, go to sleep.” I said, running my fingers through his hair as he fell asleep.
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