


Pete looked up - his head, hung over in both ways, ached. His eyes stung, tears that he held back because daddy taught him not to cry, not to ever show emotion, and like son, like father, he didn’t show how he ever felt. She was angry, frustrated. Sad eyes stared back, looking straight through his empty heart.

"Please don't tell me it's the truth."

He finally spoke, voice cracking and tears falling. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

"Is it the truth?" She asked, shaking in anger.

"The truth, the absolute truth and nothing but the fucking truth." Pete's baby cheeks were stained in black tears, liquid mixing in his eyeliner from last night. "I didn't mean to do this to you. I sh-shouldn't have done that to you." He stuttered, feeling his heart and his stomach break into a million pieces. "I don't deserve you."

"No, that's not it." Her voice was shaking now, quiet and remorseful. "I - I don't know why. I only ever wanted you for what you were, that night."

"And what I was, was an insolent, greedy monster. I am so sorry." He cried, his voice pleading as she began to turn away. "I'm so fucking sorry."

Footsteps marked the snow she walked away in, tears falling from her face, leaving pock-mark scars in the cold ground.

And now he asked himself,

"Will you ever look back?

Will you ever think of me?"

"Please don't."
♠ ♠ ♠
242 words.